Shweta Tiwari is the favored fighter of the crowd here tonight. You couldn't even count the number of signs with her name on them. She flexes her body for the crowd as they start to chant her name. Madison Iseman is the favored fighter of the crowd here tonight. You couldn't even count the number of signs with her name on them. She flexes her body for the crowd as they start to chant her name. Shweta Tiwari glares at her opponent from the opposite corner. She's confident she can win this. Madison Iseman glares at her opponent from the opposite corner. She's confident she can win this. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. It should be a pretty fair match tonight. I can't pick which fighter will be raising her fists after this match. Shweta Tiwari comes with a 2 fight winning streak. The referee of the bout is Autumn Reeser. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= The first round bell sounds and Shweta's already talking trash to Madison Iseman, "Time for you to lose! Prepare yourself!" Shweta Tiwari tries a middle kick. Her leg shooting out... Madison blocks and steps away. Madison Iseman goes to the body... Her punches graze Shweta's arm and have zero effect. Shweta Tiwari throws a low kick with her toned leg. Madison blocks with ease, she's laughing at Shweta! Talk about arrogance. Shweta gets sloppy and Madison Iseman tries to take advantage... A right hand from Madison Iseman... Yes! She makes Shweta stumble back! The clock says 0:50 in the 1 round Madison Iseman's measuring Shweta Tiwari with her jab. Good accuracy on the part of Madison. Those jabs are well delivered and on target. Madison Iseman decides to launch some tentative punches... Nothing from this exchange. Madison moves back and takes a deep breath, her breasts rise and fall as sweat runs down her cleavage. The clock says 1:05 in the 1 round Shweta Tiwari goes in with a looping right hand while Madison Iseman jumps back and jabs. That one hits, but Madison seems unaffected. She's countering with a few punches of her own. Great exchange here. Madison seems hesitant, it's as if she is happy to give the initiative to her opponent. Madison Iseman goes in with a looping right hand while Shweta Tiwari jumps back and jabs. Madison seems staggered and Shweta runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Good looking front kick from Shweta Tiwari... Madison blocks with grim determination, "Come on, Shweta. That all you got?" Shweta Tiwari wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Madison Iseman. Shweta moves forward and holds Madison, their breasts pressing against each other. Madison Iseman pushes away Shweta Tiwari, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Shweta Tiwari doesn't want to break the clinch. She's still grappling with Madison Iseman. The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. A flying knee from Shweta Tiwari towards Madison Iseman's face! She hits it! What a strike, surely that hurts. Madison can't take many of those hits. Madison Iseman doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Shweta Tiwari's embrace and tries to move away. Nice move from Madison Iseman who puts some distance between herself and Shweta Tiwari. Madison Iseman and Shweta Tiwari engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are connecting, this could be ending soon if either lands a lucky punch. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Madison's Right eye. Nice punches from Madison Iseman. Even nicer blocks from Shweta. Nice punch by Madison Iseman. She outboxes Shweta in this exchange with some solid hits. Shweta Tiwari decides to launch some tentative punches... Madison takes the best of a brief punching exchange. The clock says 2:40 in the 1 round Superb haymaker by Madison Iseman... It smashes into Shweta's face like a cannonball! Ohhh, she's not so pretty now. You can say goodbye to that modeling contract, love. Madison Iseman shoots for a double leg takedown! Shweta wobbles and manages to stay on her feet. Madison Iseman launches a stiff jab, it's aimed directly at Shweta Tiwari's face! That barely hits Shweta's face but it seems like one finger has poked her eye! Does the referee see that? Autumn Reeser didn't see the foul! Shweta Tiwari shoots for a double leg takedown! Madison wobbles and manages to stay on her feet. Madison is trying to counter now... Madison Iseman gets control of Shweta Tiwari's neck and attempts a guillotine! Shweta shakes her off and survives. Shweta Tiwari tries to bring the fight to the ground. She wants Madison on the mat. Madison won't budge! She's forcing Shweta to pull guard. Madison Iseman is in closed guard over Shweta. Madison Iseman looks to power up and open Shweta Tiwari's guard... Madison forces Shweta to open her guard. Such strength, I would hate to meet Madison in a dark alley. Madison Iseman is in open guard over Shweta. Shweta Tiwari tries to close her guard around Madison Iseman. Shweta's not able to do it, there's a definite look of worry on her face. Madison Iseman is in open guard over Shweta. Madison Iseman could be in trouble here as Shweta Tiwari's trying to close her guard around her. Success for Shweta! Nicely done, hopefully she can take some advantage here. Madison Iseman is in closed guard over Shweta. Madison Iseman tries to open up Shweta Tiwari with a few strikes using her right elbow... Shweta blocks a few elbows. Now Madison will have to look for another option. Poorly executed technique from Madison. Shweta looks to counter... Deep breaths from Shweta Tiwari who tries a hammer punch to Madison Iseman's chest. Madison blocks those punches. Madison Iseman is in closed guard over Shweta. Madison Iseman tries to escape from the closed guard... Shweta waits for a moment and then tries to roll! Too late for Madison! She's reversed and now Shweta is on half guard! The clock says 4:20 in the 1 round Shweta Tiwari is in half guard over Madison. Madison Iseman is moving on the looks like she may have something in evil mind here... Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did she do that intentionally? What an evil move by Madison! Autumn Reeser didn't see the foul! The clock says 4:30 in the 1 round Shweta Tiwari is in half guard over Madison. Shweta Tiwari is trying to pass Madison Iseman's guard... Shweta passes momentarily, but Madison sees an opening and traps her in full guard. Shweta Tiwari is in open guard over Madison. Shweta Tiwari tries to pass to half guard... Madison can't prevent her opponent from passing. Shweta looks to work from half guard. The clock says 4:55 in the 1 round Shweta Tiwari is in half guard over Madison. Shweta Tiwari is trying to better her position on the ground and launches a couple of elbows against Madison Iseman's ribs and breasts. Madison blocks Shweta's moves and tries to reverse the situation. The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. Referee Autumn Reeser tells the fighters to go to their corners. I don't think either fighter got the better of their opponent that round. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Shweta Tiwari tries to bring the fight to the ground. She wants Madison on the mat. Madison won't budge! She's forcing Shweta to pull guard. Madison Iseman is in closed guard over Shweta. 0:27 Round 2 and Shweta's still in good shape. She sure has trained hard for this fight. I just love watching her compete. Madison Iseman is in closed guard, as Shweta Tiwari tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Shweta's now in full mount over Madison. Shweta Tiwari is in full mount position over Madison Iseman. Madison Iseman's using some of her ground skills to escape from this... Shweta pushes Madison down and prevents her attempts to escape. Shweta is trying to counter now... Shweta Tiwari tries to launch a few punches at Madison Iseman. Madison's able to close her guard and counter Shweta's punches. "Get up, girls. The crowd want some action." Autumn Reeser is calling for both fighters to regain their feet and continue, the crowd are happy with that decision. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Shweta and Madison glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Shweta Tiwari steps forward... Madison feints and survives. Shweta tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Shweta Tiwari moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Madison pushes Shweta and keeps the fight at striking range. Madison Iseman launches a solid middle kick. That kick whizzes pass Shweta. Shweta is trying to counter now... Shweta Tiwari launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Madison blocks, showing some great skill. Madison Iseman and Shweta Tiwari engage in a wild exchange of punches! Shweta is getting the best of the exchange. She's landing a few blows. Madison Iseman lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Shweta receives a hard blow on her right leg! An inside leg kick from Madison Iseman. The kick goes awry and Madison almost loses her balance. She must be careful not to over commit on those kicks. Madison gets sloppy and Shweta Tiwari tries to take advantage... Shweta Tiwari goes to the body... Her punches graze Madison's arm and have zero effect. Madison Iseman paws at Shweta Tiwari. Shweta swings ineffectively and backs away. Shweta gets sloppy and Madison Iseman tries to take advantage... Madison Iseman goes to the body... Her punches graze Shweta's arm and have zero effect. Shweta Tiwari attempts a sweep single... Madison was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt. Madison Iseman shoots for a double leg takedown! She hits it! Shweta is taken off her feet...oh! but she manages to pull Madison into her guard. Madison Iseman is in closed guard over Shweta. Madison Iseman struggles on the ground and tries to break Shweta Tiwari's guard... Madison's in Shweta's open guard now. Nice work from Madison. Madison Iseman is in open guard over Shweta. Madison Iseman tries to pass to half guard... Shweta can't prevent her opponent from passing. Madison looks to work from half guard. Madison Iseman is in half guard over Shweta. Madison Iseman looks like she's trying to pass Shweta Tiwari's guard... Madison manages to get her toned leg free and moves to side mount. Madison Iseman is in a side mount over Shweta Tiwari. Madison's taking this opportunity to rest. Madison Iseman is in a side mount over Shweta Tiwari. The two fighters are on the canvas. The crowd watches as Madison Iseman looks to mount Shweta Tiwari... Madison slides her knee across and gets to mount. The clock says 3:00 in the 2 round Madison Iseman is in full mount position over Shweta Tiwari. Madison Iseman is moving on the looks like she may have something in evil mind here... Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did she do that intentionally? What an evil move by Madison! Autumn Reeser didn't see that! Give her some glasses! Madison Iseman is in full mount position over Shweta Tiwari. Shweta Tiwari tries to roll to her side and trap Madison Iseman in her guard... Madison keeps good control and remains in full mount. Madison Iseman is in full mount position over Shweta Tiwari. Madison Iseman attempts to better her position on the ground... Nice show of MMA skill here. Madison's now in a great position to begin a round of pounding! Madison Iseman is in full mount position over Shweta Tiwari. Madison Iseman tries to keep her position. That look in her eye, I think she wants to begin a good pounding session... Madison controls the situation despite Shweta's efforts of escaping from the full mount. Madison Iseman is in full mount position over Shweta Tiwari. Shweta Tiwari tries to roll to her side and get to half guard... Madison rolls Shweta to her stomach and takes her back! Oh boy, Shweta's breasts are being pushed into the ground! Madison is in rear mount over Shweta. Shweta Tiwari launches a few weak punches. Madison blocks them effectively. Shweta needs to get more steam behind those hits. Poorly executed technique from Shweta. Madison looks to counter... Madison Iseman tries to get a hook in! Things get worse for Shweta! Madison has one hook in and keeps working! Madison is in rear mount over Shweta with one hook in. Shweta Tiwari's trying to escape from the rear mount. Shweta tries to use some of her tricky moves, but Madison Iseman's smart enough to counter her. The clock says 4:10 in the 2 round Madison is in rear mount over Shweta with one hook in. Shweta Tiwari's trying to escape from the rear mount. Shweta tries to use some of her tricky moves, but Madison Iseman's smart enough to counter her. Madison is in rear mount over Shweta with one hook in. Madison breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground. The crowd appreciate her getting these girls back to their feet. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens (Miami, Florida, USA) are cheering for the girls. Madison Iseman goes in with a looping right hand while Shweta Tiwari jumps back and jabs. Madison only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless. Solid low kick from Shweta Tiwari. Madison deflects it and she looks to counter attack. She's always looking for an opening. Shweta Tiwari is holding Madison's right leg. Madison should never have got herself in this spot, Shweta is trying to take her down. Madison shows great balance while pushing away Shweta. Shweta gets sloppy and Madison Iseman tries to take advantage... Madison Iseman fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut. Crack! It lands on Shweta's chin. What a bell ringer! The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. Referee Autumn Reeser tells the fighters to go to their corners. Close round. It could go to either fighter. ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= Brutal-looking high kick from Madison Iseman! Look out Shweta Tiwari! Shweta dodges! How the hell did she escape that one? The clock says 0:20 in the 3 round This fight is awfully one sided. Matchmakers should take this into account for future fights between these two. A surprise roundhouse punch by Shweta. Madison's reflexes save her! Just. Madison is trying to counter now... Shweta Tiwari steps forward... Madison catches her with an uppercut to the face! That will leave a bruise on her cheek! Madison Iseman's one of those women capable of pounding you into oblivion! She can beat the clothes right off you and pound on your tits until they're black and blue. Madison Iseman moves aside and launches a furious low kick! Shweta checks the kick. Madison Iseman avoids a dangerous strike from Shweta Tiwari... Madison counters with a solid straight! That's just beautiful to watch! Erk...someone call for a makeup artist! Shweta's Mouth is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Shweta Tiwari jumps over Madison and tries to grapple. Madison sees that coming and ducks under Shweta. She moves aside and avoids the grapple. A surprise roundhouse punch by Shweta. Holy shit! It looks like Madison was hit by a bus! Shweta Tiwari paws at Madison Iseman. Madison swings ineffectively and backs away. Madison misses a step and Shweta sees an opportunity to counter her... Shweta Tiwari moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Madison pushes Shweta and keeps the fight at striking range. The clock says 1:20 in the 3 round Madison Iseman sets up a throw... Shweta flies through the air! Talk about airborne! And then a crash landing that must have bruised her. The clock says 1:30 in the 3 round Madison Iseman is in open guard over Shweta. Madison breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. The clock says 1:40 in the 3 round Madison Iseman is in open guard over Shweta. Shweta Tiwari is trying to close her guard around Madison Iseman. "Uhhh Madison...ughh...get off me..." Madison defends herself well and stops Shweta. "No fucking way, Shweta...(grunt)" The clock says 1:50 in the 3 round Madison Iseman is in open guard over Shweta. Madison Iseman tries to pass to half guard... Shweta can't prevent her opponent from passing. Madison looks to work from half guard. Madison Iseman is in half guard over Shweta. Shweta Tiwari attempts to move to full guard. Madison Iseman keeps good control and remains in half guard. Madison Iseman is in half guard over Shweta. Shweta is cooling the fight on the ground. The crowd doesn't like this. Madison Iseman is in half guard over Shweta. Madison breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. Autumn Reeser has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters, "Come on ladies. This is a fight not a slumber party!" Both women get to their feet and catch their collective breath. Shweta is wiping the sweat from her eyes as Madison runs her fingers through her hair. Shweta Tiwari moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Madison pushes Shweta and keeps the fight at striking range. Madison Iseman fakes a move and launches a kick right towards Shweta Tiwari's chest! Slam! That almost popped Shweta's breasts right out of her top! Her breasts will be bruised and sore tomorrow. A very hard blow to Shweta Tiwari's mid-section. That hit her with full force and has winded her. She seems hurt, I can see her eyes watering. Yes, she's on the verge of crying. The clock says 2:50 in the 3 round Madison Iseman spins around and tries a spinning back kick! Sweat flies of her body and her hair flicks around, she's amazing to watch in action. Almost like a mother-fucking-ninja! Shweta blocks with her arms and leg. Solid defense, not many fighters can read that sort of attack. Madison gets sloppy and Shweta Tiwari tries to take advantage... An inside leg kick from Shweta Tiwari. It lands on Madison's leg with a loud smack. Shweta Tiwari moves forward looking for some action. Madison doesn't want to engage and back pedals. The clock says 3:15 in the 3 round Madison Iseman steps forward... Shweta feints and survives. Shweta clumsily fails here and it's time for Madison to fight back... Shweta Tiwari steps forward... Madison catches her with an uppercut to the face! That will leave a bruise on her cheek! Shweta Tiwari launches a stiff jab, it's aimed directly at Madison Iseman's face! Madison ducks that one. Shweta Tiwari found an opening in the defense of Madison Iseman, she's launching a big uppercut... Madison's fast enough to dodge that uppercut. Madison is trying to counter now... A furious flurry of punches from Madison Iseman! She puts Shweta in a world of hurt! Those hits are landing over and over again. I think Shweta just pissed her panties in fear! The clock says 3:40 in the 3 round You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Shweta Tiwari can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Madison Iseman into mincemeat. Madison Iseman attempts a shoot! Madison checks herself and stops before running into Shweta's kick. Lucky girl! Madison Iseman and Shweta Tiwari engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are missing terribly. This is not what people paid to see! Shweta Tiwari wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Madison Iseman. "Fuck off, Shweta", Madison pushes Shweta back to avoid the clinch. Madison tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Madison Iseman found an opening in the defense of Shweta Tiwari, she's launching a big uppercut... Shweta's fast enough to dodge that uppercut. The clock says 4:15 in the 3 round Madison Iseman jumps in the air and tries a flying knee! Shweta blocks with her arms and moves laterally, looking for a counter. An impressive attempt by Madison, a pity it came to nothing. Poorly executed technique from Madison. Shweta looks to counter... Shweta Tiwari launches a few weak punches. Madison blocks them effectively. Shweta needs to get more steam behind those hits. Shweta Tiwari throws a hook. That hits its mark. BAM! "Take that, Madison! You sack of meat!" Madison Iseman lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Shweta receives a hard blow on her right leg! Madison Iseman attempts a sweep single... Madison catches Shweta's far ankle and trips her to the mat! Slick takedown by Madison. Autumn Reeser separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! I don't think either fighter did more than the other that round. ========================================= Round 4 ========================================= Shweta Tiwari moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Madison pushes Shweta and keeps the fight at striking range. Shweta Tiwari is swinging for the fences! Madison back pedals and creates some space. The clock says 0:30 in the 4 round Shweta Tiwari launches a low kick. It gets blocked quickly. Madison stopped that assault with ease. Madison tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Madison Iseman fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut. Shweta blocks that. She made that look easy. Never underestimate this girls survival instinct. Madison Iseman attempts a shoot! Madison checks herself and stops before running into Shweta's kick. Lucky girl! Shweta misses a step and Madison sees an opportunity to counter her... Madison Iseman moves forward and launches a low kick. Ow! Hard blow to Shweta's right thigh. I think that'll leave a nice purple bruise. It sure had some power behind it. Shweta Tiwari's mind is definitely in this fight. She sees an opening and delivers a big right hand... Madison moves aside and dodges. Great skills shown there by Madison. Shweta Tiwari fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Madison staggers, but remains on her feet. She's quick and nimble like a cat! A pussy, a pussy cat! Madison Iseman decides to launch some tentative punches... Madison takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Shweta Tiwari moves forward and launches a high kick! Madison ducks under the kick, the attack just brushing through her hair. Lucky escape! Madison tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Madison Iseman tries to show her boxing skills with a one-two combo. Those punches are landing on Shweta's face. She can feel them, for sure. Erk...someone call for a makeup artist! Shweta's Mouth is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Shweta has a nasty cut on her Mouth. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. It's a win for the American fighter, Madison Iseman. At 1:25 Round 4, the win coming via Injury (Nasty cut Mouth). Statistics: Shweta Tiwari Punches 23/42 (55%) Kicks 1/10 (10%) Clinch strikes 1/2 (50%) Takedowns 0/6 (0%) GnP strikes 0/12 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/2 (50%) Damage caused 383,75 Clinch Damage 73,33 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 316 s Statistics: Madison Iseman Punches 26/61 (43%) Kicks 4/10 (40%) Clinch strikes 3/3 (100%) Takedowns 2/2 (100%) GnP strikes 0/4 (0%) Submissions 1/1 (100%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 1696,25 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 270 Time on the ground 316 s Shweta Tiwari loses -14,42 ranking points after the fight. Madison Iseman wins 21,92 ranking points after the fight. Not a bad show by Shweta Tiwari today. No doubt her hard core fans will be happy with her efforts. If she continues to show off her cleavage and her legs, I think she'll draw in even more fans. (206 points) There's no doubt that Madison is not only a hot babe, but she can fight at the top of any league. She's a prime example of what this competition is all about. (398 points) MMA Internet sites are about to explode! What an awesome fight, watching Madison and Shweta going at it hard in a cage is the kind of entertainment that I love!