Mika Cohen enters the cage and this place seems about to burst! She knows the fans are with her tonight. I see a lot of them wearing "I love Mika" T-shirts and holding "Mika for President" signs. Get ready for a display of courage and skill, fight fans! From the vibrant landscapes of Arlington, Texas, USA, standing at a striking 5'8" and weighing in at a fit 134 pounds. She's not just a fighter; she's a lioness in the cage. Introducing the fearless woman with perfectly lovely breasts, the audacious Sandra Bullock! "Who in the hell are you? If you think you can defeat me, think again!", Sandra Bullock shakes her head in disbelief. She isn't afraid of anyone! Mika Cohen doesn't look concerned about anything her opponent brings to this match. She eyes her up, "I hope you're ready to have your ass kicked!" This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. It should be a pretty fair match tonight. I can't pick which fighter will be raising her fists after this match. Sandra Bullock comes with a 2 fight losing streak. The referee of the bout is Lena Gercke. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Sandra Bullock and Mika Cohen touch fists in the center to get this fight started. Sandy looks ready for action, "Come on, Mika. I'm not afraid of anything you bring to this fight. I'm more of a fighter than you'll ever be." Nice low kick from Mika Cohen...those kicks look dangerous. Loud pop! Ouch! Did Sandy just squeal in pain? Oh no! It appears that there is an injury to Sandy's leg. It looks like she's hyper-extended it. Mika Cohen fakes a punch and launches herself over Sandra Bullock. Great move by Mika! She pushes Sandy under a troublesome thai clinch. Sandra Bullock tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Mika Cohen is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Mika Cohen snarls at Sandra Bullock and she launches another series of punches! Sandy pushes her opponent forward and blocks most of Mika's offensive. Mika gets sloppy and Sandra Bullock tries to take advantage... A wicked punch by Sandra Bullock! She rocks Mika and puts her in a world of hurt. Mika Cohen lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Sandra Bullock blocks the kick. Nice defending. The clock says 0:45 in the 1 round Mika Cohen is not showing great technique with that low kick... Sandy is smart enough to block that one. Mika gets sloppy and Sandra Bullock tries to take advantage... Good movement from Sandra Bullock...she's looking like a professional out there. Sandy's moving in to strike and moving away afterwards. This is classic MMA tactical fighting. Mika Cohen's one of those women capable of pounding you into oblivion! She can beat the clothes right off you and pound on your tits until they're black and blue. Here comes a punch to the guts from Mika Cohen. Sandra Bullock looks to defend... Sandy has avoided that attack, she looks intently at Mika. I think Mika was planning something dirty there. Mika Cohen fakes a punch and launches herself over Sandra Bullock. Great move by Mika! She pushes Sandy under a troublesome thai clinch. Sandra Bullock pushes away Mika Cohen, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Mika Cohen stumbles backwards and Sandra Bullock circles to get the center of the cage. Mika Cohen fakes a punch and launches herself over Sandra Bullock. Great move by Mika! She pushes Sandy under a troublesome thai clinch. Sandra Bullock pushes away Mika Cohen, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Mika Cohen stumbles backwards and Sandra Bullock circles to get the center of the cage. Mika Cohen launches a flurry of punches... She only manages to land glancing blows. Sandy's Left cheek is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Mika Cohen throws a hook. Mika fails to land it. Solid low kick from Mika Cohen. Sandy deflects it and she looks to counter attack. She's always looking for an opening. Sandy is trying to counter now... Some nice shots from Sandra Bullock. She stuns Mika. Now's the time for Sandy to strike for a win. Mika has been opened up by Sandy...the Beauty Kills fighter is bleeding heavily. That's an ugly looking wound. Mika is slowing the pace of the fight a bit and she circles around her opponent. A left hook from Mika Cohen. It falls short, that's embarrassing. Mika Cohen launches a solid middle kick. That kick whizzes pass Sandy. Mika misses a step and Sandy sees an opportunity to counter her... Solid kick to the leg from Sandra Bullock. Oh man! That visibly pains Mika. Tears may be welling in her eyes! One of Mika's beautiful legs has been hyper-extended. It looks like her left leg is the victim. Sandra Bullock fakes a punch and launches herself over Mika Cohen. Great move by Sandy! She pushes Mika under a troublesome thai clinch. Mika Cohen tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Sandra Bullock is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. Sandra Bullock pushes Mika Cohen against the fence and launches a few sick punches. A couple of unanswered uppercuts collide with Mika's chin! Her legs are wobbling! Mika has a nasty cut on her Chin. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. This is beginning to look like some kind of romantic slow dance! Mika and Sandy are hugging each other! Let's get on with this fight! Sandra Bullock pushes away Mika Cohen, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Mika Cohen stumbles backwards and Sandra Bullock circles to get the center of the cage. Brilliant combination from Sandra Bullock... Mika is showing some amazing dodging skills avoiding those ones. The clock says 2:45 in the 1 round Mika Cohen jumps over Sandy and tries to grapple. Mika pushes Sandy against the cage in a plum position! Sandra Bullock pushes away Mika Cohen, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Mika Cohen stumbles backwards and Sandra Bullock circles to get the center of the cage. Sandra Bullock looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Mika Cohen's punches. Sandy measures the resilience of Mika's chin with an uppercut while Mika lands some great crosses. Mika has a nasty cut on her Right cheek. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Mika Cohen continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Lena Gercke is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Sandra Bullock grabs Mika by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! The fighters are struggling...Mika is going to get free...No! Great takedown by Sandy! That's strength and skill. Sandra Bullock is in open guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock moves on the ground... ...and she gets to half guard. A positive outcome for her. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock is moving on the ground...it looks like she may have something in evil mind here... Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did she do that intentionally? What an evil move by Sandy! Erk...someone call for a makeup artist! Mika's Chin is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Is someone paying Lena Gercke to look the other way? She totally ignored that foul! Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Mika Cohen's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her dark hair. Mika Cohen attempts to move to full guard. Mika manages to switch to full guard. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard over Mika. Mika Cohen continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Lena Gercke is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard, as Mika Cohen tries to roll on the ground. Sandy uses her leg to keep her position on the ground. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard, as Mika Cohen tries to roll on the ground. Sandy uses her leg to keep her position on the ground. Mika clumsily fails here and it's time for Sandy to fight back... Sandra Bullock tries to open Mika Cohen's guard. She's pushing her...trying to find an opening. Mika breaks the lock and covers herself from Sandy's punches. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock looks to power up and open Mika Cohen's guard... Sandy forces Mika to open her guard. Such strength, I would hate to meet Sandy in a dark alley. Sandra Bullock is in open guard over Mika. Mika Cohen is a bloody mess! Sandra Bullock has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Mika is even thinking of fighting on. Sandra Bullock could be in trouble here as Mika Cohen's trying to close her guard around her. Sandy uses her strength and skill to stop Mika. The clock says 4:25 in the 1 round Sandra Bullock is in open guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock tries to pass to half guard... Mika can't prevent her Sandy from passing. Sandy now looks to work from half guard. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Mika Cohen's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her dark hair. Mika Cohen attempts to move to full guard. Sandra Bullock keeps good control and remains in half guard. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Mika Cohen attempts to move to full guard. Sandra Bullock keeps good control and remains in half guard. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Mika is cooling the fight on the ground. The crowd doesn't like this. Referee Lena Gercke stops the action and is having to yell at the fighters to get back to their corners. The round is over. This round is clearly for Sandy. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Sandy seems hesitant, it's as if she is happy to give the initiative to her opponent. Quick hook by Sandra Bullock. It glances off Mika's arms. Poorly executed technique from Sandy. Mika looks to counter... Mika Cohen tries a nice one-two combination. That gets blocked. Mika Cohen's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her dark hair. Sandra Bullock fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Mika didn't see that coming and has been put on the ground! Oh My! A crushing shot to Mika Cohen's body! That one seemed to double her over and push the wind out of her. Mika is holding her side and she looks very uncomfortable. Sandra Bullock is in open guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock tries to improve her position. Mika adjusts and closes her guard. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock tries to improve her position on the ground as she sits on her knees and tries to break the closed guard. Sandy fakes a few punches and then slips one toned leg away to get the half mount. Nice MMA work. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock positions herself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows. Mika attempts to cover herself and blocks those elbows. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Mika Cohen attempts to move to full guard. Sandra Bullock keeps good control and remains in half guard. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Mika Cohen attempts to move to full guard. Sandra Bullock keeps good control and remains in half guard. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Mika's taking this opportunity to rest. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. What the hell is Mika Cohen up to? She's moving around on the canvas and positioning herself... Sandy moves her head away just in time! Mika misses with a headbutt and ends up smacking her forehead on the canvas! Mika gets sloppy and Sandra Bullock tries to take advantage... Sandra Bullock launches a few fake punches as she tries to escape! Mika's covering herself! Sandy tries to force the situation and Mika clumsily gives her back control in this match! Sandy is in rear mount over Mika. Mika Cohen has Sandra Bullock, she's controlling her back while on the ground. She tries to roll and find an escape... Sandy is unable to move under Mika's control. Sandy is in rear mount over Mika. Old school wrestling submission attempt here from Sandra Bullock. She's readying herself for a Boston Crab, trying to work Mika Cohen into the correct position. Mika is mustering all her strength. Her dark hair is plastered to her face, her cheeks turning red...she is trying to power out of this Boston Crab submission...Yes! She's done it! Mika catches Sandy off balance and flips her over! Sandy clumsily fails here and it's time for Mika to fight back... Mika Cohen has Sandra Bullock, she's controlling her back while on the ground. She tries to roll and find an escape... Sandy is unable to move under Mika's control. Lena Gercke has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters, "Come on ladies. This is a fight not a slumber party!" Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Mika and Sandy glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Mika Cohen continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Lena Gercke is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Mika Cohen fakes a punch and launches herself over Sandra Bullock. Sandy counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals. Sandra Bullock is showing excellent timing. She blasts Mika Cohen with a right hand. Great hook by Sandy! Mika is caught off balance and slips to the ground in pain! Sandy is standing while Mika is on the ground on her back. Sandra Bullock launches a kick to Mika Cohen's thigh... Mika checks that kick! Nice work, it's hard to defend from the ground like that. Poorly executed technique from Sandy. Mika looks to counter... Mika tries to stand up! Yes...she's now on her feet. Mika staggers back to her feet again. The petite fighter looks ready to go again. Mika Cohen just won't stop and continues to rain punches! Sandy quickly defends. Just in time! Mika Cohen continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Lena Gercke is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Mika Cohen paws at Sandra Bullock. Sandy answers with solid punches and a taunt, "That all you got, stupid cow?" Mika Cohen's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Sandra Bullock smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Mika Cohen tries a hook to the body. Sandy manages to dodge it. Nice movement there. Mika Cohen wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Sandra Bullock. Mika moves forward and holds Sandy, their breasts pressing against each other. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Sandra Bullock tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Mika Cohen is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. Sandy gets sloppy and Mika Cohen tries to take advantage... Mika Cohen doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Sandra Bullock's embrace and tries to move away. Sandra Bullock pushes Mika Cohen forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Mika Cohen is controlling the clinch and launches a vicious knee! She was aiming at Sandy's face, but her move is blocked. Mika clumsily fails here and it's time for Sandy to fight back... Sandra Bullock is controlling the clinch and launches a vicious knee! Crushing blow to Mika's face. That was a sick sound, like a brick hitting a bag full of mince meat! Sandra Bullock tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Sandra Bullock circles out and slips free of Mika Cohen's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. Mika Cohen's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Sandra Bullock smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Sandra Bullock tries to show her boxing skills with a one-two combo. Those punches are landing on Mika's face. She can feel them, for sure. This isn't good for Mika! The Israeli fighter is in pain and spilling a lot of blood. You can see Mika Cohen's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her dark hair. Mika has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Sandra Bullock shoots for a double leg takedown! She hits it! Mika is taken off her feet...oh! but she manages to pull Sandy into her guard. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard over Mika. Mika Cohen continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Lena Gercke is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard, as Mika Cohen tries to roll on the ground. Sandy uses her leg to keep her position on the ground. Sandra Bullock is in closed guard over Mika. You can see Mika Cohen's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her dark hair. Mika has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. What the hell is Mika Cohen up to? She's moving around on the canvas and positioning herself... Sandy moves her head away just in time! Mika misses with a headbutt and ends up smacking her forehead on the canvas! Sandra Bullock is in closed guard over Mika. Mika Cohen continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Lena Gercke is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Sandra Bullock tries to pass Mika Cohen's guard... Sandy manages to get her toned leg free and moves to half guard. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Mika Cohen tries to close the guard. Nothing happened from this effort. Sandy is trying to counter now... Sandra Bullock launches a few punches at Mika Cohen. Those are weak punches. Sandy needs to improve her position on top of Mika if she wants to cause some damage. Sandy has opened Mika up! It looks like blood is starting to flow from Mika's Forehead. Sandra Bullock is in half guard over Mika. Sandra Bullock is playing with Mika Cohen. I don't know if it's because of Mika's lack of fighting spirit or just lack of skill. Sandra Bullock is pushing on Mika Cohen's leg as she tries to move to full mount. Nice move by Sandy, who's now in full mount. I'd say Mika is in trouble now. The clock says 4:50 in the 2 round Sandra Bullock is in full mount position over Mika Cohen. Mika Cohen tries to roll to her side and get to half guard... Sandy rolls Mika to her stomach and takes her back! Oh boy, Mika's breasts are being pushed into the ground! Sandy is in rear mount over Mika. Sandra Bullock is playing with Mika Cohen. I don't know if it's because of Mika's lack of fighting spirit or just lack of skill. Mika Cohen's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her dark hair. Mika Cohen has given herself away to Sandra Bullock, who's trying to get one hook in! Sandy has one hook in! Lena Gercke separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! You have to give that round to Sandy. She looks over at her opponent and calls out, "What're you going to do now? You got nothing I can't deal with!" ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= Sandra Bullock is playing with Mika Cohen. I don't know if it's because of Mika's lack of fighting spirit or just lack of skill. Mika Cohen's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Sandra Bullock smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Sandra Bullock makes a quick move for Mika Cohen's dark hair. She grabs it by the handful and looks to toss her to the canvas. Mika is squealing in pain! Sandy has literally thrown her to the canvas by the hair. That's a devastating hair mare, Sandy's removing strands of her opponent's dark hair from her hands. Lena Gercke is signalling for the fight to stop. She needs both ladies vertical and ready to fight. They are taking their sweet time about it, but we're now finally ready to resume the match. Mika Cohen launches a stiff jab, it's aimed directly at Sandra Bullock's face! Sandy ducks that one. Mika Cohen looks to close the range with Sandra Bullock and tries to grapple... Sandy doesn't want anything to do with this as she moves backwards. Sandra Bullock just won't stop and continues to rain punches! Mika may be in trouble! She's getting seriously hurt here! Yeow! It looks like Mika's Nose is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Mika has a nasty cut on her Nose. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Mika Cohen is a bloody mess! Sandra Bullock has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Mika is even thinking of fighting on. Sandra Bullock moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Sandy has her opponent in a text book double collar thai clinch! Mika Cohen doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Sandra Bullock's embrace and tries to move away. Sandra Bullock pushes Mika Cohen forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch. The clock says 1:05 in the 3 round It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. You can see Mika Cohen's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her dark hair. Mika has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Sandra Bullock pushes away Mika Cohen, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Mika Cohen stumbles backwards and Sandra Bullock circles to get the center of the cage. Sandra Bullock tries a nice one-two combination. She scores! Oh, impressive indeed! Erk...someone call for a makeup artist! Mika's Left cheek is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. The clock says 1:25 in the 3 round Lightning fast low kick from Sandra Bullock! She can really move when she wants to. Loud pop! I'm sure that hurts! Yes, Mika's in some pain now. Mika has hyper-extended her leg! Such a common injury in this day and age. Sandy has punished Mika, the Israeli fighter is struggling to stay in the fight. Mika Cohen is in trouble here, she appears to be dazed and confused. Sandra Bullock is looking to add some insult to injury, she's making a grab for Mika's clothes. Sandy has a fistful of Mika's outfit is trying to rip it off her! She's pulling at her top and has Mika staggering! We can all hear the sound of material giving way! The seams in Mika's clothes are digging into her skin and Sandy flings her to the mat. Oh My! A crushing shot to Mika Cohen's body! That one seemed to double her over and push the wind out of her. Mika is holding her side and she looks very uncomfortable. Sandy has Mika staggered, she's only just staying on her feet. Her dark hair is plastered to her face and her full D cup tits are shaking as she tries to catch her breath. You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Sandra Bullock can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Mika Cohen into mincemeat. Mika Cohen is a bloody mess! Sandra Bullock has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Mika is even thinking of fighting on. It looks as if Sandra Bullock is out to embarrass her opponent! The Haydens Powergirls girl is making a grab for Mika Cohen's outfit and is going to attempt to give her a wedgie! "Ow...ow....ow...ow...", Mika is squealing! Sandy has a firm grip on her clothes and is pulling them upwards! School yard bullying here folks, that's a hell of a wedgie! Lena Gercke has seen enough! This fight is over! Mika was not intelligently defending herself! BANG! That shot was right onto Mika Cohen's incredibly full tits! It looks like she's hurt bad. There's tears in her eyes and she's trying to cover up her breasts with her arms. Sandra Bullock has won this fight! It's victory by TKO (Wedgie) at 1:52 Round 3! Nice work! Statistics: Sandra Bullock Punches 22/30 (73%) Kicks 2/3 (67%) Clinch strikes 3/4 (75%) Takedowns 4/4 (100%) GnP strikes 2/13 (15%) Submissions 1/1 (100%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 5605,04 Clinch Damage 579 Ground Damage 257,33 Time on the ground 263 s Statistics: Mika Cohen Punches 4/15 (27%) Kicks 1/5 (20%) Clinch strikes 0/10 (0%) Takedowns 0/0 (0%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%) Damage caused 200,5 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 277 s Sandra Bullock wins 21,30 ranking points after the fight. Mika Cohen loses -13,31 ranking points after the fight. What a performance by Sandy! This girl is not just a pretty face and a great body, she's got the skills to get the job done and keep the fans happy. (746 points) We've seen a nice effort tonight from Mika Cohen. In my opinion she was thinking of the fans besides the fight itself. She showed us enough technical skill, as well as enough skin, during the fight to keep most of the crowd happy. (127 points) MMA Internet sites are about to explode! What an awesome fight, watching Sandy and Mika going at it hard in a cage is the kind of entertainment that I love!