The people are cheering for Maisie Williams. In fact, they're going totally nuts! You can hear the "Let's go Maisie!" chants all around the place! Prepare yourselves for a spectacle of strength and courage! From the heart of Israel, standing at a graceful 5'3" and weighing in at a delicate 110 pounds. She's not afraid to go toe-to-toe with anyone in the cage. Get ready to witness the Israeli wonder, the intrepid Natalie Portman! Fearless, Courageous and Bold. Those are just three words used to describe Natalie Portman. As she stands in the cage and waits for the first round to begin, the only thing I can think about is if there was a zombie apocalypse, I want her in my survival party. Maisie Williams looks calm in her corner. She looks convinced of her abilities. "Let's get fight started. I have other places to be..." This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. According to the betting statistics I've seen, Nat is the fighter that'll win tonight. Natalie Portman comes with a 6 fight winning streak. Maisie Williams comes with a 6 fight winning streak. The referee of the bout is Autumn Reeser. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Natalie Portman and Maisie Williams eye each other up as the fight starts. Maisie flexes her muscles and gets a round of cheers from the crowd. Natalie Portman throws a low kick with her toned leg. Maisie blocks with ease, she's laughing at Nat! Talk about arrogance. Nat gets sloppy and Maisie Williams tries to take advantage... Nice low kick from Maisie Williams...those kicks look dangerous. Nat stops it. Nice block! The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Both fighters are missing terribly. The crowd doesn't like this! Maisie looks bad, I doubt she'll get many cover shoots after this match. I'd say her ego isn't the only thing being bruised here. Natalie Portman is holding Maisie Williams's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Maisie down... Maisie shows great balance while pushing away Nat. Natalie Portman leads with a punch... Maisie evades but whiffs with a counter. Maisie clumsily fails here and it's time for Nat to fight back... Natalie Portman steps forward and fires a high kick! Maisie blocks decisively and she glares at Nat, "No fucking way, bitch." Maisie Williams's measuring Natalie Portman with her jab. Good accuracy on the part of Maisie. Those jabs are well delivered and on target. Maisie is slowing the pace of the fight a bit and she circles around her opponent. Maisie Williams tries a middle kick. Her leg shooting out... Nat blocks and steps away. Nat is trying to counter now... Solid kick to the leg from Natalie Portman. Maisie checks it and positions herself. Maisie Williams moves forward and launches a low kick. Ow! Hard blow to Nat's right thigh. I think that'll leave a nice purple bruise. It sure had some power behind it. That punishment by Maisie has left Nat staggered! Maisie should try to push forward now and finish this! It looks as if Maisie Williams is out to embarrass her opponent! The Radio Killers girl is making a grab for Natalie Portman's outfit and is going to attempt to give her a wedgie! "Ow...ow....ow...ow...", Nat is squealing! Maisie has a firm grip on her clothes and is pulling them upwards! School yard bullying here folks, that's a hell of a wedgie! Maisie has Nat staggered, she's only just staying on her feet. Her hair is plastered to her face and her natural A cup tits are shaking as she tries to catch her breath. The clock says 1:30 in the 1 round It's not a desirable position that Maisie Williams is in now. Natalie Portman's well known for her strong and relentless GnP. She's beaten a lot of girls to a bloody pulp in this position. Natalie Portman wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Maisie Williams. "Fuck off, Nat", Maisie pushes Nat back to avoid the clinch. Nat misses a step and Maisie sees an opportunity to counter her... A left hook from Maisie Williams. It just grazes the chin of Nat. Maisie Williams throws a punch. It finds an opening in the defense of Nat and lands on her. The clock says 1:50 in the 1 round Maisie Williams decides to launch some tentative punches... Nat takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Good looking front kick from Maisie Williams... Nat blocks with grim determination, "Come on, Maisie. That all you got?" Maisie Williams tries to grapple. She puts Nat in a double underhook! Natalie Portman doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Maisie Williams's embrace and tries to move away. Maisie Williams pushes Natalie Portman forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch. It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Natalie Portman shoots and grabs both of Maisie Williams's long legs. Ah yes, she's attempting to take her down with a double leg! Maisie managed to pull back her leg from Nat's grip and moves away from her. The referee intervenes to break the clinch. She's seen enough of this hugging and wants them to get back to fighting. The clock says 2:40 in the 1 round Nice low kick from Maisie Williams...those kicks look dangerous. Nat stops it. Nice block! Maisie clumsily fails here and it's time for Nat to fight back... Solid kick to the leg from Natalie Portman. Maisie checks it and positions herself. Maisie Williams looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Natalie Portman's punches. Nat is on the receiving end of a great combo by Maisie. Natalie Portman wants this win. She unleashes a mighty kick. It's a miss! Nat's opponent is now looking to counter... Nat misses a step and Maisie sees an opportunity to counter her... A high kick from Maisie Williams, her smooth leg shooting out. It glances off Nat. That looked impressive, but really failed to connect. Natalie Portman and Maisie Williams engage in a wild exchange of punches! Nat is getting the best of the exchange. She's landing a few blows. Natalie Portman steps forward and fires a high kick! Maisie blocks decisively and she glares at Nat, "No fucking way, bitch." Natalie Portman throws an uppercut. Maisie slips way from it. Nicely avoided. Nat clumsily fails here and it's time for Maisie to fight back... Maisie Williams is holding Natalie Portman's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Nat down... Nat shows great balance while pushing away Maisie. Maisie Williams swings... good, that's a terrible miss. Maisie misses a step and Nat sees an opportunity to counter her... Good looking front kick from Natalie Portman... Maisie blocks with grim determination, "Come on, Nat. That all you got?" Maisie Williams throws a punch. It's deflected. Nice D from Nat. Nat tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Natalie Portman moves forward and launches a high kick! Maisie ducks under the kick, the attack just brushing through her short hair. Lucky escape! The clock says 4:05 in the 1 round Natalie Portman goes for a low kick... Maisie avoids the deadly blow. This girl has the agility of a cat! A pussy cat! Nat misses a step and Maisie sees an opportunity to counter her... Maisie Williams tries a middle kick. Her leg shooting out... Nat blocks with her arm! Wow, that was loud and must have hurt! Natalie Portman decides to launch some tentative punches... Maisie launches a couple of jabs that are answered by Nat with a stiff cross! Solid exchange! Maisie Williams's corner men are yelling for her to escape from the ground. Natalie Portman can totally finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding given half the chance. Maisie has got to find a way out now! Natalie Portman throws an uppercut. Maisie slips way from it. Nicely avoided. Maisie is taking out her mouthpiece to breathe...sweat plasters her short hair to her head. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Maisie connects with a few punches. Natalie Portman begins to launch a barrage of punches over Maisie Williams! Maisie is smart enough to duck backwards. Maisie tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Maisie Williams moves forward and launches a low kick. Nat blocks that without missing a beat. Nat steps backwards and lowers her arms while breathing heavily, her natural A cup chest rising and falling. She looks exhausted, but also really hot. Incredible haymaker from Natalie Portman! It misses by a mile. Shocking attempt really. Nat gets sloppy and Maisie Williams tries to take advantage... An inside leg kick from Maisie Williams. It lands on Nat's leg with a loud smack. The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. Referee Autumn Reeser tells the fighters to go to their corners. This round is maybe for Nat, but it's close. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Natalie Portman's corner men are yelling for her to escape from the ground. Maisie Williams can totally finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding given half the chance. Nat has got to find a way out now! There's a low kick by Maisie Williams, helping to maintain her distance. Oh no, bad move. That was far from landing. An inside leg kick from Maisie Williams. The kick goes awry and Maisie almost loses her balance. She must be careful not to over commit on those kicks. Poorly executed technique from Maisie. Nat looks to counter... Maisie Williams throws a lazy kick... Nat blocks and keeps her distance. Natalie Portman tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Nicely done. Nat's clinching with Maisie and their tits are mashed against each other. I'd like to be between that tit sandwich! Maisie Williams tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Maisie Williams circles out and slips free of Natalie Portman's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. Maisie Williams moves forward and tries a Superman punch! She's committing everything with this kind of attack. Bang! That crushes Nat's face and maybe her hopes of winning this fight! The smile on Maisie's face is priceless. Natalie Portman looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Maisie Williams's punches. Maisie is on the receiving end of a great combo by Nat. Natalie Portman tries to take the action to her favorite field as she tries to grapple. Maisie swings and Nat has to retreat. Nice avoiding that grapple, Maisie. The clock says 1:10 in the 2 round Natalie Portman launches a stiff jab, it's aimed directly at Maisie Williams's face! That barely hits Maisie's face but it seems like one finger has poked her eye! Does the referee see that? Looks like Autumn Reeser has seen that! Autumn Reeser allows Maisie time to recover. She takes some very heavy breaths and runs her fingers through her short hair. The fight resumes with both fighters standing. Maisie Williams lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Natalie Portman blocks the kick. Nice defending. Maisie clumsily fails here and it's time for Nat to fight back... Natalie Portman fakes a punch and launches herself over Maisie Williams. Maisie counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals. The clock says 1:30 in the 2 round A punch from Maisie Williams... It gets blocked by Nat. Tremendous strikes from Maisie Williams! Nat blocks with confidence and skill. Text book defense. Poorly executed technique from Maisie. Nat looks to counter... Natalie Portman fakes a move and launches a kick right towards Maisie Williams's chest! Maisie blocks that and pushes her opponent. The look in Maisie's eyes is pure poison! Natalie Portman and Maisie Williams engage in a wild exchange of punches! Nat is getting the best of the exchange. She's landing a few blows. Several good body shots from Natalie Portman... Nice evading by Maisie. She shows some great skills, much to the frustration of Nat. Maisie is trying to counter now... Maisie Williams tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Nicely done. Maisie's clinching with Nat and their tits are mashed against each other. I'd like to be between that tit sandwich! It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Maisie Williams tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Natalie Portman is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Brutal punches to Maisie Williams's face while in the clinch! Natalie Portman's fighting with all her force here. Maisie pushes Nat with all her might as she tries to keep the fight in striking range. Maisie screams at Nat, "Get the fuck away from me, you slut!" Nat gets sloppy and Maisie Williams tries to take advantage... Middle kick from Maisie Williams. The kick just misses Nat's breasts. She'll be thanking her lucky stars that missed... Natalie Portman fakes a punch and launches herself over Maisie Williams. Maisie counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals. Israeli fans are getting concerned. It looks as if their fighter, Nat, is running out of steam in this match. Natalie Portman launches a shot seen throughout the arena! Timely defense by Maisie, that punch was telegraphed by Nat. Nat clumsily fails here and it's time for Maisie to fight back... Maisie Williams found an opening in the defense of Natalie Portman, she's launching a big uppercut... Nat's fast enough to dodge that uppercut. Maisie Williams is swinging for the fences! Nat back pedals and creates some space. Poorly executed technique from Maisie. Nat looks to counter... Maisie Williams leads with a punch... Nat evades but whiffs with a counter. A bone shattering straight left hand from Natalie Portman! Maisie ducks under...that one was too close! Maisie tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... A bunch of leg kicks from Maisie Williams. All those kicks are blocked by Nat. Natalie Portman moves to attack! Devastating move! Nat delivers a knee that wrecks Maisie! Oh my God, that must have hurt. Natalie Portman feints and then moves forward to hit with a hook. Maisie moves aside and dodges. Natalie Portman jumps over Maisie and tries to grapple. Maisie sees that coming and ducks under Nat. She moves aside and avoids the grapple. The clock says 3:35 in the 2 round Natalie Portman wants this win. She unleashes a mighty kick. It's a miss! Nat's opponent is now looking to counter... Maisie is trying to counter now... Maisie Williams is not showing great technique with that low kick... Nat is smart enough to block that one. Natalie Portman throws an uppercut. Maisie slips way from it. Nicely avoided. Nat misses a step and Maisie sees an opportunity to counter her... Maisie Williams tries to bring the fight to the ground. She wants Nat on the mat. Nat won't budge! She's forcing Maisie to pull guard. Natalie Portman is in closed guard over Maisie. Deep breaths from Maisie Williams who tries a hammer punch to Natalie Portman's chest. Nat blocks those punches. Maisie clumsily fails here and it's time for Nat to fight back... Natalie Portman tries to escape from the closed guard... Maisie waits for a moment and then tries to roll! Too late for Nat! She's reversed and now Maisie is on half guard! The clock says 4:05 in the 2 round Maisie Williams is in half guard over Nat. Maisie Williams positions herself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows. Nat attempts to cover herself and blocks those elbows. Maisie clumsily fails here and it's time for Nat to fight back... Natalie Portman isolates Maisie Williams's arm in a kimura attempt! Maisie blocks the hold and uses the opportunity to pass Nat's guard. Maisie Williams is in half guard over Nat. Maisie Williams tries to open up Natalie Portman with a few strikes using her right elbow... Nat blocks a few elbows. Now Maisie will have to look for another option. Maisie Williams is in half guard over Nat. Natalie Portman attempts to move to full guard. Maisie Williams keeps good control and remains in half guard. Maisie Williams is in half guard over Nat. Maisie Williams launches a few punches at Natalie Portman. Nat covers herself well and then rolls on the ground. Great reversal! Maisie clumsily fails here and it's time for Nat to fight back... Natalie Portman measures the resilience of Maisie Williams's ribs with a couple of big punches from the guard. Those hits are finding Maisie's side. There'll be bruising there in the morning. Maisie Williams is in half guard over Nat. Maisie Williams's corner men are yelling for her to escape from the ground. Natalie Portman can totally finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding given half the chance. Maisie has got to find a way out now! Natalie Portman tries to close the guard. Nat has managed to put Maisie Williams in closed guard. Maisie Williams is in closed guard over Nat. Maisie Williams is in closed guard, as Natalie Portman tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Nat's now in full mount over Maisie. Natalie Portman is in full mount position over Maisie Williams. Natalie Portman attempts to keep her position while looking to perhaps begin a hard pounding session... Nat controls the situation despite Maisie's efforts of escaping from the full mount. Autumn Reeser separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! You have to give that round to Nat. She looks over at her opponent and calls out, "You can't handle this heat, honey! Better luck next time... if you dare." ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= Natalie Portman throws a looping right hand... That lands on Maisie's chin! That stops Maisie in her tracks! Yeow! It looks like Maisie's Left eye is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Maisie has a nasty cut on her Left eye. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Solid jabs from Maisie Williams. Nat defends, keeping herself safe from that attack. Natalie Portman fakes a punch and launches herself over Maisie Williams. Nice move by Nat who clinches and pushes Maisie against the cage. The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. Natalie Portman launches a knee while holding Maisie Williams in double underhooks... Maisie pushes Nat and that knee goes nowhere! Oh, nice counter! Natalie Portman goes in with a looping right hand while Maisie Williams jumps back and jabs. Nat only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless. Natalie Portman throws a looping left hand... That lands on Maisie's chin and stops her in her tracks! Maisie's Right eye is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Natalie Portman can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Maisie Williams into mincemeat. Natalie Portman looks to close the range with Maisie Williams and tries to grapple... Oh baby, that's a nice move. Nat shoves herself over her opponent and secures a single collar tie. We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. Maisie Williams tries to take Natalie Portman down...Nat stumbles backwards and Maisie launches a few punches... Nat dodges and moves away a couple of steps... Nat tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Natalie Portman chases Maisie Williams and launches a few perfect strikes... Here we go! Maisie steps backwards when those punches connect with her face. An overhand right from Natalie Portman that looks like it's capable of destroying a brick wall! Maisie moves forward and closes the distance while blocking the punch. Natalie Portman grabs Maisie by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! The fighters are struggling...Maisie is going to get free...No! Great takedown by Nat! That's strength and skill. Natalie Portman is in open guard over Maisie. Deep breaths from Maisie Williams who tries a hammer punch to Natalie Portman's chest. Nat blocks those punches. Maisie misses a step and Nat sees an opportunity to counter her... Natalie Portman throws a few hammer fists to the face of Maisie Williams. That's blocked by Maisie. Her defense is strong against that attack. Natalie Portman is in open guard over Maisie. Maisie Williams launches a few punches to Natalie Portman's cheek from the guard. Nat uses her head to cover the punches and presses her skull forward. Maisie clumsily fails here and it's time for Nat to fight back... Nat is trying to get back onto her feet. She staggers a little, but the Raccoon member is vertical again. Maisie is trying to get back onto her feet. She staggers a little, but the Radio Killers member is vertical again. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Nat and Maisie glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Natalie Portman spins around and tries a spinning back kick! Her hair flicking around as her leg shoots out towards Maisie Williams. Maisie ducks under the kick and hesitates for a moment, no doubt she was not expecting this kind of offense. Natalie Portman's mind is definitely in this fight. She sees an opening and delivers a big right hand... Wow! Maisie's going to have a headache after that one. That looks like it hurts! Maisie's Chin isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Maisie's Chin. Maisie Williams decides to launch some tentative punches... Nat takes the best of a brief punching exchange. An overhand right from Natalie Portman that looks like it's capable of destroying a brick wall! BANG! Maisie's stops that one with her face! How's Maisie still standing?! Maisie's Nose is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Natalie Portman goes for a low kick... Faster than a blinking eye, she follows up with a high kick! It connects! Maisie is in trouble! Big trouble! That brutal impact left Maisie laid out on the mat! The crowd has erupted! "Nat! Nat! Nat!" It looks like Maisie is trying to continue the match, but she seems pretty much out of it. Referee Autumn Reeser will not allow her to continue fighting with her swollen right eye! This is over, folks. This isn't good for Maisie! The English fighter is in pain and spilling a lot of blood. A KO (High kick) win at 3:06 Round 3 for Natalie Portman. Excellent work. Statistics: Natalie Portman Punches 25/58 (43%) Kicks 3/16 (19%) Clinch strikes 1/7 (14%) Takedowns 1/2 (50%) GnP strikes 2/6 (33%) Submissions 1/1 (100%) Clinch Attempts 2/3 (67%) Damage caused 3580,08 Clinch Damage 130 Ground Damage 104 Time on the ground 94 s Statistics: Maisie Williams Punches 16/39 (41%) Kicks 4/17 (24%) Clinch strikes 0/3 (0%) Takedowns 0/2 (0%) GnP strikes 0/16 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%) Damage caused 493,58 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 94 s Natalie Portman wins 60,22 ranking points after the fight. Maisie Williams loses -37,64 ranking points after the fight. A highlight reel performance by Nat from beginning to end! We want this woman at every UCC event! The crowd love watching her work in the cage. (974 points) A highlight reel performance by Maisie from beginning to end! We want this woman at every UCC event! The crowd love watching her work in the cage. (358 points) I only can thank Nat and Maisie for an unforgettable fight! In fact, I would get down on my knees and kiss their feet for putting on such a great show. I fucking love my job!