Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for the powerhouse with perfectly lovely tits! Hailing from Suwon, South Korea, standing at a graceful 5'3" and weighing in at a petite 94 pounds, she's the epitome of tenacity and precision. A consummate professional in the cage, give it up for the unyielding warrior, Saerom! The fans can sense the tantalizing, sexual energy in the arena. Hailing from Berlin, Germany, Nasia Jansen is the queen of sensual allure. Standing at an alluring 5'6" and weighing 110 pounds, she commands the spotlight with sexuality that's as arousing as it is mesmerizing. Every move she makes, she exudes an irresistible aura. Nasia Jansen runs her hands over her wonderfully curvaceous breasts as she eyes her opponent up and down, "Do you like what you see? It's all yours for the taking, if you can defeat me." Saerom has a hard match tonight. She breathes deeply and eyes up her opponent. This one will test her every fibre. Can this petite warrior win tonight? This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. It's hard to say who will be winning this fight. The specialized media don't have a favourite and neither do I. Saerom comes with a 4 fight losing streak. The referee of the bout is Lena Gercke. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Nasia Jansen and Saerom eye each other up as the fight starts. Saerom nods in her opponents direction and then breathes deeply. She's focusing on the upcoming fight. Saerom decides to launch some tentative punches... Nasia takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Saerom's Chin is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. The clock says 0:25 in the 1 round Nasia moves forward. It looks like she's hunting for a hole in her opponent's defense. Nasia Jansen throws a looping right hand... That lands on Saerom's chin! That stops Saerom in her tracks! Nasia Jansen looks to close the range with Saerom and tries to grapple... Oh baby, that's a nice move. Nasia shoves herself over her opponent and secures a single collar tie. It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. The two fighters are holding each other close. Both Saerom and Nasia are taking a moment to slow things down. Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Brutal punches to Saerom's face while in the clinch! Nasia Jansen's fighting with all her force here. Saerom pushes Nasia with all her might as she tries to keep the fight in striking range. Saerom screams at Nasia, "Get the fuck away from me, you slut!" Nasia clumsily fails here and it's time for Saerom to fight back... Nice low kick from Saerom...those kicks look dangerous. Loud pop! Ouch! Did Nasia just squeal in pain? Oh no! It appears that there is an injury to Nasia's leg. It looks like she's hyper-extended it. Nasia Jansen fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Saerom didn't see that coming and has been put on the ground! Ow! A thumping hit to Saerom's chest! Her lovely B cup breasts took the full impact of that one, they'll be bruised and black by morning. Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Saerom is trying to close her guard around Nasia Jansen. "Uhhh Nasia...ughh...get off me..." Saerom succeeds in her attempt, I think Nasia looks worried. The clock says 1:30 in the 1 round Nasia Jansen is in closed guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen is in closed guard, as Saerom tries to roll on the ground. Nasia uses her leg to keep her position on the ground. Nasia Jansen is in closed guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen is in closed guard, as Saerom tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Saerom's now in full mount over Nasia. Saerom is in full mount position over Nasia Jansen. Saerom tries to open up Nasia Jansen with a few strikes using her right elbow... Nasia blocks a few elbows. Now Saerom will have to look for another option. Saerom is in full mount position over Nasia Jansen. Saerom attempts to better her position on the ground... Nasia tries to roll on the ground...Rollin', rollin', rollin'... Saerom misses a step and Nasia sees an opportunity to counter her... Nasia Jansen tries to roll on the ground. Saerom knows how to keep her advantage on the ground. Saerom is in full mount position over Nasia Jansen. Nasia Jansen tries to roll to her side and trap Saerom in her guard... Nasia moves to half guard. The clock says 2:15 in the 1 round Saerom is in half guard over Nasia. Nasia Jansen tries to close the guard. Nasia has managed to put Saerom in closed guard. Saerom is in closed guard over Nasia. Saerom uses some of her wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard! After a few tentative moves Saerom jumps to side mount! The crowd in Las Lajas Sanctuary (Narino, Colombia) is cheering for her! Saerom is in a side mount over Nasia Jansen. Nasia Jansen and Saerom are on the canvas...Nasia is lifting her head up...looks like she might be attempting a headbutt... CRACK! Forehead to forehead! Saerom's brains will be scrambled after that hit! Yeow! It looks like Saerom's Chin is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Lena Gercke saw it! Lena Gercke allows Saerom time to recover. She takes some very heavy breaths and runs her fingers through her hair. The fight resumes with both fighters standing. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Saerom and Nasia glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Nasia Jansen launches a body shot. Saerom dodges and catches her with a hard cross. Smashing stuff, the crowd love it! The clock says 3:00 in the 1 round Nasia Jansen moves forward looking for some action. Saerom struggles a bit before breaking Nasia's attempt of grappling. "Not today, you dirty bitch.", Saerom gives Nasia the finger as she moves away from her. Saerom lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Nasia receives a hard blow on her right leg! Nasia Jansen's corner men are yelling for her to escape from the ground. Saerom can totally finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding given half the chance. Nasia has got to find a way out now! Saerom pushes Nasia and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. Saerom looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Nasia Jansen's punches. Saerom measures the resilience of Nasia's chin with an uppercut while Nasia lands some great crosses. Saerom is holding Nasia's right leg. Nasia should never have got herself in this spot, Saerom is trying to take her down. Nasia shows great balance while pushing away Saerom. Nasia Jansen fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Saerom didn't see that coming and has been put on the ground! Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Nasia breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen flex's her hand and grabs Saerom's stomach. Unusual attack here. She's going for a stomach claw. "Get your hands off me! You filthy animal!" Saerom rejects Nasia's stomach clawing attempt. Looks to me like she dodged a bullet there. Nasia gets sloppy and Saerom tries to take advantage... Deep breaths from Saerom who tries a hammer punch to Nasia Jansen's chest. Nasia blocks those punches. The clock says 4:25 in the 1 round Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Saerom tries to close her guard around Nasia Jansen. Saerom's not able to do it, there's a definite look of worry on her face. Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Deep breaths from Saerom who tries a hammer punch to Nasia Jansen's chest. Nasia blocks those punches. The clock says 4:50 in the 1 round Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen pushes Saerom against the fence and then tries to improve her position. Nasia jumps and tries to free her leg! Saerom doesn't allow this but Nasia is able to get half guard here. Lena Gercke separates the fighters as the round concludes. Oh! The two girls are shouting abuse at each other! Lena Gercke is forcibly having to push them apart as she sends them to their corners. The round is for Nasia, who walks calmly to her corner while adjusting her outfit. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Nasia Jansen moves to attack! Nasia misses a knee. Saerom will be thanking her lucky stars! Solid low kick from Nasia Jansen. For sure that had to hurt! Full credit to Saerom if she can keep going after receiving that. Oh no! It appears that there is an injury to Saerom's leg. It looks like she's hyper-extended it. Nasia Jansen fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Saerom didn't see that coming and has been put on the ground! Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Saerom and Nasia Jansen are on the canvas...Saerom is lifting her head up...looks like she might be attempting a headbutt... CRACK! Forehead to forehead! Nasia's brains will be scrambled after that hit! Lena Gercke didn't see the foul! Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Saerom tries to close her guard around Nasia Jansen. Saerom's not able to do it, there's a definite look of worry on her face. Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to jump to side mount. Saerom jumps up and shows her wrestling skills as she positions herself and continues the fight in side control. Saerom is in closed guard over Nasia. Saerom throws a lot of punches. There's little effect with those punches. Nasia's doing a great job covering herself up. The clock says 1:25 in the 2 round Saerom is in closed guard over Nasia. Saerom is in closed guard, as Nasia Jansen tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Nasia's now in full mount over Saerom. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Saerom tries to roll to her side and trap Nasia Jansen in her guard... Nasia keeps good control and remains in full mount. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Nasia Jansen attempts to keep her position while looking to perhaps begin a hard pounding session... Nasia controls the situation despite Saerom's efforts of escaping from the full mount. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Nasia Jansen attempts to keep her position while looking to perhaps begin a hard pounding session... Saerom struggles and frees her leg! Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Saerom is cooling the fight on the ground. The crowd doesn't like this. Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Saerom tries to close the guard. Nothing happened from this effort. Poorly executed technique from Saerom. Nasia looks to counter... Nasia Jansen sits over her knees and attempts to push away Saerom's long leg... Nasia is able to push away Saerom's leg and then she jumps to side mount. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. We're on the canvas as Nasia Jansen tries to mount Saerom... Saerom sees an opening and locks her opponent in half guard. She takes control of the fight. Lena Gercke stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Saerom and Nasia glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Nasia Jansen spins around and tries a spinning back kick! Sweat flies of her body and her hair flicks around, she's amazing to watch in action. Almost like a mother-fucking-ninja! Nasia hits Saerom very hard in the ribs with that one! Saerom crumbles to the floor like a little girl. The clock says 3:00 in the 2 round Saerom goes in with a looping right hand while Nasia Jansen jumps back and jabs. That one hits, but Nasia seems unaffected. She's countering with a few punches of her own. Great exchange here. Nasia Jansen throws a lazy punch towards Saerom's belly. What the...Nasia's punch has drifted below the belt and she's clawing at Saerom's crotch! Did the referee see that? Lena Gercke has seen that! OK folks, it looks like Lena Gercke is giving Saerom a moment to gather her thoughts. That's very nice of her, don't you think? Saerom pushes Nasia and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. Nasia Jansen launches a stiff jab, right towards Saerom's face! Saerom ducks that one. Poorly executed technique from Nasia. Saerom looks to counter... Saerom goes for a low kick... Nasia avoids the deadly blow. This girl has the agility of a cat! A pussy cat! Solid low kick from Nasia Jansen. For sure that had to hurt! Full credit to Saerom if she can keep going after receiving that. Saerom has hyper-extended her leg! Such a common injury in this day and age. Saerom steps back and signals for a time out. What? She can't do that! Nasia gestures to Lena Gercke, she wants the fight to continue. Nice punches from Saerom. Even nicer blocks from Nasia. Nasia tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Nasia Jansen begins to launch a barrage of punches over Saerom! Saerom is smart enough to duck backwards. High kick from Nasia Jansen! Her legs look amazing! She misses narrowly! Nasia Jansen looks to close the range with Saerom and tries to grapple... Oh baby, that's a nice move. Nasia shoves herself over her opponent and secures a single collar tie. Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Saerom launches a knee! Saerom hits Nasia hard just below the tits! It's like her whole body was hit by a freight train. She'll be wishing she was wearing a padded bra. It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Nasia Jansen pushes off of Saerom and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots! Saerom holds her opponent tight while she tries to cool down the action. Nasia gets sloppy and Saerom tries to take advantage... Saerom tries to finish this with a rear naked choke! Can she do it? Nasia ducks under and pushes away her opponent. Saerom was unable to gain the advantage there. Lena Gercke tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over. Nasia is the winner of this round. She raises her fist in the air and the crowd respond with cheers. ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= Nasia Jansen decides to launch some tentative punches... Saerom launches a couple of jabs that are answered by Nasia with a stiff cross! Solid exchange! That looks like it hurts! Nasia's Chin isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. The clock says 0:20 in the 3 round Nasia Jansen tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown... Got her! Saerom is unable to remain on her feet and falls to the ground. The clock says 0:30 in the 3 round Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to move to full mount... ...and she succeeds! Nice work. I think everyone here knows how difficult that was. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Saerom tries to escape from the full mount... Saerom struggles and pushes her opponent. She's starting to look a bit anxious, but at least she is putting up a fight. Saerom tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Deep breaths from Saerom who tries a hammer punch to Nasia Jansen's chest. Nasia blocks those punches. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to keep her position. That look in her eye, I think she wants to begin a good pounding session... Saerom struggles and pushes her opponent. She's starting to look a bit anxious. Nasia clumsily fails here and it's time for Saerom to fight back... Saerom launches a few weak punches. Nasia blocks them effectively. Saerom needs to get more steam behind those hits. The clock says 0:55 in the 3 round Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. This fight is awfully one sided. Matchmakers should take this into account for future fights between these two. Saerom's taking this opportunity to rest. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Saerom tries to roll to her side and trap Nasia Jansen in her guard... Saerom gets her hips out and gets to full guard. She's showing a lot of skill there. The clock says 1:20 in the 3 round Nasia Jansen is in closed guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen is in closed guard, as Saerom tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Saerom's now in full mount over Nasia. Saerom is in full mount position over Nasia Jansen. Saerom is trying to better her position on the ground and launches a couple of elbows against Nasia Jansen's ribs and breasts. Nasia blocks Saerom's moves and tries to reverse the situation. Saerom is in full mount position over Nasia Jansen. Nasia Jansen tries to roll to her side and trap Saerom in her guard... Saerom rolls her over and takes her back! Saerom is pressing Nasia's face down on the canvas, pushing her body down...I bet Nasia's wishing she had a padded bra on to protect her breasts. Saerom is in rear mount over Nasia. Nasia Jansen has Saerom, she's controlling her back while on the ground. She tries to roll and find an escape... Saerom is unable to move under Nasia's control. Nasia gets sloppy and Saerom tries to take advantage... Saerom positions herself and launches a barrage of punches. Nasia covers herself well. Protecting herself against Saerom. The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground. The crowd appreciate her getting these girls back to their feet. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Saerom and Nasia glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Nasia steps backwards away from Saerom. She seems to be cooling down the fight a bit. You can see how sweaty she is, I just hope she has the fitness to continue. Tremendous strikes from Nasia Jansen! Some big punches are landing! This could be the end of Saerom! Nasia has inflicted a deep cut on Saerom's Chin. There's some blood coming from that wound. The clock says 2:20 in the 3 round Nasia steps back and signals for a time out. What? She can't do that! Saerom gestures to Lena Gercke, she wants the fight to continue. The clock says 2:30 in the 3 round Saerom's one of those women capable of pounding you into oblivion! She can beat the clothes right off you and pound on your tits until they're black and blue. Saerom feints and then moves forward to hit with a hook. What a crushing shot! Thank God I'm not the one inside that cage! Nasia Jansen jumps over Saerom and tries to grapple. Nasia pushes Saerom against the cage in a plum position! The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. This is beginning to look like some kind of romantic slow dance! Saerom and Nasia are hugging each other! Let's get on with this fight! Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Saerom launches a few hard punches towards Nasia Jansen's breasts! Nasia struggles and protects herself. We all know how much she loves her tits! HA! Saerom clumsily fails here and it's time for Nasia to fight back... Nasia Jansen and Saerom are cliched up against the cage. Nasia steps for a throw... BAM! Saerom is flat on her back. Great Judo technique shown! Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to move to full mount! Saerom won't allow her to take this position easily. She works hard to prevent being taken. The clock says 3:25 in the 3 round Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Saerom tries to show some of her ground skills. Nasia uses her strength to keep Saerom at a disadvantage. That's a nice show of power. Saerom clumsily fails here and it's time for Nasia to fight back... Nasia Jansen launches a few punches at Saerom. Saerom covers herself well and then rolls on the ground. Great reversal! Saerom is in open guard over Nasia. Nasia Jansen tries to close her guard around Saerom. Nasia's not able to do it, there's a definite look of worry on her face. Saerom is in open guard over Nasia. Nasia Jansen tries to close her guard around Saerom. Nasia succeeds. That's very nice work. Saerom is in closed guard over Nasia. Saerom throws a few hammer fists to the face of Nasia Jansen. That's blocked by Nasia. Her defense is strong against that attack. Nasia is trying to counter now... Nasia Jansen switches to high guard and then tries to sink a triangle! Saerom struggles and her head turns red from the choke, but she manages to slip her head of the lock! Saerom is in closed guard over Nasia. Saerom is in closed guard, as Nasia Jansen tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Nasia's now in full mount over Saerom. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Nasia Jansen attempts to better her position on the ground... Saerom tries to roll on the ground...Rollin', rollin', rollin'... Saerom tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Saerom tries to roll to her side and trap Nasia Jansen in her guard... Saerom gets her hip out and moves to full guard. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. What the hell is Nasia Jansen up to? She's moving around on the canvas and positioning herself... Saerom moves her head away just in time! Nasia misses with a headbutt and ends up smacking her forehead on the canvas! Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Saerom tries to roll to her side and trap Nasia Jansen in her guard... Nasia rolls her over and takes her back! Nasia is pressing Saerom's face down on the canvas, pushing her body down...I bet Saerom's wishing she had a padded bra on to protect her breasts. Nasia is in rear mount over Saerom. Deep breaths from Saerom who tries a hammer punch to Nasia Jansen's chest. Nasia blocks those punches. Saerom gets sloppy and Nasia Jansen tries to take advantage... Nasia Jansen tries to get a hook in! Saerom rolls on the mat and manages to get a half guard! Lena Gercke stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity. Both women get to their feet and catch their collective breath. Nasia is wiping the sweat from her eyes as Saerom runs her fingers through her hair. Referee Lena Gercke stops the action and is having to yell at the fighters to get back to their corners. The round is over. You have to give that round to Nasia. She looks over at her opponent and calls out, "What're you going to do now? You got nothing I can't deal with!" ========================================= Round 4 ========================================= Saerom launches a stiff jab, it's aimed directly at Nasia Jansen's face! That barely hits Nasia's face but it seems like one finger has poked her eye! Does the referee see that? Lena Gercke didn't see that! Give her some glasses! Saerom jumps over Nasia and tries to grapple. Saerom pushes Nasia against the cage in a plum position! The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. I don't think the crowd like this. Nasia and Saerom are just holding onto each other. The referee needs to get in there and separate them. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. The fans just love watching Saerom in the cage. Beauty, poise and a fantastic figure. This girl has got it all and she's not letting up in this fight! The two fighters are holding each other close. Both Saerom and Nasia are taking a moment to slow things down. The referee intervenes to break the clinch. She's seen enough of this hugging and wants them to get back to fighting. Nasia Jansen grabs Saerom by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! The fighters are struggling...Saerom is going to get free...No! Great takedown by Nasia! That's strength and skill. The clock says 1:10 in the 4 round Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Deep breaths from Saerom who tries a hammer punch to Nasia Jansen's chest. That hit Nasia! She moves on the ground in order to protect herself. Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen pushes Saerom against the fence and then tries to improve her position. Nasia jumps and tries to free her leg! Saerom doesn't allow this but Nasia is able to get half guard here. Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen pushes on Saerom's leg and attempts to move to full mount. Solid move by Nasia, shes now in full mount. Looks like Saerom is in trouble now. The clock says 1:40 in the 4 round Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Saerom tries to roll to her side and get to half guard... Saerom creates enough space to control Nasia's leg. The strain is showing, but Saerom's such a great competitor, I think she can handle it. Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to free her leg...she's trying to get away from Saerom. Saerom doesn't allow any movement here. Saerom seems happy to cool the fight on the ground. Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Nasia breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Nasia's taking this opportunity to rest. Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen looks like she's trying to pass Saerom's guard... Nasia manages to get her toned leg free and moves to side mount. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to move to full mount! Saerom won't allow her to take this position easily. She works hard to prevent being taken. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. I know Saerom likes to think of herself as the under dog, but Nasia's streets ahead of her. Saerom's simply out of her depth here. Saerom is attempting to trap Nasia Jansen in her guard. Nasia keeps control and remains in side mount. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Nasia Jansen is trying to better her position on the ground and launches a couple of elbows against Saerom's ribs and breasts. Saerom blocks Nasia's moves and tries to reverse the situation. Saerom is trying to counter now... Saerom tries to show some of her ground skills. Saerom manages to put Nasia Jansen in half guard. Lena Gercke has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters, "Come on ladies. This is a fight not a slumber party!" Both women get to their feet and catch their collective breath. Saerom is wiping the sweat from her eyes as Nasia runs her fingers through her hair. Saerom launches a kick... Nasia avoids it and lands flush with a counter hook! Saerom never saw that coming! There's a vicious laceration on Saerom's Mouth. It looks as if it's hurt her. I doubt she can continue. Nasia Jansen steps forward and fires a high kick! Saerom blocks decisively and she glares at Nasia, "No fucking way, bitch." Nasia steps backwards away from Saerom. She seems to be cooling down the fight a bit. You can see how sweaty she is, I just hope she has the fitness to continue. The clock says 3:30 in the 4 round It's not a desirable position that Saerom is in now. Nasia Jansen's well known for her strong and relentless GnP. She's beaten a lot of girls to a bloody pulp in this position. Nasia Jansen tries to grapple. She puts Saerom in a double underhook! The clock says 3:40 in the 4 round Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Nasia Jansen tries to break the clinch...Saerom launches a great knee when she finds a narrow space! Awesome impact! Nasia stumbles forwards and Saerom grabs her by the hair and pulls her down! Several good body shots from Saerom... They're landing on Nasia. Bang, bang, bang. A very hard blow to Nasia Jansen's mid-section. That hit her with full force and has winded her. She seems hurt, I can see her eyes watering. Yes, she's on the verge of crying. Saerom's corner men are yelling for her to escape from the ground. Nasia Jansen can totally finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding given half the chance. Saerom has got to find a way out now! Nasia Jansen tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown... Got her! Saerom is unable to remain on her feet and falls to the ground. Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen moves on the ground... ... and she moves to side mount. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Nasia's taking this opportunity to rest. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Saerom is cooling the fight on the ground. The crowd doesn't like this. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. We're on the canvas as Nasia Jansen tries to mount Saerom... Saerom sees an opening and locks her opponent in half guard. She takes control of the fight. The clock says 4:55 in the 4 round Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to pass Saerom's guard... Saerom's guard is too good and Nasia fails to capitalize. She's cursing herself now. The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. Referee Lena Gercke tells the fighters to go to their corners. Nasia is the winner of this round. She raises her fist in the air and the crowd respond with cheers. ========================================= Round 5 ========================================= Lightning fast low kick from Nasia Jansen! She can really move when she wants to. Saerom blocks that kick with her leg. Nasia Jansen tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown... Got her! Saerom is unable to remain on her feet and falls to the ground. The clock says 0:30 in the 5 round Nasia Jansen is in open guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen moves on the ground... ...and she gets to half guard. A positive outcome for her. Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to free her leg...she's trying to get away from Saerom. Yes! Nasia moves to side mount. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Nasia Jansen looks to pass to mount... Nasia slides her knee across and achieves the mount position! This is a tough spot for Saerom. The clock says 0:55 in the 5 round Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to keep her position. That look in her eye, I think she wants to begin a good pounding session... Nasia controls the situation despite Saerom's efforts of escaping from the full mount. The clock says 1:05 in the 5 round Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Saerom tries to roll to her side and get to half guard... Nasia rolls Saerom to her stomach and takes her back! Oh boy, Saerom's breasts are being pushed into the ground! Nasia is in rear mount over Saerom. Nasia Jansen positions herself over Saerom. "How do you like this, Saerom?" Oh no, Nasia's going for a crotch claw! That has to be illegal! Saerom's not happy, tears are in her eyes as Nasia locks her hand over her crotch! Oh my, that's humiliating. Lena Gercke saw it! OK folks, it looks like Lena Gercke is giving Saerom a moment to gather her thoughts. That's very nice of her, don't you think? Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Las Lajas Sanctuary (Narino, Colombia) are cheering for the girls. Lightning fast low kick from Nasia Jansen! She can really move when she wants to. Saerom blocks that kick with her leg. This fight is awfully one sided. Matchmakers should take this into account for future fights between these two. Nasia Jansen wants this win. She unleashes a mighty kick. Brutal high kick to Saerom! The crowd are screaming "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" Saerom attempts a sweep single... Nasia was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt. Saerom misses a step and Nasia sees an opportunity to counter her... Oh no! A bad move from Saerom! She allows Nasia to land a solid head kick. Saerom's rocked with that one! Pulverizing punch to Saerom's head from Nasia Jansen! Ouch, that had to hurt! Brutal-looking high kick from Nasia Jansen! Look out Saerom! BANG! You could hear the impact from the back seats! This action is insane! It's going to be hard for Saerom to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Forehead is swelling up big time. Saerom pushes Nasia and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. Nasia Jansen is playing with Saerom. I don't know if it's because of Saerom's lack of fighting spirit or just lack of skill. Saerom looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Nasia Jansen's punches. Saerom measures the resilience of Nasia's chin with an uppercut while Nasia lands some great crosses. Saerom steps forward and fires a high kick! Nasia blocks decisively and she glares at Saerom, "No fucking way, bitch." The clock says 2:35 in the 5 round A left hook from Nasia Jansen. It just grazes the chin of Saerom. The clock says 2:45 in the 5 round Nasia Jansen is holding Saerom's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Saerom down... Saerom shows great balance while pushing away Nasia. Saerom is trying to counter now... Saerom throws a hook. Saerom fails to land it. Nasia Jansen is opening up on Saerom and raining down combinations! Saerom doesn't look worried as she defends with absolute class. Saerom tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Good movement from Saerom...she's looking like a professional out there. Saerom's moving in to strike and moving away afterwards. This is classic MMA tactical fighting. The clock says 3:05 in the 5 round Nasia seems hesitant, it's as if she is happy to give the initiative to her opponent. Nasia Jansen is holding Saerom's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Saerom down... Crash! Saerom loses balance and goes to the ground. She could be in trouble. Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Nasia Jansen tries to move to full mount! That's a nice move. Nasia is in full mount now, putting herself in the dominant position. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Nasia breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Nasia Jansen attempts to better her position on the ground... Nice show of MMA skill here. Nasia's now in a great position to begin a round of pounding! Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Saerom tries to escape from the full mount... Nasia's not caught off guard and moves to side mount. She keeps her superior position, what a brilliant tactician Nasia is. The clock says 3:40 in the 5 round Nasia Jansen is in a side mount over Saerom. Saerom attempts to trap Nasia Jansen in her guard. Saerom manages to switch to full guard. Nasia Jansen is in closed guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen's looking to pass Saerom's guard... Nasia Jansen gets her hips free and moves to half guard. The clock says 4:00 in the 5 round Nasia Jansen is in half guard over Saerom. Nasia Jansen pushes on Saerom's leg and attempts to move to full mount. Solid move by Nasia, shes now in full mount. Looks like Saerom is in trouble now. Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Deep breaths from Saerom who tries a hammer punch to Nasia Jansen's chest. Nasia blocks those punches. The clock says 4:25 in the 5 round Nasia Jansen is in full mount position over Saerom. Saerom tries to roll on the ground. She makes a reversal! Saerom is in closed guard over Nasia. Saerom tries to escape from the closed guard... Saerom struggles to liberate her leg and jumps to half guard! Now that's MMA skill! The clock says 4:50 in the 5 round Saerom is in half guard over Nasia. Saerom attempts to pass Nasia Jansen's guard... Saerom manages to get her leg free and moves to side mount. Saerom is in a side mount over Nasia Jansen. On the mat here as Saerom prepares to mount Nasia Jansen... Saerom slides her knee across and gets to mount. Lena Gercke separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! This round is clearly for Nasia. Judge: Nasia Jansen 10 10 10 10 10: 50 Judge: Saerom 9 9 9 9 9: 45 Judge: Nasia Jansen 9 10 9 10 10: 48 Judge: Saerom 10 9 10 9 9: 47 Judge: Nasia Jansen 10 9 10 10 10: 49 Judge: Saerom 9 10 9 9 9: 46 And here is your winner...Nasia Jansen! Marking her victory by Unanimous decision at 5:00 Round 5! Well done! Statistics: Nasia Jansen Punches 17/31 (55%) Kicks 6/11 (55%) Clinch strikes 3/16 (19%) Takedowns 8/9 (89%) GnP strikes 0/8 (0%) Submissions 1/1 (100%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 1807,89 Clinch Damage 53,25 Ground Damage 166,67 Time on the ground 797 s Statistics: Saerom Punches 13/22 (59%) Kicks 2/5 (40%) Clinch strikes 4/8 (50%) Takedowns 0/2 (0%) GnP strikes 1/26 (4%) Submissions 1/1 (100%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 1080,28 Clinch Damage 261,88 Ground Damage 46,9 Time on the ground 797 s Nasia Jansen wins 26,75 ranking points after the fight. Saerom loses -16,72 ranking points after the fight. People at Las Lajas Sanctuary (Narino, Colombia) will not regret paying for this ticket. Nasia's awesome performance was worth the money. (648 points) We've seen a nice effort tonight from Saerom. In my opinion she was thinking of the fans besides the fight itself. She showed us enough technical skill, as well as enough skin, during the fight to keep most of the crowd happy. (296 points) MMA Internet sites are about to explode! What an awesome fight, watching Nasia and Saerom going at it hard in a cage is the kind of entertainment that I love!