Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for a night of sheer bravery and tenacity! From the bustling streets of Hoensbroek, Netherlands, standing at an alluring 5'6" and weighing in at a courageous 122 pounds. She's a samurai in the making, fearless in the face of adversity. Put your hands together for the Karate Divas star, Simone Simons! A "Elisabetta! Elisabetta! Elisabetta! Elisabetta!" chant has gone up around the arena. The crowd loves this fighter and she's never one to ignore her fans. She smiles, waves and then bows to the chanting crowd! They go totally ballistic! Elisabetta Canalis bounces up and down on the spot. Her breasts rising and falling and her hair flicking around. She looks like she's ready to rock and roll tonight. Representing Karate Divas, the cool and collected Simone Simons, nods in her opponent's direction, "Hope you brought your A-game, babe. I'm not afraid of anything you have to offer." Elisabetta Canalis has fought Simone Simons 1 times. She has lost 1 of them. The bets gives an equal chance to both fighters to score a win tonight. Elisabetta Canalis comes with a 4 fight winning streak. Simone Simons comes with a 4 fight winning streak. The referee of the bout is Autumn Reeser. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= The bell rings and round one is underway. Elisabetta's making an early statement by gesturing at her opponent, I hope that doesn't bite her in the ass. Simone Simons launches a body shot. Elisabetta evades. Elisabetta Canalis found an opening in the defense of Simone Simons, she's launching a big uppercut... Bingo! Simone's wobbling! That must have hurt like a bitch. Simone Simons moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Elisabetta pushes Simone and keeps the fight at striking range. Bone shattering straight left hand from Elisabetta Canalis! CRASH. Simone's going to have the mother of all headaches after that blow! Simone has a nasty cut on her Right cheek. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Elisabetta Canalis moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Elisabetta has her opponent in a text book double collar thai clinch! Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Simone Simons's corner men are worried about her safety if she continues clinching with Elisabetta Canalis. Elisabetta Canalis tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Elisabetta Canalis circles out and slips free of Simone Simons's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. Elisabetta Canalis spins around and tries a spinning back kick! Sweat flies of her body and her hair flicks around, she's amazing to watch in action. Almost like a mother-fucking-ninja! Elisabetta hits Simone very hard in the ribs with that one! Simone crumbles to the floor like a little girl. Simone Simons fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Elisabetta staggers, but remains on her feet. She's quick and nimble like a cat! A pussy, a pussy cat! Simone Simons tries to take the action to her favorite field as she tries to grapple. Great move by Simone as she pushes Elisabetta forward with double underhooks. Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Simone Simons doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Elisabetta Canalis's embrace and tries to move away. Elisabetta Canalis pushes Simone Simons forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch. Elisabetta tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Elisabetta Canalis pushes away Simone Simons, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Simone Simons stumbles backwards and Elisabetta Canalis circles to get the center of the cage. Elisabetta Canalis tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Nicely done. Elisabetta's clinching with Simone and their tits are mashed against each other. I'd like to be between that tit sandwich! It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Elisabetta Canalis is controlling the clinch and launches a vicious knee! Crushing blow to Simone's face. That was a sick sound, like a brick hitting a bag full of mince meat! It's going to be hard for Simone to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Right eye is swelling up big time. Elisabetta has inflicted a deep cut on Simone's Right eye. There's some blood coming from that wound. Simone Simons doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Elisabetta Canalis's embrace and tries to move away. Elisabetta Canalis pushes Simone Simons forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch. We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. Simone Simons tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Elisabetta Canalis is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. Elisabetta tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Elisabetta Canalis pushes Simone Simons against the fence and begins a relentless combination of punches. The crowd is on its feet! Simone cannot escape Elisabetta's clinch! Elisabetta's just brutalizing Simone with punches time and time again! It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Simone Simons tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Elisabetta Canalis is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. Simone Simons can end the fight at any moment from the clinch. You can hear the crowd buzz with anticipation. Simone Simons is in good position and is looking to change levels for the takedown... Elisabetta doesn't let Simone get in on her legs. She stays standing. Simone clumsily fails here and it's time for Elisabetta to fight back... Elisabetta Canalis shoots for a double leg takedown! She hits it! Simone is taken off her feet...oh! but she manages to pull Elisabetta into her guard. Simone Simons ribs are getting hammered, this looks bad! This kind of damage could stop the fight. Simone will need to dig deep to fight through this. Elisabetta Canalis is in closed guard over Simone. Elisabetta Canalis is in closed guard, as Simone Simons tries to roll on the ground. Elisabetta uses her leg to keep her position on the ground. Elisabetta Canalis is in closed guard over Simone. Deep breaths from Simone Simons who tries a hammer punch to Elisabetta Canalis's chest. Elisabetta blocks those punches. Elisabetta tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Elisabetta Canalis tries to better her position on the ground... Elisabetta breaks the guard of Simone and moves to half guard. That'll give Elisabetta the advantage here. Elisabetta Canalis is in a side mount over Simone Simons. Simone Simons tries to show some of her ground skills. Elisabetta uses her strength to keep Simone at a disadvantage. That's a nice show of power. Elisabetta Canalis is in a side mount over Simone Simons. The two fighters are on the canvas. The crowd watches as Elisabetta Canalis looks to mount Simone Simons... Elisabetta slides her knee across and gets to mount. Elisabetta Canalis is in full mount position over Simone Simons. Simone Simons's using some of her ground skills to escape from this... Elisabetta pushes Simone down and prevents her attempts to escape. The clock says 3:40 in the 1 round Elisabetta Canalis is in full mount position over Simone Simons. Elisabetta Canalis attempts to keep her position while looking to perhaps begin a hard pounding session... Elisabetta controls the situation despite Simone's efforts of escaping from the full mount. Elisabetta Canalis is in full mount position over Simone Simons. Simone Simons tries to roll to her side and get to half guard... Elisabetta rolls Simone to her stomach and takes her back! Oh boy, Simone's breasts are being pushed into the ground! Elisabetta is in rear mount over Simone. Elisabetta is cooling the fight on the ground. The crowd doesn't like this. The clock says 4:15 in the 1 round Elisabetta is in rear mount over Simone. Simone Simons has Elisabetta Canalis, she's controlling her back while on the ground. She tries to roll and find an escape... Elisabetta is unable to move under Simone's control. Elisabetta is trying to counter now... Elisabetta Canalis tries to open up Simone Simons's defense by faking a few punches. The sweat's flying off Elisabetta's face as she aggressively and repeatedly punches Simone in the side of the head! Simone's Forehead is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Simone's Forehead. The clock says 4:25 in the 1 round Elisabetta is in rear mount over Simone. Simone Simons's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Simone Simons has Elisabetta Canalis, she's controlling her back while on the ground. She tries to roll and find an escape... Elisabetta is unable to move under Simone's control. Elisabetta Canalis is in closed guard over Simone. Elisabetta Canalis positions herself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows. Simone attempts to cover herself and blocks those elbows. Autumn Reeser stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Sphinx Observatory (Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland) are cheering for the girls. Simone Simons's corner men are yelling for her to escape from the ground. Elisabetta Canalis can totally finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding given half the chance. Simone has got to find a way out now! You can see Simone Simons's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Simone has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Both fighters are missing terribly. The crowd doesn't like this! Simone Simons's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Elisabetta Canalis smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Good looking front kick from Simone Simons... Elisabetta blocks with grim determination, "Come on, Simone. That all you got?" Elisabetta is trying to counter now... Superb haymaker by Elisabetta Canalis... It smashes into Simone's face like a cannonball! Ohhh, she's not so pretty now. You can say goodbye to that modeling contract, love. Yeow! It looks like Simone's Mouth is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Autumn Reeser tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over. You have to give that round to Elisabetta. She looks over at her opponent and calls out, "Better luck next time, sweetheart. But let's be real, there won't be a next time." ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Simone Simons looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Elisabetta Canalis's punches. Elisabetta is on the receiving end of a great combo by Simone. Elisabetta moves forward. It looks like she's hunting for a hole in her opponent's defense. Elisabetta Canalis looks to close the range with Simone Simons and tries to grapple... Simone doesn't want anything to do with this as she moves backwards. You can see Simone Simons's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Simone has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Elisabetta Canalis moves to attack! Elisabetta misses a knee. Simone will be thanking her lucky stars! Poorly executed technique from Elisabetta. Simone looks to counter... Simone Simons tries to grapple. She puts Elisabetta in a double underhook! Simone Simons pushes away Elisabetta Canalis, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Elisabetta Canalis doesn't want to break the clinch. She's still grappling with Simone Simons. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Brutal knees to Simone Simons's face, followed by knees to the body. Elisabetta Canalis is looking to make her pay! Bang! Bang! Bang! Simone can't take many more shots like that! Down Simone goes! She's out cold! That phenomenal knock out has put the rest of Elisabetta's division on notice! And here is your winner...Elisabetta Canalis! Marking her victory by KO (Knees) at 0:53 Round 2! Well done! Statistics: Elisabetta Canalis Punches 3/8 (38%) Kicks 1/2 (50%) Clinch strikes 9/11 (82%) Takedowns 1/1 (100%) GnP strikes 4/7 (57%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%) Damage caused 1486,75 Clinch Damage 642,63 Ground Damage 79,5 Time on the ground 119 s Statistics: Simone Simons Punches 6/7 (86%) Kicks 0/1 (0%) Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%) Takedowns 0/2 (0%) GnP strikes 0/1 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 12,67 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 119 s Elisabetta Canalis wins 49,09 ranking points after the fight. Simone Simons loses -30,68 ranking points after the fight. A highlight reel performance by Elisabetta from beginning to end! We want this woman at every UCC event! The crowd love watching her work in the cage. (1355 points) A dominating performance by Simone who took her best game against Elisabetta. I have no doubt Simone will be gracing the cover of Total Knock Out in the near future. (761 points)