Ladies and gentlemen! Prepare to witness a fighter whose confidence knows no bounds. From Russia, Ekaterina Lisina emits an air of unwavering pride and a touch of condescension. Standing at an impossible 6'9" and weighing a curvaceous 200 pounds, she's a force to be reckoned with, and she knows it. Ekaterina Lisina knows that true power comes not just from her physical prowess, but from an unshakable belief in herself. The fans are chanting, "Rihanna! Rihanna! Kick her ass!" They're 100% amped and on fire for their fighter tonight. If they don't motivate her, nothing will. "I hope you're not expecting to beat me. But hey, I'm feeling generous today, so maybe I'll let you score one punch." Ekaterina Lisina smirks at her opponent, then turns away and ignores her. Rihanna bounces up and down on the spot. Her breasts rising and falling and her hair flicking around. She looks like she's ready to rock and roll tonight. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. It should be a pretty fair match tonight. I can't pick which fighter will be raising her fists after this match. The referee of the bout is Autumn Reeser. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Rihanna has some choice words for her opponent, "Hey, Ekaterina Lisina! I'm ready to fight! Are you ready? Let's go!" Oh no! A bad move from Rihanna! She almost puts her head in the path of Ekaterina's kick. Buy a lottery ticket, Rihanna! Ekaterina Lisina looks to close the range with Rihanna and tries to grapple... Oh baby, that's a nice move. Ekaterina shoves herself over her opponent and secures a single collar tie. Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Rihanna doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Ekaterina Lisina's embrace and tries to move away. Ekaterina Lisina pushes Rihanna forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch. It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Ekaterina Lisina tries a flying knee towards Rihanna's chest! Rihanna blocks it and circles away. Poorly executed technique from Ekaterina. Rihanna looks to counter... Rihanna attempts to cut off Ekaterina Lisina with punches. Ekaterina reels from the strikes. Nice hits! The clock says 0:55 in the 1 round The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Both are landing hits, but without much steam behind the shots. Ekaterina Lisina leans forwards and tries to grapple with Rihanna. Ekaterina shows her clinching skills and grabs hold of Rihanna. The two women now clinching and looking very hot. Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Rihanna launches a furious knee! Bang! It clearly hits Ekaterina's crotch! Holy Mother of God that must have hurt. Referee Autumn Reeser needs to get her eyes checked. She missed that blatant foul! Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Rihanna tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Ekaterina Lisina is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. Rihanna tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Rihanna circles out and slips free of Ekaterina Lisina's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. Rihanna launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Ekaterina receives a hard blow on her left leg! Rihanna leans forwards and tries to grapple with Ekaterina Lisina. Rihanna shows her clinching skills and grabs hold of Ekaterina. The two women now clinching and looking very hot. Ekaterina Lisina doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Rihanna's embrace and tries to move away. Rihanna pushes Ekaterina Lisina forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch. We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. Ekaterina Lisina fakes a few punches and advances toward Rihanna. She's trying to take her down with an advancing leg sweep! Rihanna pushes Ekaterina and circles away, keeping herself within striking range. Rihanna tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown... Got her! Ekaterina is unable to remain on her feet and falls to the ground. Rihanna is in open guard over Ekaterina. Ekaterina Lisina is trying to close her guard around Rihanna. "Uhhh Rihanna...ughh...get off me..." Rihanna defends herself well and stops Ekaterina. "No fucking way, Ekaterina...(grunt)" Rihanna is in open guard over Ekaterina. Rihanna moves on the ground... Rihanna cannot take any advantage on the ground. Rihanna clumsily fails here and it's time for Ekaterina to fight back... Deep breaths from Ekaterina Lisina who tries a hammer punch to Rihanna's chest. Rihanna blocks those punches. Rihanna is in open guard over Ekaterina. Rihanna moves on the ground... Rihanna cannot take any advantage on the ground. Ekaterina is trying to counter now... Ekaterina Lisina launches a few weak punches. Rihanna blocks them effectively. Ekaterina needs to get more steam behind those hits. Rihanna is in open guard over Ekaterina. Ekaterina Lisina launches a few weak punches. Rihanna blocks them effectively. Ekaterina needs to get more steam behind those hits. Rihanna tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Pitty-pat punches from Rihanna. Ekaterina doesn't flinch. She can take that sort of crap all day. "Get up, girls. The crowd want some action." Autumn Reeser is calling for both fighters to regain their feet and continue, the crowd are happy with that decision. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Rihanna and Ekaterina glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Rihanna goes in with a looping right hand while Ekaterina Lisina jumps back and jabs. Rihanna only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless. Brutal-looking high kick from Ekaterina Lisina! Look out Rihanna! Rihanna dodges! How the hell did she escape that one? Ekaterina clumsily fails here and it's time for Rihanna to fight back... Nice punch by Rihanna. She outboxes Ekaterina in this exchange with some solid hits. Ekaterina Lisina moves forward looking for some action. Rihanna doesn't want to engage and back pedals. The clock says 3:40 in the 1 round Rihanna leads with a punch... Ekaterina evades but whiffs with a counter. Poorly executed technique from Ekaterina. Rihanna looks to counter... Rihanna launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Ekaterina blocks, showing some great skill. Rihanna launches a hook to the body. Ekaterina moves aside looking for a counter...she's always looking to make something from nothing. Rihanna steps backwards away from Ekaterina. She seems to be cooling down the fight a bit. You can see how sweaty she is, I just hope she has the fitness to continue. The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round Ekaterina Lisina tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown... Rihanna jumps backwards and frees her leg. Smooth move! Ekaterina Lisina and Rihanna engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are missing terribly. This is not what people paid to see! Rihanna pushes Ekaterina and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. Brutal combination from Ekaterina Lisina! Rihanna moves aside and dodges. She refuses to be hit with that exchange. Ekaterina clumsily fails here and it's time for Rihanna to fight back... A bunch of leg kicks from Rihanna. Those kicks are bothering her opponent. Not much power behind them, more of an annoyance really. Ekaterina Lisina tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Rihanna moves backwards and circles around Ekaterina to avoid the clinch. The referee has to get between the two fighters to separate them as the buzzer sounds. Autumn Reeser better be careful or she may get in the way of a punch or kick! That was an even round for the most part. Too close to call. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Ekaterina Lisina launches a couple of jabs and then a big hook! Rihanna blocks and tries to circle around her opponent looking for angles. Ekaterina misses a step and Rihanna sees an opportunity to counter her... A low kick by Rihanna as she makes an effort to maintain her distance. Rihanna has missed with that move. That was far from landing. The clock says 0:25 in the 2 round Ekaterina Lisina launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Rihanna receives a hard blow on her left leg! One of Rihanna's beautiful legs has been hyper-extended. It looks like her left leg is the victim. Ekaterina Lisina launches a shot seen throughout the arena! Timely defense by Rihanna, that punch was telegraphed by Ekaterina. Rihanna throws an uppercut. It lands solidly making a meaty thud. Ekaterina's being used as a punching bag. Quick hook by Ekaterina Lisina. It glances off Rihanna's arms. Rihanna is trying to counter now... Bone shattering straight right hand from Rihanna! BANG. Ekaterina's going to have a big headache after that blow! It's not a desirable position that Rihanna is in now. Ekaterina Lisina's well known for her strong and relentless GnP. She's beaten a lot of girls to a bloody pulp in this position. Ekaterina Lisina tries to take the action to her favorite field as she tries to grapple. Great move by Ekaterina as she pushes Rihanna forward with double underhooks. Rihanna tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Rihanna circles out and slips free of Ekaterina Lisina's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. Good movement from Rihanna...she's looking like a professional out there. Rihanna's moving in to strike and moving away afterwards. This is classic MMA tactical fighting. Ekaterina Lisina's one of those women capable of pounding you into oblivion! She can beat the clothes right off you and pound on your tits until they're black and blue. Rihanna throws a combo... Ekaterina punches back but nobody connects. High kick from Rihanna! Her legs look amazing! She misses narrowly! Rihanna clumsily fails here and it's time for Ekaterina to fight back... Ekaterina Lisina throws an uppercut. It lands solidly making a meaty thud. Rihanna's being used as a punching bag. Rihanna tries a hook to the body. She hits below Ekaterina's breasts hard! That hook lifting her chest up and pushing the air out of her. The clock says 1:55 in the 2 round Rihanna launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Ekaterina blocks, showing some great skill. Good movement from Rihanna...she's looking like a professional out there. Rihanna's moving in to strike and moving away afterwards. This is classic MMA tactical fighting. Ekaterina Lisina goes in with a looping right hand while Rihanna jumps back and jabs. That one hits, but Rihanna seems unaffected. She's countering with a few punches of her own. Great exchange here. Erk...someone call for a makeup artist! Ekaterina's Mouth is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Rihanna goes in with a looping right hand while Ekaterina Lisina jumps back and jabs. Rihanna only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless. Rihanna launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Ekaterina blocks, showing some great skill. Poorly executed technique from Rihanna. Ekaterina looks to counter... Good movement from Ekaterina Lisina...she's looking like a professional out there. Ekaterina's moving in to strike and moving away afterwards. This is classic MMA tactical fighting. Rihanna throws a body kick. Blocked by Ekaterina. You have to admire her ability to blocks those kicks. Ekaterina Lisina attempts a shoot! Rihanna hops back and delivers a powerful kick to her head! That looks to have dazzled Ekaterina, she's in a world of hurt now! Ekaterina's Forehead is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. The clock says 3:10 in the 2 round Rihanna fakes a punch and launches herself over Ekaterina Lisina. Nice move by Rihanna who clinches and pushes Ekaterina against the cage. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Rihanna tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Ekaterina Lisina is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. I don't think the crowd like this. Rihanna and Ekaterina are just holding onto each other. The referee needs to get in there and separate them. The referee has had enough of this clinching. Autumn Reeser separates the two combatants and signals for them to resume the fight. The clock says 3:30 in the 2 round Ekaterina Lisina fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Rihanna didn't see that coming and has been put on the ground! Ekaterina Lisina is in open guard over Rihanna. Ekaterina Lisina moves on the ground... ...and she gets to half guard. A positive outcome for her. Ekaterina Lisina is in half guard over Rihanna. Ekaterina Lisina holds Rihanna tight as she tries to launch a knee to her perfectly lovely tits! Rihanna is fast enough to block that knee! Ekaterina misses a step and Rihanna sees an opportunity to counter her... Rihanna gets hold of Ekaterina Lisina's arm and tries to apply an armbar. Ekaterina spins out, but Rihanna was ready for that and quickly switches to a triangle choke! Ekaterina is too good for Rihanna this time and manages to back out of danger. Autumn Reeser is stopping the fight here. She wants to see both girls on their feet. OK. Both fighters are upright and Autumn Reeser let's them continue. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Rihanna and Ekaterina glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Rihanna launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Ekaterina blocks, showing some great skill. Rihanna throws a lazy kick... Ekaterina blocks and keeps her distance. Ekaterina clumsily fails here and it's time for Rihanna to fight back... Rihanna lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Ekaterina Lisina blocks the kick. Nice defending. Ekaterina Lisina tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown... Rihanna jumps backwards and frees her leg. Smooth move! Rihanna is trying to counter now... Incredible high kick from Rihanna! What an impact. Ekaterina is dazed and worried! An inside leg kick from Rihanna. It lands on Ekaterina's leg with a loud smack. Rihanna decides to launch some tentative punches... Ekaterina launches a couple of jabs that are answered by Rihanna with a stiff cross! Solid exchange! Ekaterina Lisina is swinging for the fences! Rihanna back pedals and creates some space. Autumn Reeser separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! I don't think either fighter got the better of their opponent that round. ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= Ekaterina Lisina fakes a punch and launches herself over Rihanna. Rihanna's smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Ekaterina and pushes her away. Ekaterina gets sloppy and Rihanna tries to take advantage... An inside leg kick from Rihanna. It lands on Ekaterina's leg with a loud smack. Ekaterina Lisina tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Rihanna moves backwards and circles around Ekaterina to avoid the clinch. Ekaterina Lisina looks to close the range with Rihanna and tries to grapple... Rihanna doesn't want anything to do with this as she moves backwards. A low kick by Ekaterina Lisina as she makes an effort to maintain her distance. Ekaterina has missed with that move. That was far from landing. Ekaterina gets sloppy and Rihanna tries to take advantage... A body kick attempt by Rihanna... It just grazes Rihanna. Looks like that didn't even phase her. Here comes a punch to the guts from Ekaterina Lisina. Rihanna looks to defend... Rihanna has avoided that attack, she looks intently at Ekaterina. I think Ekaterina was planning something dirty there. The clock says 1:05 in the 3 round Rihanna paws at Ekaterina Lisina. Ekaterina swings ineffectively and backs away. Ekaterina clumsily fails here and it's time for Rihanna to fight back... Ekaterina Lisina leads with a punch... Rihanna avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut! Ohhh...amazing! Ekaterina has a nasty cut on her Left eye. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. The clock says 1:10 in the 3 round Solid kick to the leg from Ekaterina Lisina. Rihanna checks it and positions herself. Rihanna attempts a shoot! Rihanna checks herself and stops before running into Ekaterina's kick. Lucky girl! Ekaterina clumsily fails here and it's time for Rihanna to fight back... Rihanna fires a series of low kicks. My God! Rihanna is punishing Ekaterina's legs repeatedly! Those kicks are like lightning. Rihanna goes in with a looping right hand while Ekaterina Lisina jumps back and jabs. Ekaterina seems staggered and Rihanna runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. The clock says 1:40 in the 3 round Rihanna lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Ekaterina receives a hard blow on her right leg! Ekaterina Lisina moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Rihanna pushes Ekaterina and keeps the fight at striking range. Ekaterina Lisina looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Rihanna's punches. Rihanna is on the receiving end of a great combo by Ekaterina. Rihanna and Ekaterina Lisina engage in a wild exchange of punches! Rihanna is getting the best of the exchange. She's landing a few blows. That looks like it hurts! Ekaterina's Nose isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. The clock says 2:20 in the 3 round A solid combination from Rihanna. All those punches connect with Ekaterina. For every hit that lands, Rihanna's calling out "Take that, take that." A solid combination from Rihanna. All those punches connect with Ekaterina. For every hit that lands, Rihanna's calling out "Take that, take that." Ekaterina Lisina launches a shot seen throughout the arena! Timely defense by Rihanna, that punch was telegraphed by Ekaterina. Rihanna tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Shovel hook by Rihanna! She tags Ekaterina! That was brutal. Ekaterina's Chin is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. The clock says 2:45 in the 3 round Some nice shots from Rihanna. She stuns Ekaterina. Now's the time for Rihanna to strike for a win. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Ekaterina's Mouth. Ekaterina Lisina fakes a punch and launches herself over Rihanna. Rihanna's smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Ekaterina and pushes her away. Lightning fast low kick from Rihanna! She can really move when she wants to. Loud pop! I'm sure that hurts! Yes, Ekaterina's in some pain now. Ekaterina has hyper-extended her leg! Such a common injury in this day and age. That punishment by Rihanna has left Ekaterina staggered! Rihanna should try to push forward now and finish this! It looks as if Rihanna is out to embarrass her opponent! The Strikeforce girl is making a grab for Ekaterina Lisina's outfit and is going to attempt to give her a wedgie! "Ow...ow....ow...ow...", Ekaterina is squealing! Rihanna has a firm grip on her clothes and is pulling them upwards! School yard bullying here folks, that's a hell of a wedgie! Oh My! A crushing shot to Ekaterina Lisina's body! That one seemed to double her over and push the wind out of her. Ekaterina is holding her side and she looks very uncomfortable. Ekaterina seems hurt! She stumbles backwards and she's an easy target for Rihanna! This is the beginning of the end! Incredible high kick from Rihanna! What an impact. Ekaterina is dazed and worried! Rihanna tries a nice one-two combination. She scores! Oh, impressive indeed! Rihanna moves forward looking for some action. Rihanna shows some wrestling skills as she puts her opponent in a double overhook! Ekaterina Lisina tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Rihanna is determined to work from the clinch. She pummeled through and managed to retain her position. The clock says 3:55 in the 3 round Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Ekaterina Lisina flexes her body and taunts Rihanna by thrusting her hips at her and then she quickly launches another series of punches! Rihanna pushes her opponent forward and blocks most of Ekaterina's offensive. Ekaterina misses a step and Rihanna sees an opportunity to counter her... Rihanna charges at Ekaterina Lisina throwing flurries left and right. Not many punches are hitting, but the ones that do land are huge shots! Ekaterina is rocked! Yeow! It looks like Ekaterina's Left eye is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. There's a vicious laceration on Ekaterina's Left eye. It looks as if it's hurt her. I doubt she can continue. That punishment by Rihanna has left Ekaterina staggered! Rihanna should try to push forward now and finish this! Rihanna looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Ekaterina Lisina's punches. Ekaterina is on the receiving end of a great combo by Rihanna. Rihanna attempts to cut off Ekaterina Lisina with punches. Ekaterina reels from the strikes. Nice hits! Ekaterina's Mouth is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Rihanna is holding Ekaterina's right leg. Ekaterina should never have got herself in this spot, Rihanna is trying to take her down. Ekaterina loses her balance and goes to the ground. The clock says 4:35 in the 3 round Rihanna is in a side mount over Ekaterina Lisina. Ekaterina Lisina attempts to trap Rihanna in her guard. Rihanna keeps control and remains in side mount. Rihanna is in a side mount over Ekaterina Lisina. The two fighters are on the canvas. The crowd watches as Rihanna looks to mount Ekaterina Lisina... Rihanna slides her knee across and gets to mount. Rihanna is in full mount position over Ekaterina Lisina. Ekaterina Lisina tries to roll to her side and trap Rihanna in her guard... Rihanna keeps good control and remains in full mount. Referee Autumn Reeser stops the action and is having to yell at the fighters to get back to their corners. The round is over. Close round. It could go to either fighter. ========================================= Round 4 ========================================= Rihanna steps forward and fires a high kick! That's an insane high kick, I can't believe that landed! Ekaterina will be seeing stars! Ekaterina crumples to the mat and Rihanna moves in to finish her. The referee jumps in and stops the fight! Erk...someone call for a makeup artist! Ekaterina's Right eye is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. There's a vicious laceration on Ekaterina's Right eye. It looks as if it's hurt her. I doubt she can continue. It's a win for the Barbadian fighter, Rihanna. At 0:27 Round 4, the win coming via KO (High kick). Statistics: Ekaterina Lisina Punches 18/50 (36%) Kicks 1/6 (17%) Clinch strikes 0/7 (0%) Takedowns 1/3 (33%) GnP strikes 0/8 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/5 (20%) Damage caused 263,67 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 87 s Statistics: Rihanna Punches 50/69 (72%) Kicks 16/24 (67%) Clinch strikes 1/1 (100%) Takedowns 2/2 (100%) GnP strikes 0/3 (0%) Submissions 1/1 (100%) Clinch Attempts 2/2 (100%) Damage caused 7045,75 Clinch Damage 711 Ground Damage 9 Time on the ground 87 s Ekaterina Lisina loses -15,93 ranking points after the fight. Rihanna wins 24,22 ranking points after the fight. That was a decent performance from Ekaterina Lisina tonight. In my eyes, she read the fight well and wasn't afraid of engaging. Hopefully she can level out her aggression and do something about her hair, if she can manage that, then it's possible she'll go far in the UCC. (165 points) People at La Siberia (La Calera, Colombia) will not regret paying for this ticket. Rihanna's awesome performance was worth the money. (887 points) What a fight! I love my job! This is what it's all about! Hot chicks smashing the crap out of each other in a cage. In a freaking cage! It's girls like Rihanna and Ekaterina that make the ticket price worth every cent.