It's time to welcome a true force of positivity to this event! Hailing from New York City, New York, USA, Alexandra Daddario is a beacon of energy, kindness, and compassion. Standing at a striking 5'8" and weighing 134 pounds, she's a testament to the power of dedication and caring. These fans are ready to witness not only a remarkable display of skill, but also a heartwarming example of sportsmanship. I love you, Alexandra! Chiara DAmico is the favored fighter of the crowd here tonight. You couldn't even count the number of signs with her name on them. She flexes her body for the crowd as they start to chant her name. In a display of sportsmanship, Alexandra Daddario extends a fist towards her opponent for a friendly tap, all the while maintaining a warm smile that perfectly encapsulates her kind and caring nature. Chiara DAmico glares at her opponent from the opposite corner. She's confident she can win this. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. The bets gives an equal chance to both fighters to score a win tonight. Chiara DAmico comes with a 2 fight winning streak. The referee of the bout is Lena Gercke. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= The bell rings and Chiara is already calling Alexandra Daddario out, "I'm gonna win this fight! No way you can stop me!" The clock says 0:10 in the 1 round Solid jabs from Alexandra Daddario. Chiara defends, keeping herself safe from that attack. Alexandra gets sloppy and Chiara DAmico tries to take advantage... Chiara DAmico moves forward and launches a high kick! Alexandra ducks under the kick, the attack just brushing through her long beautiful hair. Lucky escape! Middle kick from Chiara DAmico. The kick just misses Alexandra's breasts. She'll be thanking her lucky stars that missed... Alexandra is trying to counter now... Quick hook by Alexandra Daddario. It glances off Chiara's arms. A wicked punch by Alexandra Daddario! She rocks Chiara and puts her in a world of hurt. Middle kick from Chiara DAmico. The kick just misses Alexandra's breasts. She'll be thanking her lucky stars that missed... Alexandra tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Alexandra Daddario tries a hook to the body! Chiara manages to dodge it. Nice escape from that hook. Chiara DAmico's mind is definitely in this fight. She sees an opening and delivers a big right hand... Wow! Alexandra's going to have a headache after that one. The clock says 1:10 in the 1 round Good leg kicks from Alexandra Daddario. Those kicks are connecting...Chiara winces a bit. The clock says 1:20 in the 1 round A punch from Alexandra Daddario... It gets blocked by Chiara. Poorly executed technique from Alexandra. Chiara looks to counter... A right hand from Chiara DAmico... It gets deflected. The clock says 1:30 in the 1 round Alexandra Daddario dodges a strike and counters with a crushing hook! That almost lifts Chiara from the ground! The power behind that is so dangerous and so electric, Alexandra is a genius in the cage. The clock says 1:40 in the 1 round Chiara DAmico fakes a punch and launches herself over Alexandra Daddario. Nice move by Chiara who clinches and pushes Alexandra against the cage. The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. After measuring the distance Alexandra Daddario jumps forward with a flying knee! Alexandra's knee landed perfectly on Chiara's tits! From the look on her face that must've really hurt. The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. Chiara DAmico gets double underhooks and looks for the takedown... Alexandra pummels her way back into position. Lena Gercke separates the fighters. She gets between them, forcing some space and looks at both of them before telling them to continue fighting. It's not a desirable position that Alexandra Daddario is in now. Chiara DAmico's well known for her strong and relentless GnP. She's beaten a lot of girls to a bloody pulp in this position. An inside leg kick from Chiara DAmico. The kick goes awry and Chiara almost loses her balance. She must be careful not to over commit on those kicks. Alexandra tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Chiara DAmico leads with a punch... Alexandra avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut! Ohhh...amazing! Alexandra steps back and signals for a time out. What? She can't do that! Chiara gestures to Lena Gercke, she wants the fight to continue. Chiara DAmico decides to launch some tentative punches... Chiara takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Alexandra fell like she got shot! This is over! Oh My God! This is insane! Insane! Chiara DAmico has won this fight! It's victory by KO (Punches) at 2:44 Round 1! Nice work! Statistics: Alexandra Daddario Punches 3/9 (33%) Kicks 3/3 (100%) Clinch strikes 1/1 (100%) Takedowns 0/0 (0%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 394,17 Clinch Damage 91,67 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 0 s Statistics: Chiara DAmico Punches 3/5 (60%) Kicks 0/4 (0%) Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%) Takedowns 0/1 (0%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%) Damage caused 89,17 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 0 s Alexandra Daddario loses -30,61 ranking points after the fight. Chiara DAmico wins 46,53 ranking points after the fight. That was a decent performance from Alexandra Daddario tonight. In my eyes, she read the fight well and wasn't afraid of engaging. Hopefully she can level out her aggression and do something about her hair, if she can manage that, then it's possible she'll go far in the UCC. (74 points) Chiara DAmico was boring today if you ask me. She did nothing in her fight. Chiara would have been better off just flashing her utterly alluring tits for the fans. (41 points) That was a nice effort, but I'd say we should expect more from Chiara and Alexandra. Considering how much they both say they want to win, I think we all expected a bit more.