Erin Heatherton's the favourite fighter of the crowd here at the Coober Pedy (South Australia, Austraila). You couldn't even count the number of signs with her name on them. Erin flexes her body for the crowd as they start a "Let's go Erin!" chant. Tiffany Fallon looks calm in her corner. The American fighter looks convinced of her abilities. "Let's get fight started, Erin. I have other places to be..." Erin Heatherton doesn't look concerned about anything Tiffany Fallon brings to the table. The World of Fight fighter eyes up her American opponent, "I hope you're ready to have your ass kicked!" This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. It should be a pretty fair match tonight. I can't pick which fighter will be raising her fists after this match. Tiffany Fallon comes with a 4 fight winning streak. Erin Heatherton comes with a 3 fight winning streak. The referee of the bout is Toccara Jones. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= The bell has rung and Erin Heatherton is eyeing up Tiffany Fallon to get this started. Erin's already taunting her opponent, "You ready for me, bitch? Just bring it, Tiffany". Tiffany Fallon goes in with a looping right hand while Erin Heatherton jumps back and jabs. Tiffany seems staggered and Erin runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Tiffany Fallon lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighters legs are amazing to watch! Erin Heatherton blocks the kick. Nice defending. The clock says 0:30 in the 1 round Erin Heatherton tries a middle kick. Her leg shooting out... Tiffany blocks with her arm! Wow, that was loud and must have hurt! The damage has been done and Tiffany Fallon has hyper-extended her arm. I doubt she will be able to throw too many punches with that arm now. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Both fighters are missing terribly. The crowd don't like this! Erin Heatherton launches a stiff jab, right towards Tiffany Fallon's face! That barely hits Tiffany's face but it seems like one finger has poked her eye! Does the referee see that? Is she blind? Toccara Jones didn't see that foul. Erin Heatherton's mind is definitely in this fight. She sees an opening and delivers a big right hand... Wow! Tiffany's going to have a headache after that one. Tiffany Fallon tries to bring the fight to the ground. She wants Erin on the mat. Erin won't budge! She's forcing Tiffany to pull guard. Erin Heatherton is in closed guard over Tiffany. Erin Heatherton's in closed guard, as Tiffany Fallon tries to roll on the ground. Erin uses her leg to keep her position on the ground. Poorly executed technique from Tiffany. Erin looks to counter... Erin Heatherton hovers above Tiffany Fallon... Tiffany stops her from throwing strikes. Solid defense here from Tiffany. Erin Heatherton is in closed guard over Tiffany. Erin Heatherton's in closed guard, as Tiffany Fallon tries to roll on the ground. Erin uses her leg to keep her position on the ground. The clock says 1:40 in the 1 round Erin Heatherton is in closed guard over Tiffany. Erin Heatherton's in closed guard, as Tiffany Fallon tries to roll on the ground. Erin uses her leg to keep her position on the ground. Erin tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Pity-pat punches from Erin Heatherton. Tiffany doesn't flinch. She can take that sort of crap all day. The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground. The crowd appreciate her getting these girls back to their feet. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Coober Pedy (South Australia, Austraila) are cheering for the girls. The clock says 1:50 in the 1 round Erin Heatherton goes for a low kick... Faster than a blinking eye, she follows up with a high kick! It connects! Tiffany is in trouble! Big trouble! Yeow! It looks like Tiffany's Mouth is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Tiffany Fallon looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Erin Heatherton's punches. Tiffany is on the receiving end of a great combo by Erin. Erin Heatherton decides to launch some tentative punches... Erin takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Tiffany's Mouth is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. The clock says 2:20 in the 1 round Erin Heatherton moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Erin has her opponent in a text book double collar thai clinch! Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Tiffany Fallon pushes Erin Heatherton against the fence and begins a relentless combination of punches. The crowd is on its feet! Erin tries to block Tiffany's punches...she just succeeds. Tiffany misses a step and Erin sees an opportunity to counter her... Erin Heatherton pushes Tiffany Fallon against the fence and begins a relentless combination of punches. The crowd is on its feet! Tiffany cannot escape Erin's clinch! Erin's just brutalizing Tiffany with punches time and time again! We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. Erin Heatherton pushes off of Tiffany Fallon and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots! Tiffany stumbles backwards but Erin chases her and continues the rain of blows! The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. Tiffany Fallon's using her open palm and is trying to slap Erin Heatherton across the cheek! "You stupid cow! You think you can handle me?" Erin ducks under the open palm strikes and circles away. Erin Heatherton and Tiffany Fallon engage in a wild exchange of punches! Erin is getting the best of the exchange. She's landing a few blows. The clock says 3:20 in the 1 round Erin Heatherton looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Tiffany Fallon's punches. Tiffany is on the receiving end of a great combo by Erin. Erin Heatherton just won't stop and continues to rain punches! Tiffany may be in trouble! She's getting seriously hurt here! Tiffany's Right eye is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Tiffany's Right eye. Erin Heatherton throws a looping left hand... That lands on Tiffany's chin and stops her in her tracks! Oh no! Tiffany will not be in the People Magazine Best Looking list now! Her Right eye has taken some brutal punishment. Tiffany has a nasty cut on her Right eye. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Erin has Tiffany staggered, she's only just staying on her feet. Her sultry raven hair is plastered to her face and her full C cup tits are shaking as she tries to catch her breath. Tiffany Fallon launches a low kick. It gets blocked quickly. Erin stopping that assault with ease. Tiffany gets sloppy and Erin Heatherton tries to take advantage... Erin Heatherton tries to show her boxing skills with a one-two combo. Those punches are landing on Tiffany's face. She can feel them, for sure. Tiffany has a nasty cut on her Mouth. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Incredible haymaker from Erin Heatherton! You can see Tiffany Fallon's head being snapped backwards! Her sultry raven hair flying everywhere! Erk...someone call for a make up artist! Tiffany's Left cheek is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Tiffany has a nasty cut on her Left cheek. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. The clock says 4:15 in the 1 round Erin moves forward. It looks like she's hunting for a hole in her opponent's defense. Tiffany Fallon follows Erin Heatherton... Ow! She gets counter punched in a big way! Tiffany needs to stop playing Erin's game or she'll get knocked out! What the hell is she thinking? Yeow! It looks like Tiffany's Left cheek is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. The clock says 4:25 in the 1 round Tiffany Fallon is a bloody mess! Erin Heatherton has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Tiffany is even thinking of fighting on. Tiffany Fallon goes in with a looping right hand while Erin Heatherton jumps back and jabs. Tiffany seems staggered and Erin runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Tiffany Fallon's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her sultry raven hair. Several good body shots from Tiffany Fallon... Nice evading by Erin. She shows some great skills, much to the frustration of Tiffany. Erin looks bad, I doubt she'll get many cover shoots after this match. I'd say her ego isn't the only thing being bruised here. Tiffany Fallon's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her sultry raven hair. Tiffany takes a few seconds to recover her breath...a river of sweat running between her breasts. The referee has to get between the two fighters to separate them as the buzzer sounds. Toccara Jones better be careful or she may get in the way of a punch or kick! I can't give the advantage to either fighter in that round. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= The clock says 0:10 in the 2 round Lightning fast low kick from Erin Heatherton! She can really move when she wants to. Loud pop! I'm sure that hurts! Yes, Tiffany's in some pain now. One of Tiffany's beautiful legs has been hyper-extended. It looks like her leg is the victim. Erin Heatherton throws a one-two combo then fakes a move to fire a big right hand to the chin! The strikes hit home! Tiffany is going to go down! She's hurt badly...the crowd are on their feet! Erk...someone call for a make up artist! Tiffany's Chin is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Tiffany has a nasty cut on her Chin. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. The clock says 0:30 in the 2 round Tiffany Fallon's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Erin Heatherton smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Erin Heatherton tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Nicely done. Erin's clinching with Tiffany and their tits are mashed against each other. I'd like to be between that tit sandwich! Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. One, two, three! Erin Heatherton doesn't stop launching those knees in the clinch! Devastating knees that land on Tiffany's chin! That pop was heard throughout the arena! The crowd erupts! That brutal impact left Tiffany laid out on the mat! The crowd has erupted! "Erin! Erin! Erin!" That looks like it hurts! Tiffany's Chin isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. There's a vicious laceration on Tiffany's Chin. It looks as if it's hurt her. I doubt she can continue. The winner is Erin Heatherton by KO (Knees) at 0:53 Round 2! Congratulations! Statistics: Tiffany Fallon Punches 0/14 (0%) Kicks 0/2 (0%) Clinch strikes 0/9 (0%) Takedowns 0/1 (0%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 0 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 28 s Statistics: Erin Heatherton Punches 34/45 (76%) Kicks 4/4 (100%) Clinch strikes 6/10 (60%) Takedowns 0/0 (0%) GnP strikes 0/6 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%) Damage caused 6943,71 Clinch Damage 1214,17 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 28 s Tiffany Fallon loses -28,36 ranking points after the fight. Erin Heatherton wins 43,11 ranking points after the fight. What a dull and boring fighter Tiffany Fallon was today. She needs to improve her performance if she wants the fans cheer for her. Even her revealing fight attire was not enough to win them over. (38 points) People at Coober Pedy (South Australia, Austraila) will not regret paying for this ticket. Erin's awesome performance was worth the money. (1554 points) This is the fight I'd show people if I wanted to create new fans! How could anyone not want to watch Erin and Tiffany slap the living daylights out of each other? Amazing. Just amazing!