Anna Cathcart has this crowd in the palm of her hand, they love her. She waves to her fans and then blows kisses to them. I think everyone loves this Canadian fighter. Suzuka Ishikawa appears calm in her corner. This skilled Japanese fighter looks confident. "I'm ready for this fight! Let's go!" The crowd start chanting, "Anna...Anna...Anna". Anna Cathcart lifts her fists into the air and encourages the crowd to make more noise. She seems supremely confident tonight. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. The bets gives an equal chance to both fighters to score a win tonight. The referee of the bout is Toccara Jones. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Suzuka Ishikawa and Anna Cathcart eye each other up as the fight starts. Anna's teasing Suzuka by blowing some kisses in her direction. She's either confident or horny. Anna Cathcart attempts a sweep single... Anna catches Suzuka's far ankle and trips her to the mat! Slick takedown by Anna. Anna Cathcart is in closed guard over Suzuka. Anna Cathcart tries to better her position on the ground... Suzuka holds Anna's head against her chin in the closed guard. Anna gets sloppy and Suzuka Ishikawa tries to take advantage... Suzuka Ishikawa switches positions, she's stepping up a gear as she manages to get her toned legs around Anna Cathcart's head. She grabs a handful of Anna's hair and starts pulling on it as she sinks in the headscissors submission. Anna's struggling to free herself. Her face is turning red from the choke and her hair is about to be pulled out by the roots! Hold the phone, she manages to slip her head out of the lock! Anna Cathcart is in closed guard over Suzuka. Anna Cathcart looks to power up and open Suzuka Ishikawa's guard... Suzuka has a solid guard and keeps her ankles locked. Nobody is getting in there today, least of all Anna. The clock says 0:40 in the 1 round Anna Cathcart is in closed guard over Suzuka. Anna Cathcart uses some of her wrestling skills to escape from the closed guard! Suzuka holds Anna and prevents her from moving to a better position! Poorly executed technique from Anna. Suzuka looks to counter... Suzuka Ishikawa is going in for a facesit submission! She has Anna Cathcart on her back, face-up on the mat. Suzuka is quite literally trying to sit down on her opponents face and cover it with her posterior. This is why I love the UCC! Suzuka is locking that Facesit... Anna Cathcart lifts her opponent from the ground displaying great power! And down she goes! Suzuka doesn't break the lock and Anna is running out of time! You can see the pain reflected in Anna's eyes...she is trying hard not to cry. Punishing hold! The crowd seem to be holding their breath...I really don't know if Anna can escape this. Oh my! This is insane! Anna's attempting to bridge out of the facesit! Such power from this 5' 6" fighter with the beautiful tits! She's escaped and now I can breath again! Anna Cathcart is in closed guard over Suzuka. Anna Cathcart tries to improve her position on the ground as she sits on her knees and tries to break the closed guard. Suzuka leans in and grabs Anna's arms as she brings her to the ground again. Referee Toccara Jones is gesturing for both fighters to get back to their feet. She has seen enough inactivity. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Suzuka and Anna glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Anna Cathcart's looking to close the range with Suzuka Ishikawa and tries to grapple... Suzuka doesn't want anything to do with this as she moves backwards. The clock says 1:00 in the 1 round Anna Cathcart goes in with a looping right hand while Suzuka Ishikawa jumps back and jabs. Anna only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless. The clock says 1:05 in the 1 round Anna Cathcart moves forward looking for some action. Suzuka doesn't want to engage and back pedals. The clock says 1:10 in the 1 round There's a low kick by Anna Cathcart, helping to maintain her distance. Oh no, bad move. That was far from landing. Suzuka tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Nice punch by Suzuka Ishikawa. She out boxes Anna in this exchange with some solid hits. Anna Cathcart is not showing a great technique with that low kick... Suzuka is smart enough to block that one. Anna Cathcart moves forward and launches a low kick. Suzuka blocks that without missing a beat. Anna misses a step and Suzuka sees an opportunity to counter her... Suzuka Ishikawa fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut. Crack! It lands on Anna's chin. What a bell ringer! Suzuka has inflicted a deep cut on Anna's Chin. There's some blood coming from that wound. The clock says 1:35 in the 1 round Anna Cathcart leans forwards and tries to grapple with Suzuka Ishikawa. Anna shows her clinching skills and grabs hold of Suzuka. The two women now clinching and looking very hot. Suzuka Ishikawa doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Anna Cathcart's embrace and tries to move away. Anna Cathcart pushes Suzuka Ishikawa forward and doesn't allow her to break the clinch. We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. Insane uppercut from the clinch by Anna Cathcart! Suzuka is agile enough to avoid that one! Anna's taunting her, "So close, slut. Next time..." A shot like that would have finished this fight. Suzuka is trying to counter now... Nice punch by Suzuka Ishikawa. She out boxes Anna in this exchange with some solid hits. Anna Cathcart moves forward looking for some action. Suzuka doesn't want to engage and back pedals. Suzuka Ishikawa launches a body shot. Anna dodges and catches her with a hard cross. Smashing stuff, the crowd love it! Yeow! It looks like Suzuka's Mouth is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Anna Cathcart leans forwards and tries to grapple with Suzuka Ishikawa. Anna shows her clinching skills and grabs hold of Suzuka. The two women now clinching and looking very hot. Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Oh shit...things are getting brutal. Anna Cathcart has her hands full of Suzuka Ishikawa's hair and is about to pull down hard. Suzuka is shaking her head like a woman possessed. She whips her head back and Anna's fingers slide through her hair. That was a narrow escape. Poorly executed technique from Anna. Suzuka looks to counter... A bone shattering straight right hand from Suzuka Ishikawa! It connects! Anna's going to have a big headache after that blow! Nice punch by Suzuka Ishikawa. She out boxes Anna in this exchange with some solid hits. Anna has a nasty cut on her Right eye. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. A left hook from Anna Cathcart. It falls short, that's embarrassing. Anna Cathcart's found an opening in the defense of Suzuka Ishikawa, she's launching a big uppercut... Suzuka's fast enough to dodge that uppercut. Suzuka is trying to counter now... Anna Cathcart steps forward... Suzuka catches her with an uppercut to the face! That will leave a bruise on her cheek! Anna Cathcart and Suzuka Ishikawa engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are connecting, this could be ending soon if either lands a lucky punch. The clock says 3:00 in the 1 round Anna moves forward. It looks like she's hunting for a hole in her opponent's defense. Anna Cathcart moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Suzuka pushes Anna and keeps the fight at striking range. Some nice shots from Suzuka Ishikawa. She stuns Anna. Now's the time for Suzuka to strike for a win. A solid combination from Anna Cathcart. Anna mostly hits air. Suzuka is trying to counter now... Nice punches from Suzuka Ishikawa. Anna staggers backwards, she's in trouble. Suzuka wants to finish this and continues launching bombs! Anna Cathcart's looking to close the range with Suzuka Ishikawa and tries to grapple... Suzuka doesn't want anything to do with this as she moves backwards. Nice low kick from Anna Cathcart...those kicks look dangerous. Suzuka stops it. Nice block! Suzuka is trying to counter now... Suzuka Ishikawa is swinging for the fences! BANG! Oh My God! A hit that almost breaks Anna's jaw! Suzuka Ishikawa and Anna Cathcart engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are missing terribly. This is not what people paid to see! Suzuka Ishikawa goes in with a looping right hand while Anna Cathcart jumps back and jabs. Suzuka only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless. Suzuka Ishikawa tries to take the fight to the ground with a one leg takedown... Got her! Anna is unable to remain on her feet and falls to the ground. The clock says 4:25 in the 1 round Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Anna Cathcart tries to close her guard around Suzuka Ishikawa. Anna's not able to do it, there's a definite look of worry on her face. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Anna Cathcart tries to close her guard around Suzuka Ishikawa. Anna's not able to do it, there's a definite look of worry on her face. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Deep breaths from Anna Cathcart who tries a hammer punch to Suzuka Ishikawa's chest. Suzuka blocks those punches. Anna clumsily fails here and it's time for Suzuka to fight back... Suzuka Ishikawa gets a good position on the ground... What an incredible flurry! Suzuka's just wailing away at Anna Cathcart! The referee's saying she's going to stop this if Anna doesn't defend herself! Toccara Jones separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! The round is for Suzuka, who walks calmly to her corner while adjusting her outfit. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Anna is slowing the pace of the fight a bit and she circles around her opponent. Anna Cathcart tries to grapple. Suzuka moves aside, keeping the fight at striking range. The clock says 0:25 in the 2 round Anna Cathcart and Suzuka Ishikawa engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are missing terribly. This is not what people paid to see! Suzuka Ishikawa fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Anna didn't see that coming and has been put on the ground! Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Suzuka Ishikawa could be in trouble here as Anna Cathcart's trying to close her guard around her. Suzuka uses her strength and skill to stop Anna. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Suzuka flexes her body and readies herself. She still looks fresh out there, still plenty of action to be seen from Suzuka tonight. Suzuka breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Deep breaths from Anna Cathcart who tries a hammer punch to Suzuka Ishikawa's chest. Suzuka blocks those punches. Suzuka is trying to counter now... Suzuka Ishikawa hovers above Anna Cathcart... Bam! Good punches to Anna's body. That'll leave a mark on her beautiful tits! BANG! That shot was right onto Anna Cathcart's beautiful tits! It looks like she's hurt bad. There's tears in her eyes and she's trying to cover up her breasts with her arms. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Suzuka Ishikawa could be in trouble here as Anna Cathcart's trying to close her guard around her. Suzuka uses her strength and skill to stop Anna. The clock says 1:30 in the 2 round Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Suzuka Ishikawa could be in trouble here as Anna Cathcart's trying to close her guard around her. Suzuka uses her strength and skill to stop Anna. "Get up, girls. The crowd want some action." Toccara Jones is calling for both fighters to regain their feet and continue, the crowd are happy with that decision. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern (Houston, Texas, USA) are cheering for the girls. You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Anna Cathcart can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Suzuka Ishikawa into mincemeat. Anna Cathcart tries to grapple. Suzuka moves aside, keeping the fight at striking range. The clock says 1:50 in the 2 round Suzuka Ishikawa throws a lazy kick... Anna blocks and keeps her distance. Suzuka is trying to counter now... Suzuka Ishikawa tries to bring the fight to the ground. She wants Anna on the mat. Anna goes down with a thump. Just dumped to the mat...she's in trouble now. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Deep breaths from Anna Cathcart who tries a hammer punch to Suzuka Ishikawa's chest. Suzuka blocks those punches. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Anna Cathcart is trying to close her guard around Suzuka Ishikawa. "Uhhh Suzuka...ughh...get off me..." Suzuka defends herself well and stops Anna. "No fucking way, Anna...(grunt)" Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Suzuka Ishikawa's in open guard over Anna Cathcart...she has a tight hold of Anna's top and is pulling with all her might. BANG! That shot was right onto Anna Cathcart's beautiful tits! It looks like she's hurt bad. There's tears in her eyes and she's trying to cover up her breasts with her arms. That Stripping Submission looks as good as Suzuka's ass...and my word can Suzuka apply pressure doing this submission. That Stripping Submission looks as good as Suzuka's ass...and my word can Suzuka apply pressure doing this submission. There's some frantic struggling here by Anna. She doesn't want to bare her breasts to the world tonight. She escapes this attempt at being stripped and looks for some kind of counter attack. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Anna Cathcart launches a few weak punches. Suzuka blocks them effectively. Anna needs to get more steam behind those hits. The clock says 2:35 in the 2 round Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Anna Cathcart is trying to close her guard around Suzuka Ishikawa. "Uhhh Suzuka...ughh...get off me..." Suzuka defends herself well and stops Anna. "No fucking way, Anna...(grunt)" Toccara Jones has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters, "Come on ladies. This is a fight not a slumber party!" Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Suzuka and Anna glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. A high kick from Anna Cathcart, her smooth leg shooting out. Terrible attempt! She misses badly. Anna slips and falls! Suzuka's laughing at her! The clock says 2:55 in the 2 round Suzuka is standing while Anna is on the ground on her back. The effort shows as Anna tries to get back to her feet. "Where do you think you're going, Anna?" Oh, there's a nasty shove from Suzuka and Anna stays on the mat. Suzuka is standing while Anna is on the ground on her back. Suzuka Ishikawa cartwheels towards Anna Cathcart! Impossible move! Holy Shit! She lands in side mount over a surprised Anna! The clock says 3:20 in the 2 round Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Anna Cathcart has a shot at trapping Suzuka Ishikawa in her guard. Suzuka keeps control and remains in side mount. Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Anna Cathcart has a shot at trapping Suzuka Ishikawa in her guard. Suzuka keeps control and remains in side mount. Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Deep breaths from Anna Cathcart who tries a hammer punch to Suzuka Ishikawa's chest. Suzuka blocks those punches. Suzuka is trying to counter now... Suzuka Ishikawa wants to finish her opponent on the ground, this could get messy... Suzuka drills Anna's face with a huge right hand! What an impact! She's not so pretty anymore! Anna has a nasty cut on her Nose. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. On the mat here as Suzuka Ishikawa prepares to mount Anna Cathcart... Suzuka slides her knee across and gets to mount. Suzuka Ishikawa is in full mount over Anna Cathcart. Suzuka Ishikawa suddenly holds Anna Cathcart's arm and tries an armbar! Punishing hold! The crowd seem to be holding their breath...I really don't know if Anna can escape this. Anna struggles to free herself! Anna struggles to free herself! Punishing hold! The crowd seem to be holding their breath...I really don't know if Anna can escape this. Anna struggles to free herself! Anna breaks the lock and now she's in a closed guard over Suzuka! Anna Cathcart is in closed guard over Suzuka. You can see Anna Cathcart's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Anna has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Anna Cathcart is trying to better her position on the ground and launches a couple of elbows against Suzuka Ishikawa's ribs and breasts. Suzuka blocks Anna's moves and tries to reverse the situation. Toccara Jones stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern (Houston, Texas, USA) are cheering for the girls. Anna Cathcart throws a one-two combo then fakes a move to fire a big right hand to the chin! Suzuka's defense muffles the blows. A narrow escape there! The clock says 4:35 in the 2 round Anna Cathcart moves forward looking for some action. Suzuka doesn't want to engage and back pedals. Anna Cathcart fakes a punch and launches herself over Suzuka Ishikawa. Suzuka counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals. A shake of the head from Anna. She flicks her head back and takes a few gulps of fresh air. She looks exhausted to me. Toccara Jones separates the fighters as the round concludes. Oh! The two girls are shouting abuse at each other! Toccara Jones is forcibly having to push them apart as she sends them to their corners. Anna is the winner of this round. She raises her fist in the air and the crowd respond with cheers. The cutman is working on Anna Cathcart's face. She's not looking like a cover girl right now. ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= Anna Cathcart fakes a punch and launches herself over Suzuka Ishikawa. Suzuka counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals. The clock says 0:20 in the 3 round Anna Cathcart's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Suzuka Ishikawa smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Anna Cathcart tries to grapple. Suzuka moves aside, keeping the fight at striking range. Some nice shots from Anna Cathcart. But they miss their mark. Poor execution from Anna, or pure luck from Suzuka? Anna gets sloppy and Suzuka Ishikawa tries to take advantage... Some nice shots from Suzuka Ishikawa. She stuns Anna. Now's the time for Suzuka to strike for a win. The clock says 0:40 in the 3 round The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Both are landing hits, but without much steam behind the shots. Anna Cathcart is a bloody mess! Suzuka Ishikawa has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Anna is even thinking of fighting on. Anna Cathcart moves forward looking for some action. She surprises Suzuka with double overhooks! You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Suzuka Ishikawa can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Anna Cathcart into mincemeat. Suzuka Ishikawa makes a quick move for Anna Cathcart's hair. She grabs it by the handful and looks to toss her to the canvas. Anna is squealing in pain! Suzuka has literally thrown her to the canvas by the hair. That's a devastating hair mare, Suzuka's removing strands of her opponents hair from her hands. Suzuka is standing while Anna is on the ground on her back. Anna doesn't want to continue the fight in this position. She tries to get back on her feet. She can't do it! Suzuka keeps her on the canvas. Suzuka is standing while Anna is on the ground on her back. Anna Cathcart's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Suzuka Ishikawa smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Anna doesn't want to continue the fight in this position. She tries to get back on her feet. She can't do it! Suzuka keeps her on the canvas. The clock says 1:20 in the 3 round Suzuka is standing while Anna is on the ground on her back. The effort shows as Anna tries to get back to her feet. "Where do you think you're going, Anna?" Oh, there's a nasty shove from Suzuka and Anna stays on the mat. Suzuka is standing while Anna is on the ground on her back. Suzuka Ishikawa steps back and allows Anna to get back to her feet. Anna Cathcart keeps her eyes locked on Suzuka as she steadies herself. Anna's on her feet again. She runs her fingers through her hair and gathers herself. Suzuka Ishikawa is opening up on Anna Cathcart and raining down combinations! Anna's corner looks worried! If she can't escape this'll be over. Shovel hook by Suzuka Ishikawa! She tags Anna! That was brutal. Suzuka Ishikawa follows Anna Cathcart... Anna fakes a move and Suzuka's advances come to nothing. The clock says 2:10 in the 3 round Anna Cathcart is a bloody mess! Suzuka Ishikawa has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Anna is even thinking of fighting on. Anna Cathcart makes a quick move for Suzuka Ishikawa's dark auburn hair. She grabs it by the handful and looks to toss her to the canvas. Suzuka pulls her head away, leaving Anna with just a few strands in her hands. The Japanese star squeals at her attacker, "Leave my hair alone, you psycho bitch!" Poorly executed technique from Anna. Suzuka looks to counter... Suzuka Ishikawa wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Anna Cathcart. Suzuka moves forward and holds Anna, their breasts pressing against each other. Suzuka Ishikawa pushes away Anna Cathcart, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Anna Cathcart stumbles backwards and Suzuka Ishikawa circles to get the center of the cage. Anna moves forward. It looks like she's hunting for a hole in her opponent's defense. Anna Cathcart tries a hook to the body! Suzuka manages to dodge it. Nice escape from that hook. The clock says 2:30 in the 3 round You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Suzuka Ishikawa can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Anna Cathcart into mincemeat. Nice punch by Suzuka Ishikawa. She out boxes Anna in this exchange with some solid hits. Suzuka seems hesitant, it's as if she is happy to give the initiative to her opponent. Suzuka Ishikawa fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut! It lands square on Anna's chin. Yeow! I'm glad that's not my face being pummeled. That looks like it hurts! Anna's Chin isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. Anna Cathcart's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Suzuka Ishikawa smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Anna Cathcart and Suzuka Ishikawa engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are missing terribly. This is not what people paid to see! Anna takes a few seconds to recover her breath...a river of sweat running between her breasts. Anna Cathcart wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Suzuka Ishikawa. "Fuck off, Anna", Suzuka pushes Anna back to avoid the clinch. The clock says 3:20 in the 3 round Anna Cathcart continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Toccara Jones is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Anna Cathcart moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Suzuka pushes Anna and keeps the fight at striking range. Anna Cathcart's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Anna Cathcart leans forwards and tries to grapple with Suzuka Ishikawa. Suzuka wants to maintain the distance and ducks that one. Poorly executed technique from Anna. Suzuka looks to counter... Brutal combination from Suzuka Ishikawa! Anna's in a bad way, her legs look wobbly! She's seeing stars right now. Suzuka Ishikawa spins around suddenly...Anna Cathcart could be in trouble here! She shouldn't underestimate the speed of Suzuka... Anna's got some speed of her own! She ducks and Suzuka's fist just passes over her head. Suzuka Ishikawa and Anna Cathcart engage in a wild exchange of punches! Suzuka is getting the best of the exchange. She's landing a few blows. That looks like it hurts! Anna's Chin isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. Anna Cathcart goes in with a looping right hand while Suzuka Ishikawa jumps back and jabs. Anna seems staggered and Suzuka runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Anna's Chin is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Suzuka has inflicted a deep cut on Anna's Chin. There's some blood coming from that wound. The clock says 4:15 in the 3 round You can see Anna Cathcart's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Anna has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Anna pushes Suzuka and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. You can see Anna Cathcart's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Anna has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Suzuka Ishikawa fakes a punch and launches herself over Anna Cathcart. Nice move by Suzuka who clinches and pushes Anna against the cage. We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. You can see Anna Cathcart's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Anna has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Anna Cathcart shoves Suzuka Ishikawa against the fence and grabs a huge handful of hair. She looks intent on ripping it from her scalp. Suzuka seems powerless as Anna pulls and tugs on her hair. Tears are rolling down her cheeks, I think she's all but spent! Yeow! It looks like Suzuka's Forehead is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Suzuka Ishikawa tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Anna Cathcart is determined to work from the clinch. She's pummeled through and managed to retain her position. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Anna Cathcart is throwing a flurry of punches! Suzuka Ishikawa is running scared! Suzuka ducks under and circles out of the corner. Anna Cathcart grabs Suzuka by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! The fighters are struggling...Suzuka is going to get free...No! Great takedown by Anna! That's strength and skill. Ow! A thumping hit to Suzuka Ishikawa's chest! Her gigantic F cup breasts took the full impact of that one, they'll be bruised and black by morning. Toccara Jones separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! The round is for Suzuka, who walks calmly to her corner while adjusting her outfit. ========================================= Round 4 ========================================= As the fight continues it seems that Suzuka is taking the best of the fight. She's been putting in a lot of effort in the gym lately and it is paying off. Anna Cathcart is a bloody mess! Suzuka Ishikawa has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Anna is even thinking of fighting on. Nice punch by Suzuka Ishikawa. She out boxes Anna in this exchange with some solid hits. Anna's Right eye is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. This isn't good for Anna! The Canadian fighter is in pain and spilling a lot of blood. Anna Cathcart continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Toccara Jones is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Anna Cathcart goes in with a looping right hand while Suzuka Ishikawa jumps back and jabs. Anna only hits air and the subsequent exchange is fruitless. Anna Cathcart throws a looping left hand... Suzuka moves aside and dodges. Anna gets sloppy and Suzuka Ishikawa tries to take advantage... Suzuka Ishikawa is holding Anna Cathcart's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Anna down... Crash! Anna loses balance and goes to the ground. She could be in trouble. Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Anna Cathcart's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Suzuka Ishikawa smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Anna Cathcart tries to show some of her ground skills. Suzuka uses her strength to keep Anna at a disadvantage. That's a nice show of power. Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Anna Cathcart works on the ground with her fingers over Suzuka Ishikawa's face. Suzuka shakes her head and continues fighting on the ground. Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Anna Cathcart is a bloody mess! Suzuka Ishikawa has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Anna is even thinking of fighting on. Anna Cathcart is attempting to trap Suzuka Ishikawa in her guard. Suzuka keeps control and remains in side mount. The clock says 1:05 in the 4 round Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Anna Cathcart's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Deep breaths from Anna Cathcart who tries a hammer punch to Suzuka Ishikawa's chest. Suzuka blocks those punches. Anna misses a step and Suzuka sees an opportunity to counter her... Suzuka Ishikawa fires a barrage of punches at Anna Cathcart's head! This is bad! Suzuka's just pounding on Anna's head like she's a training dummy! The referee looks on anxiously! Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. What a terribly one sided match...Anna wasn't ready to fight a fighter of Suzuka's caliber. Anna Cathcart continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Toccara Jones is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Anna Cathcart has a shot at trapping Suzuka Ishikawa in her guard. Suzuka keeps control and remains in side mount. The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground. The crowd appreciate her getting these girls back to their feet. Both women get to their feet and catch their collective breath. Suzuka is wiping the sweat from her eyes as Anna runs her fingers through her hair. Anna Cathcart continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Toccara Jones is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Anna Cathcart launches a shot seen throughout the arena! Timely defense by Suzuka, that punch was telegraphed by Anna. Anna misses a step and Suzuka sees an opportunity to counter her... A bone shattering straight left hand from Suzuka Ishikawa! Ow, ow, ow! Anna's going to have the worst headache after that blow! Anna Cathcart moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Suzuka pushes Anna and keeps the fight at striking range. Anna Cathcart continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Toccara Jones is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Anna Cathcart fakes a punch and launches herself over Suzuka Ishikawa. Suzuka's smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Anna and pushes her away. Anna clumsily fails here and it's time for Suzuka to fight back... Suzuka Ishikawa is holding Anna's right leg. Anna should never have got herself in this spot, Suzuka is trying to take her down. Anna loses her balance and goes to the ground. Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Deep breaths from Anna Cathcart who tries a hammer punch to Suzuka Ishikawa's chest. Suzuka blocks those punches. The clock says 1:50 in the 4 round Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. You can see Anna Cathcart's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Anna has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Deep breaths from Anna Cathcart who tries a hammer punch to Suzuka Ishikawa's chest. Suzuka blocks those punches. Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Anna Cathcart's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Anna Cathcart launches a few weak punches. Suzuka blocks them effectively. Anna needs to get more steam behind those hits. Anna clumsily fails here and it's time for Suzuka to fight back... Suzuka Ishikawa's looking to end this fight with strikes. She's attacking with determination in her eyes. She starts to pound away at Anna, who's barely covering up! Oh, this is getting messy... Anna's Left cheek is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Anna's Left cheek. The clock says 2:05 in the 4 round Suzuka Ishikawa is in side mount over Anna Cathcart. Anna Cathcart's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Suzuka Ishikawa smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Anna doesn't want to continue the fight in this position. She tries to get back on her feet. She can't do it! Suzuka keeps her on the canvas. Toccara Jones has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters, "Come on ladies. This is a fight not a slumber party!" Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern (Houston, Texas, USA) are cheering for the girls. Brilliant combination from Anna Cathcart... Suzuka is showing some amazing dodging skills avoiding those ones. Anna Cathcart's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Anna Cathcart looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Suzuka Ishikawa's punches. Anna is on the receiving end of a great combo by Suzuka. The clock says 2:35 in the 4 round Anna Cathcart is a bloody mess! Suzuka Ishikawa has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Anna is even thinking of fighting on. Anna Cathcart tries to grapple. Suzuka moves aside, keeping the fight at striking range. The clock says 2:40 in the 4 round Anna Cathcart's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Suzuka Ishikawa tries to bring the fight to the ground. She wants Anna on the mat. Anna goes down with a thump. Just dumped to the mat...she's in trouble now. Suzuka Ishikawa is in open guard over Anna. Anna Cathcart's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Suzuka Ishikawa smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Suzuka Ishikawa tries to pass to half guard... Anna can't prevent her opponent from passing. Suzuka looks to work from half guard. The clock says 3:05 in the 4 round Suzuka Ishikawa is in half guard over Anna. Anna Cathcart's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Anna Cathcart could be in trouble. Suzuka Ishikawa is in the side mount and has her hands on Anna's top. She is pulling hard at that material, she's obviously trying to strip Anna here. Anna struggles to free herself! OMG! Crippling lock! She has it! Suzuka has a perfect grip on Anna's top and she rips in clean away in one movement! Anna is out of this one! Topless and embarrassed, she's lost this fight by way of a humiliating submission. And here is your winner...Suzuka Ishikawa! Marking her victory by Submission (Stripping Submission) at 3:16 Round 4! Well done! Statistics: Suzuka Ishikawa Punches 58/71 (82%) Kicks 0/0 (0%) Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%) Takedowns 7/7 (100%) GnP strikes 17/19 (89%) Submissions 5/5 (100%) Clinch Attempts 2/2 (100%) Damage caused 3659,85 Clinch Damage 44,67 Ground Damage 1802,17 Time on the ground 334 s Statistics: Anna Cathcart Punches 13/50 (26%) Kicks 0/5 (0%) Clinch strikes 2/15 (13%) Takedowns 2/3 (67%) GnP strikes 0/15 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 2/5 (40%) Damage caused 138,92 Clinch Damage 42,25 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 388 s Suzuka Ishikawa wins 18,01 ranking points after the fight. Anna Cathcart loses -11,26 ranking points after the fight. What a performance by Suzuka! This girl is not just a pretty face and a great body, she's got the skills to get the job done and keep the fans happy. (569 points) Anna Cathcart has had some absorbing moments tonight. She contributed to the enjoyment of most of the people here at the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern (Houston, Texas, USA). I'm hoping she can up the tempo in her next fight, then she should start to draw in even more fans. (217 points) Oh yes! What a superb fight! Undoubtedly one of the fights of the year! Suzuka and Anna proved that they have the skills, abilities and looks to sell tickets and merchandise.