Robin Holzken's the favourite fighter of the crowd here at the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern (Houston, Texas, USA). You couldn't even count the number of signs with her name on them. Robin flexes her body for the crowd as they start a "Let's go Robin!" chant. Robin Holzken is beating herself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking herself in the face, body and legs to get ready for her scrap. Seulgi is beating herself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking herself in the face, body and legs to get ready for her scrap. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. It should be a pretty fair match tonight. I can't pick which fighter will be raising her fists after this match. The referee of the bout is Lena Gercke. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Robin Holzken and Seulgi eye each other up as the fight starts. Seulgi's teasing Robin by blowing some kisses in her direction. She's either confident or horny. Seulgi's one of those women capable of pounding you into oblivion! She can beat the clothes right off you and pound on your tits until they're black and blue. Good looking front kick from Seulgi... Robin blocks with grim determination, "Come on, Seulgi. That all you got?" Robin tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Robin Holzken launches a rapid series of punches... She's taking Seulgi from one end of the cage to the other. That's awesome! The crowd are going nuts! The clock says 0:25 in the 1 round Robin Holzken grabs Seulgi by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! The fighters are struggling...Seulgi is going to get free...No! Great takedown by Robin! That's strength and skill. Robin Holzken is in open guard over Seulgi. Seulgi is trying to close her guard around Robin Holzken. "Uhhh Robin...ughh...get off me..." Seulgi succeeds in her attempt, I think Robin looks worried. The clock says 0:45 in the 1 round Robin Holzken is in closed guard over Seulgi. Robin Holzken's in closed guard, as Seulgi tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Seulgi's now in full mount over Robin. Seulgi is in full mount over Robin Holzken. Seulgi is moving on the looks like she may have something in evil mind here... Ouch! That was a headbutt! Did she do that intentionally? What an evil move by Seulgi! Lena Gercke didn't see the foul! Seulgi is in full mount over Robin Holzken. Seulgi tries to open Robin Holzken's guard. She's pushing her...trying to find an opening. Robin breaks the lock and covers herself from Seulgi's punches. The clock says 1:15 in the 1 round Seulgi is in full mount over Robin Holzken. Seulgi works on the ground with her fingers over Robin Holzken's face. Seulgi seems to have encountered an eye! What a classless move! I'll be crossing Seulgi off my Christmas list! Lena Gercke didn't see that! Give her some glasses! The clock says 1:25 in the 1 round Seulgi is in full mount over Robin Holzken. Seulgi and Robin Holzken are on the canvas...Seulgi is lifting her head up...looks like she might be attempting a headbutt... CRACK! Forehead to forehead! Robin's brains will be scrambled after that hit! You can't get anything past referee Lena Gercke, she's seen that! Lena Gercke halts the fight to give Robin time to recover. Robin takes a moment to catch her breath and fix her outfit. OK, she seems to be ready to fight again. The fight resumes with both fighters standing. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern (Houston, Texas, USA) are cheering for the girls. The clock says 1:30 in the 1 round Robin Holzken's mind is definitely in this fight. She sees an opening and delivers a big right hand... Seulgi moves aside and dodges. Great skills shown there by Seulgi. Seulgi is trying to counter now... Seulgi launches a hook to the body. Robin moves aside looking for a counter...she's always looking to make something from nothing. The clock says 1:40 in the 1 round Robin Holzken fakes a move and launches a kick right towards Seulgi's chest! Seulgi blocks that and pushes her opponent. The look in Seulgi's eyes is pure poison! The clock says 1:50 in the 1 round Seulgi lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighters legs are amazing to watch! Robin receives a hard blow on her right leg! Seulgi throws an uppercut. It lands solidly making a meaty thud. Robin's being used as a punching bag. Seulgi has inflicted a deep cut on Robin's Left eye. There's some blood coming from that wound. The clock says 2:10 in the 1 round Robin Holzken goes to the body... Her punches graze Seulgi's arm and have zero effect. Seulgi tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Solid low kick from Seulgi. Robin deflects it and she looks to counter attack. She's always looking for an opening. You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Robin Holzken can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Seulgi into mincemeat. Robin Holzken throws a lazy punch towards Seulgi's belly. Seulgi steps away and the punch attempt fails. Poorly executed technique from Robin. Seulgi looks to counter... A right hand from Seulgi... Yes! She makes Robin stumble back! Seulgi launches a furious hook! Robin ducks under and pushes Seulgi, she's creating some space. Seulgi moves forward looking for some action. Seulgi shows some wrestling skills as she puts her opponent in a double overhook! Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Seulgi pushes her opponent down and launches a heavy knee to her head in an unorthodox move... Wow! Big hit towards Robin's face! That might have knocked a tooth out! Lightning fast low kick from Robin Holzken! She can really move when she wants to. Loud pop! I'm sure that hurts! Yes, Seulgi's in some pain now. Seulgi goes for a low kick... Robin avoids the deadly blow. This girl has the agility of a cat! A pussy cat! Robin is trying to counter now... Lightning fast low kick from Robin Holzken! She can really move when she wants to. Seulgi blocks that kick with her leg. A left hook from Seulgi. It just grazes the chin of Robin. Robin Holzken fakes a punch and launches herself over Seulgi. Seulgi's smart enough to avoid the clinch game by Robin and pushes her away. Robin gets sloppy and Seulgi tries to take advantage... Seulgi wants this win. She unleashes a mighty kick. Brutal high kick to Robin! The crowd are screaming "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" Middle kick from Robin Holzken. The kick just misses Seulgi's breasts. She'll be thanking her lucky stars that missed... Robin Holzken makes a quick move for Seulgi's hair. She grabs it by the handful and looks to toss her to the canvas. Seulgi is squealing in pain! Robin has literally thrown her to the canvas by the hair. That's a devastating hair mare, Robin's removing strands of her opponents hair from her hands. Robin is standing while Seulgi is on the ground on her back. Robin Holzken looks down at Seulgi, she has a nasty look in her eyes...Oh my! Robin raises her foot and stomps towards Seulgi's crotch! Ohhh! Robin's foot lands right between Seulgi's thighs! Smack bang on her crotch! That's a nasty and messy move! Seulgi is in total agony. Ow! A thumping hit to Seulgi's chest! Her firm B cup breasts took the full impact of that one, they'll be bruised and black by morning. The clock says 4:05 in the 1 round Robin is standing while Seulgi is on the ground on her back. It looks like Seulgi is having trouble getting to her feet, Robin's going to make the most of that. Oh No! She moves towards Seulgi's head and has an evil glint in her eyes... Quick thinking there by Seulgi! She shifts her body and avoids Robin standing on her hair or getting anywhere near her head. Robin is standing while Seulgi is on the ground on her back. Seulgi kicks her long legs, she's trying to keep Robin Holzken away and maybe land a kick. Robin takes a kick to the body. She looks pissed off, but Seulgi did just defend herself. The clock says 4:25 in the 1 round Robin is standing while Seulgi is on the ground on her back. Seulgi launches an up-kick intended for Robin Holzken's head. It looks awkward... Robin leans out of the way. Too easy! The clock says 4:35 in the 1 round Robin is standing while Seulgi is on the ground on her back. Seulgi launches an up-kick intended for Robin Holzken's head. It looks awkward... Bang! Lucky shot! It lands flush with Robin's head! Her head snapping backwards due to the impact! It's going to be hard for Robin to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Forehead is swelling up big time. Robin is standing while Seulgi is on the ground on her back. Robin Holzken steps back and allows Seulgi to get back to her feet. Seulgi keeps her eyes locked on Robin as she steadies herself. Seulgi is slowly getting to her feet. She pushes her hair off her face and steadies herself. Incredible high kick from Robin Holzken! What an impact. Seulgi is dazed and worried! Lena Gercke tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over. I can't give the advantage to either fighter in that round. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= What a terribly one sided match...Robin wasn't ready to fight a fighter of Seulgi's caliber. Seulgi wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Robin Holzken. Seulgi moves forward and holds Robin, their breasts pressing against each other. It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Seulgi launches a furious knee! Bang! It clearly hits Robin's crotch! Holy Mother of God that must have hurt. Is someone paying Lena Gercke to look the other way? She totally ignored that foul! The clock says 0:25 in the 2 round Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Seulgi launches a knee while holding Robin Holzken in double underhooks... That knee hits Robin in the crotch and Seulgi's laughing! "Take that you stuck up slut!" The clock says 0:35 in the 2 round Robin Holzken throws a punch. It's deflected. Nice D from Seulgi. Robin clumsily fails here and it's time for Seulgi to fight back... Seulgi launches a shot seen throughout the arena! Robin stumbles back, her corner is screaming! Seulgi is coming in again! This is pure gold! It's going to be hard for Robin to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Left eye is swelling up big time. Robin has a nasty cut on her Left eye. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Seulgi attempts to cut off Robin Holzken with punches. Robin reels from the strikes. Nice hits! Oh no! Robin will not be in the People Magazine Best Looking list now! Her Right eye has taken some brutal punishment. Seulgi tries to show her boxing skills with a one-two combo. Those punches are landing on Robin's face. She can feel them, for sure. Robin's Mouth is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Robin's Mouth. Here comes a punch to the guts from Seulgi. Robin Holzken looks to defend... Robin's eyes just opened wide as Seulgi has deliberately gone for a crotch claw. Her hand is between Robin's thighs and she's digging her fingers in. What a dirty tactic! You can't get anything past referee Lena Gercke, she's seen that! Lena Gercke allows Robin time to recover. She takes some very heavy breaths and runs her fingers through her dark hair. The fight resumes with both fighters standing. Robin Holzken is a bloody mess! Seulgi has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Robin is even thinking of fighting on. Robin Holzken attempts a shoot! Seulgi hops back and delivers a powerful kick to her head! That looks to have dazzled Robin, she's in a world of hurt now! Robin hits the ground like a rag doll! That surgical strike by Seulgi has left Robin unconscious on the mat! This is insane! Oh no! Robin will not be in the People Magazine Best Looking list now! Her Forehead has taken some brutal punishment. Seulgi has inflicted a deep cut on Robin's Forehead. There's some blood coming from that wound. The winner is Seulgi by KO (High kick) at 1:21 Round 2! Congratulations! Statistics: Robin Holzken Punches 9/14 (64%) Kicks 3/7 (43%) Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%) Takedowns 2/2 (100%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/1 (0%) Damage caused 213,11 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 60 s Statistics: Seulgi Punches 10/13 (77%) Kicks 3/7 (43%) Clinch strikes 7/7 (100%) Takedowns 0/0 (0%) GnP strikes 0/6 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%) Damage caused 4000,49 Clinch Damage 627,38 Ground Damage 193,2 Time on the ground 117 s Robin Holzken loses -16,78 ranking points after the fight. Seulgi wins 25,50 ranking points after the fight. Not a bad show by Robin Holzken today. No doubt her hard core fans will be happy with her efforts. If she continues to show off her cleavage and her legs, I think she'll draw in even more fans. (98 points) There's no doubt that Seulgi is not only a hot babe, but she can fight at the top of any league. She's a prime example of what this competition is all about. (532 points) What a fight! I love my job! This is what it's all about! Hot chicks smashing the crap out of each other in a cage. In a freaking cage! It's girls like Seulgi and Robin that make the ticket price worth every cent.