Anna Kendrick has this crowd in the palm of her hand, they love her. She waves to her fans and then blows kisses to them. I think everyone loves this American fighter. Nancy appears calm in her corner. This skilled Korean fighter looks confident. "I'm ready for this fight! Let's go!" Anna Kendrick is beating herself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking herself in the face, body and legs to get ready for her scrap. Nancy has fought Anna Kendrick 1 times. She has lost 1 of them. The bets gives an equal chance to both fighters to score a win tonight. Nancy comes with a 3 fight winning streak. Anna Kendrick comes with a 2 fight losing streak. The referee of the bout is Autumn Reeser. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Nancy's lovely B cup breasts are up against Anna Kendrick's lovely B's! Round one's starting and I'm pumped to watch these girls fight it out! Nancy looks to be in very good shape. Her body looks amazing, it's obvious she's been training hard for this event. Nancy feints and then moves forward to hit with a hook. What a crushing shot! Thank God I'm not the one inside that cage! Nice punch by Anna Kendrick. She outboxes Nancy in this exchange with some solid hits. Anna Kendrick is holding Nancy's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Nancy down... Crash! Nancy loses balance and goes to the ground. She could be in trouble. Anna Kendrick is in a side mount over Nancy. Nancy has a shot at trapping Anna Kendrick in her guard. Rabies keeps control and remains in side mount. The clock says 1:00 in the 1 round Anna Kendrick is in a side mount over Nancy. Nancy flexes her body and readies herself. She still looks fresh out there, still plenty of action to be seen from Nancy tonight. Hang on a second folks, it looks like Nancy is trying to inflict a crotch claw on Anna Kendrick. Rabies manages to push aside Nancy's hand. It looks like her privates have escaped being clawed. For now. The clock says 1:10 in the 1 round Anna Kendrick is in a side mount over Nancy. Nancy launches a few weak punches. Rabies blocks them effectively. Nancy needs to get more steam behind those hits. Rabies tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Anna Kendrick positions herself and launches a barrage of punches. Rabies's in full mount and her punches are hitting hard at Nancy's breasts. Anna Kendrick is in full mount position over Nancy. Nancy tries to roll to her side and trap Anna Kendrick in her guard... Nancy gets her hip out and moves to full guard. Anna Kendrick is in full mount position over Nancy. Deep breaths from Nancy who tries a hammer punch to Anna Kendrick's chest. Rabies blocks those punches. Anna Kendrick is in full mount position over Nancy. Nancy launches a few weak punches. Those punches are hitting Rabies's breasts and ribs. But there's no real damage there... BANG! That shot was right onto Anna Kendrick's perfectly lovely tits! It looks like she's hurt bad. There's tears in her eyes and she's trying to cover up her breasts with her arms. Anna Kendrick is in full mount position over Nancy. Nancy tries to roll to her side and trap Anna Kendrick in her guard... Nancy moves to half guard. Anna Kendrick is in half guard over Nancy. Deep breaths from Nancy who tries a hammer punch to Anna Kendrick's chest. Rabies blocks those punches. Nancy misses a step and Rabies sees an opportunity to counter her... Pitty-pat punches from Anna Kendrick. Nancy doesn't flinch. She can take that sort of crap all day. Anna Kendrick is in half guard over Nancy. Nancy launches a few weak punches. Rabies blocks them effectively. Nancy needs to get more steam behind those hits. Anna Kendrick is in half guard over Nancy. Anna Kendrick looks to free her leg... There's some skill there from Rabies as she jumps out of Nancy's guard. She moves quickly to full mount! Anna Kendrick is in a side mount over Nancy. Anna Kendrick looks to pass to mount... Rabies slides her knee across and achieves the mount position! This is a tough spot for Nancy. The clock says 2:40 in the 1 round Anna Kendrick is in full mount position over Nancy. Nancy tries to roll to her side and trap Anna Kendrick in her guard... Rabies keeps good control and remains in full mount. Anna Kendrick is in full mount position over Nancy. Nancy is on the ground on top of Anna Kendrick. She has her fingers all over Rabies's face. Nancy looks like she poked Rabies in the eye! What an asshole move! Referee Autumn Reeser needs to get her eyes checked. She missed that blatant foul! The clock says 3:00 in the 1 round Anna Kendrick is in full mount position over Nancy. Anna Kendrick is moving on the looks like she may have something in evil mind here... Nancy tries to counter Rabies's moves on the ground. A lucky escape. Nancy tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Nancy tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount! She successfully moves to half guard! Anna Kendrick is in half guard over Nancy. Anna Kendrick looks to get a side mount... Rabies frees her leg and is now controlling Nancy from the side mount! That's awesome technique. Anna Kendrick is in a side mount over Nancy. Nancy has a shot at trapping Anna Kendrick in her guard. Rabies keeps control and remains in side mount. Anna Kendrick is in a side mount over Nancy. Nancy tries to show some of her ground skills. Rabies uses her strength to keep Nancy at a disadvantage. That's a nice show of power. Rabies is trying to counter now... We're on the canvas as Anna Kendrick tries to mount Nancy... Rabies slides her knee across and gets to mount. Anna Kendrick is in full mount position over Nancy. Anna Kendrick attempts to better her position on the ground... Nancy tries to roll on the ground...Rollin', rollin', rollin'... Autumn Reeser stands the fighters up due to a lack of activity. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Caldea Spa Complex (Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra) are cheering for the girls. The clock says 3:50 in the 1 round Anna Kendrick leads with a punch... Nancy evades but whiffs with a counter. Rabies tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Anna Kendrick tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Nancy moves backwards and circles around Rabies to avoid the clinch. Anna Kendrick launches a stiff jab, right towards Nancy's face! Nancy ducks that one. Rabies misses a step and Nancy sees an opportunity to counter her... Nancy launches a rapid series of punches... She's taking Rabies from one end of the cage to the other. That's awesome! The crowd are going nuts! Erk...someone call for a makeup artist! Rabies's Right eye is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Nancy has inflicted a deep cut on Rabies's Right eye. There's some blood coming from that wound. Nancy's mind is definitely in this fight. She sees an opening and delivers a big right hand... Rabies moves aside and dodges. Great skills shown there by Rabies. You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Anna Kendrick can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Nancy into mincemeat. Rabies pushes Nancy and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. Nancy is holding Anna Kendrick's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Rabies down... Rabies shows great balance while pushing away Nancy. Nancy misses a step and Rabies sees an opportunity to counter her... A solid shot from Anna Kendrick to the body of Nancy. Ouch. Nancy didn't like that. Her tit will be stinging a little now. Nancy grabs Rabies by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! Rabies is wriggling around...Nancy is unable to take her down. Autumn Reeser separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! I would be surprised if the judges didn't see that round for Nancy. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Nancy tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Nicely done. Nancy's clinching with Rabies and their tits are mashed against each other. I'd like to be between that tit sandwich! Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Nancy pushes away Anna Kendrick, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Anna Kendrick stumbles backwards and Nancy circles to get the center of the cage. Nancy decides to launch some tentative punches... Nancy takes the best of a brief punching exchange. The clock says 0:45 in the 2 round Nancy launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Rabies blocks, showing some great skill. Nancy misses a step and Rabies sees an opportunity to counter her... Anna Kendrick moves forward looking for some action. She surprises Nancy with double overhooks! High kick from Nancy! Her legs look amazing! She misses narrowly! An inside leg kick from Nancy. The kick goes awry and Nancy almost loses her balance. She must be careful not to over commit on those kicks. Nancy gets sloppy and Anna Kendrick tries to take advantage... Anna Kendrick tries a hook to the body. She hits below Nancy's breasts hard! That hook lifting her chest up and pushing the air out of her. Anna Kendrick launches a kick... Nancy checks it and keeps her distance. The clock says 1:15 in the 2 round Nancy looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Anna Kendrick's punches. Nancy is on the receiving end of a great combo by Rabies. Solid kick to the leg from Nancy. Rabies checks it and positions herself. Nancy gets sloppy and Anna Kendrick tries to take advantage... Nancy leads with a punch... Rabies avoids it and lands flush with a counter uppercut! Ohhh...amazing! Middle kick from Nancy. The kick just misses Rabies's breasts. She'll be thanking her lucky stars that missed... Anna Kendrick follows Nancy... Nancy fakes a move and Rabies's advances come to nothing. Rabies tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... A right hand from Anna Kendrick... Bingo! She surprises Nancy and that must have hurt. Here comes Nancy with a vicious middle kick! Rabies dodges that one moving backwards. Very lucky escape, that was a match ending kick. Nancy moves forward looking for some action. Rabies doesn't want to engage and back pedals. Nancy pushes Rabies and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. The clock says 2:15 in the 2 round Anna Kendrick is swinging for the fences! BANG! Oh My God! A hit that almost breaks Nancy's jaw! Nancy has a nasty cut on her Right cheek. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Brutal-looking high kick from Nancy! Look out Anna Kendrick! Rabies dodges! How the hell did she escape that one? Nancy steps forward... Rabies feints and survives. Rabies misses a step and Nancy sees an opportunity to counter her... Nancy just won't stop and continues to rain punches! Rabies may be in trouble! She's getting seriously hurt here! Oh no! A bad move from Anna Kendrick! She almost puts her head in the path of Nancy's kick. Buy a lottery ticket, Rabies! The clock says 3:00 in the 2 round High kick from Nancy! Her legs look amazing! It connects! Rabies seems to be done! Anna Kendrick wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Nancy. "Fuck off, Rabies", Nancy pushes Rabies back to avoid the clinch. Nancy seems fresh, it looks like she may still have a lot of gas in her tank. She certainly has plenty of voice left, "Come on, come on. Let's get this done!" Nancy moves aside and launches a furious low kick! Hard blow to Rabies's thigh! That'll be a bruise by morning. Nancy wants this win. She unleashes a mighty kick. It's a miss! Nancy's opponent is now looking to counter... A left hook from Anna Kendrick. It falls short, that's embarrassing. Rabies clumsily fails here and it's time for Nancy to fight back... Nancy avoids a dangerous strike from Anna Kendrick... Nancy counters with a solid straight! That's just beautiful to watch! The clock says 3:55 in the 2 round Anna Kendrick tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Nicely done. Rabies's clinching with Nancy and their tits are mashed against each other. I'd like to be between that tit sandwich! The clock says 4:05 in the 2 round It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Anna Kendrick's throwing a flurry of punches and she's taunting Nancy! "Come on, bitch. You want some of this?" Nancy just can't get away! Oh My God! Nancy pushes away Anna Kendrick, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Anna Kendrick doesn't want to break the clinch. She's still grappling with Nancy. Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. One, two, three! Nancy doesn't stop launching those knees in the clinch! Devastating knees that land on Rabies's chin! That pop was heard throughout the arena! The crowd erupts! Rabies's Chin is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. Anna Kendrick's using her open palm and is trying to slap Nancy across the cheek! "You stupid cow! You think you can handle me?" Nancy ducks under the open palm strikes and circles away. Rabies misses a step and Nancy sees an opportunity to counter her... Nancy tries a high kick! High risk move! Rabies was covering for a middle kick and that one almost knocked off her pretty little head! The clock says 4:35 in the 2 round You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Anna Kendrick can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Nancy into mincemeat. Anna Kendrick moves forward looking for some action. She surprises Nancy with double overhooks! Nancy fakes a punch and launches herself over Anna Kendrick. Great move by Nancy! She pushes Rabies under a troublesome thai clinch. Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Anna Kendrick pushes Nancy against the cage and tries to hit her with the back of her elbow. Nancy blocks that easily and both women are still clinching, their bodies pressed against each other. Nancy pushes away Anna Kendrick, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Anna Kendrick stumbles backwards and Nancy circles to get the center of the cage. Autumn Reeser tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over. You have to give that round to Nancy. She looks over at her opponent and calls out, "What're you going to do now? You got nothing I can't deal with!" ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= The clock says 0:10 in the 3 round Incredible haymaker from Anna Kendrick! You can see Nancy's head being snapped backwards! Her hair is flying everywhere! That brutal impact left Nancy laid out on the mat! The crowd has erupted! "Rabies! Rabies! Rabies!" And here is your winner...Anna Kendrick! Marking her victory by KO (Haymaker) at 0:18 Round 3! Well done! Statistics: Nancy Punches 16/24 (67%) Kicks 3/12 (25%) Clinch strikes 2/5 (40%) Takedowns 0/2 (0%) GnP strikes 2/11 (18%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%) Damage caused 818,59 Clinch Damage 218 Ground Damage 4,63 Time on the ground 186 s Statistics: Anna Kendrick Punches 10/14 (71%) Kicks 0/0 (0%) Clinch strikes 3/15 (20%) Takedowns 1/1 (100%) GnP strikes 2/7 (29%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 1/3 (33%) Damage caused 804,38 Clinch Damage 51 Ground Damage 17,5 Time on the ground 186 s Nancy loses -22,45 ranking points after the fight. Anna Kendrick wins 34,12 ranking points after the fight. We've seen a nice effort tonight from Nancy. In my opinion she was thinking of the fans besides the fight itself. She showed us enough technical skill, as well as enough skin, during the fight to keep most of the crowd happy. (245 points) That was a decent performance from Anna Kendrick tonight. In my eyes, she read the fight well and wasn't afraid of engaging. Hopefully she can level out her aggression and do something about her hair, if she can manage that, then it's possible she'll go far in the UCC. (161 points) What a fight! I love my job! This is what it's all about! Hot chicks smashing the crap out of each other in a cage. In a freaking cage! It's girls like Rabies and Nancy that make the ticket price worth every cent.