It's obvious that the fans here favor Madelyn tonight. She stands in the cage and runs her fingers through her hair. She smiles out at the crowd and waves to them. Mikayla Demaiter plays with her blonde hair and smiles at Madelyn Cline with evil intent. It looks like she knows she can win today. Madelyn Cline looks very relaxed as she repositions her firm B cup breasts in her outfit. She's clearly confident she can win this match. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. It's hard to say who will be winning this fight. The specialized media don't have a favourite and neither do I. The referee of the bout is Lena Gercke. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Mikayla Demaiter and Madelyn Cline touch fists in the center to get this fight started. Mikayla looks ready for action as she taunts her opponent, "Come on, Madelyn. Come get me you cheap slut." The clock says 0:10 in the 1 round Solid low kick from Mikayla Demaiter. Madelyn deflects it and she looks to counter attack. She's always looking for an opening. Mikayla misses a step and Madelyn sees an opportunity to counter her... Madelyn Cline is showing excellent timing. She blasts Mikayla Demaiter with a right hand. Mikayla steps backwards and the punch goes wide. Shovel hook by Mikayla Demaiter! She tags Madelyn! That was brutal. That looks like it hurts! Madelyn's Right cheek isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. A surprise roundhouse punch by Mikayla. Holy shit! It looks like Madelyn was hit by a bus! Mikayla has inflicted a deep cut on Madelyn's Forehead. There's some blood coming from that wound. Tremendous strikes from Mikayla Demaiter! Some big punches are landing! This could be the end of Madelyn! Mikayla Demaiter throws an uppercut. It lands solidly making a meaty thud. Madelyn's being used as a punching bag. Mikayla Demaiter fires a series of low kicks. My God! Mikayla is punishing Madelyn's legs repeatedly! Those kicks are like lightning. Madelyn has hyper-extended her leg! Such a common injury in this day and age. High kick from Mikayla Demaiter! Her legs look amazing! She misses narrowly! Madelyn is trying to counter now... Madelyn Cline moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Madelyn has her opponent in a text book double collar thai clinch! Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Mikayla Demaiter tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Mikayla Demaiter circles out and slips free of Madelyn Cline's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. Here comes Mikayla Demaiter with a vicious middle kick! Madelyn dodges that one moving backwards. Very lucky escape, that was a match ending kick. Mikayla Demaiter tries to grapple. She puts Madelyn in a double underhook! Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Mikayla slightly pushes Madelyn into the fence and tries to calm down the action. The clock says 1:50 in the 1 round Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Madelyn Cline pushes off of Mikayla Demaiter and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots! Mikayla holds her opponent tight while she tries to cool down the action. Mikayla tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Mikayla Demaiter tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Mikayla Demaiter circles out and slips free of Madelyn Cline's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. The clock says 2:00 in the 1 round Mikayla Demaiter jumps over Madelyn and tries to grapple. Mikayla pushes Madelyn against the cage in a plum position! We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. One, two, three! Mikayla Demaiter doesn't stop launching those knees in the clinch! Devastating knees that land on Madelyn's chin! That pop was heard throughout the arena! The crowd erupts! Madelyn has been opened up by Mikayla...the Badass Barbies fighter is bleeding heavily. That's an ugly looking wound. Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Mikayla Demaiter pushes Madelyn Cline against the fence and launches a few sick punches. A couple of unanswered uppercuts collide with Madelyn's chin! Her legs are wobbling! The ref pulls Mikayla off! Madelyn seems confused and dazed as the bell sounds the bout over. Mikayla has opened up Madelyn! It looks like blood is starting to flow from Madelyn's Chin. And here is your winner...Mikayla Demaiter! Marking her victory by TKO (Uppercuts) at 2:30 Round 1! Well done! Statistics: Mikayla Demaiter Punches 6/6 (100%) Kicks 3/6 (50%) Clinch strikes 3/6 (50%) Takedowns 0/0 (0%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 1750 Clinch Damage 798 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 0 s Statistics: Madelyn Cline Punches 0/1 (0%) Kicks 0/0 (0%) Clinch strikes 0/6 (0%) Takedowns 0/0 (0%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 0 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 0 s Mikayla Demaiter wins 20,20 ranking points after the fight. Madelyn Cline loses -12,63 ranking points after the fight. Not a bad show by Mikayla Demaiter today. No doubt her hard core fans will be happy with her efforts. If she continues to show off her cleavage and her legs, I think she'll draw in even more fans. (225 points) Madelyn Cline had a nightmare here today. She should be ashamed of her performance in this fight. Hang your head in shame and leave this arena. (8 points) Just the fight the people at Sub-Sub-Sub Island on Victoria Island (Nunavut, Canada) wanted to see! People are cheering the fighters and holding up signs with, "Madelyn is a Goddess" and "Marry me Mikayla".