The fans are chanting, "Jenni! Jenni! Kick Kat's ass!" They're 100% amped and on fire for their fighter tonight. If they doesn't motivate her, nothing will. Jennifer Carpenter looks very relaxed as she repositions her firm B cup breasts in her outfit. She's clearly confident she can win this match. Kat Dennings looks like she's been waiting for this fight forever. Standing in at 5' 4" and weighing 131 lbs, she's confident tonight. "Let's get it on! I'm in the mood to kick your ass all over this cage!" This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. The bets gives an equal chance to both fighters to score a win tonight. Jennifer Carpenter comes with a 2 fight losing streak. The referee of the bout is Eva Habermann. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Jennifer Carpenter and Kat Dennings touch fists in the center to get this fight started. Jenni looks ready for action as she taunts her opponent, "Come on, Kat. Come get me you cheap slut." Kat Dennings lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighters legs are amazing to watch! Jennifer Carpenter blocks the kick. Nice defending. Good looking front kick from Kat Dennings... It connects and Jenni stumbles backwards... Jennifer Carpenter fakes a punch and launches herself over Kat Dennings. Great move by Jenni! She pushes Kat under a troublesome thai clinch. Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Jennifer Carpenter tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Kat Dennings is determined to work from the clinch. She's pummeled through and managed to retain her position. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Kat Dennings launches a few punches right towards Jennifer Carpenter's breasts while holds her tightly! Jenni seems unaffected...those punches either don't carry any power or she must have boobs of steel. Eva Habermann steps in to break up the clinch. She forces the two fighters apart, "Enough cuddle time, ladies. Let's see some action." Solid kick to the leg from Jennifer Carpenter. Kat checks it and positions herself. Poorly executed technique from Jenni. Kat looks to counter... Kat Dennings tries a hook to the body. Jenni manages to dodge it. Nice movement there. Kat Dennings makes a quick move for Jennifer Carpenter's long brown hair. She grabs it by the handful and looks to toss her to the canvas. Jenni is squealing in pain! Kat has literally thrown her to the canvas by the hair. That's a devastating hair mare, Kat's removing strands of her opponents long brown hair from her hands. Kat is standing while Jenni is on the ground on her back. The Alpha Angels fans are cheering Jenni on as she tries to get back to her feet... She's up! A shake of her head to clear the cobwebs and Jenni looks ready to continue the fight. Jenni's on her feet again. She runs her fingers through her long brown hair and gathers herself. Kat has a high cardio and that helps her give these great performances. All that fitness training is paying off. Kat Dennings tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Jenni moves backwards and circles around Kat to avoid the clinch. Kat clumsily fails here and it's time for Jenni to fight back... Jennifer Carpenter gets control of Kat Dennings's neck and attempts a guillotine! Kat shakes her off and survives. The clock says 1:50 in the 1 round Kat Dennings launches a hook towards the body of Jennifer Carpenter. Jenni moves aside looking for a counter...nice footwork. Poorly executed technique from Kat. Jenni looks to counter... Brutal-looking high kick from Jennifer Carpenter! Look out Kat Dennings! BANG! You could hear the impact from the back seats! This action is insane! Good looking front kick from Jennifer Carpenter... It connects and Kat stumbles backwards... Kat steps back and signals for a time out. What? She can't do that! Jenni gestures to Eva Habermann, she wants to the fight to continue. Jennifer Carpenter goes in with a looping right hand while Kat Dennings jumps back and jabs. That one hits, but Kat seems unaffected. She's countering with a few punches of her own. Great exchange here. That looks like it hurts! Jenni's Mouth isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Kat's connecting with a few punches. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Both are landing hits, but without much steam behind the shots. Kat pushes Jenni and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. Kat Dennings makes a quick move for Jennifer Carpenter's long brown hair. She grabs it by the handful and looks to toss her to the canvas. Jenni is squealing in pain! Kat has literally thrown her to the canvas by the hair. That's a devastating hair mare, Kat's removing strands of her opponents long brown hair from her hands. Kat is standing while Jenni is on the ground on her back. Kat Dennings opts to go after her opponent and then jumps inside Jennifer Carpenter's guard. Jenni fights back with her feet, forcing Kat to try something else. The clock says 3:25 in the 1 round Kat is standing while Jenni is on the ground on her back. Kat Dennings opts to jump inside Jennifer Carpenter's guard. Jenni didn't see that coming. Kat's in open guard over Jenni now. The clock says 3:35 in the 1 round Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. Jennifer Carpenter tries to close her guard around Kat Dennings. Jenni's not able to do it, there's a definite look of worry on her face. Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. Kat Dennings hovers above Jennifer Carpenter... Bam! Good punches to Jenni's body. That'll leave a mark on her beautiful tits! Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. Jennifer Carpenter is trying to close her guard around Kat Dennings. "Uhhh Kat...ughh...get off me..." Jenni succeeds in her attempt, I think Kat looks worried. The clock says 4:10 in the 1 round Kat Dennings is in closed guard over Jenni. Neither Jenni nor Kat are clearly ahead in their skills right now. We expected an intense and close fight, and that's what we're getting. Deep breaths from Jennifer Carpenter who tries a hammer punch to Kat Dennings's chest. Kat blocks those punches. Kat Dennings is in closed guard over Jenni. Kat Dennings and Jennifer Carpenter are on the canvas...Kat is lifting her head up...looks like she might be attempting a headbutt... CRACK! Forehead to forehead! Jenni's brains will be scrambled after that hit! It's going to be hard for Jenni to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Right cheek is swelling up big time. Eva Habermann didn't see the foul! Kat Dennings is in closed guard over Jenni. Kat is cooling the fight on the ground. The crowd don't like this. Kat Dennings is in closed guard over Jenni. Kat Dennings looks to power up and open Jennifer Carpenter's guard... Kat forces Jenni to open her guard. Such strength, I would hate to meet Kat in a dark alley. Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. The effort shows as Jenni tries to get back to her feet. "Where do you think you're going, Jenni?" Oh, there's a nasty shove from Kat and Jenni stays on the mat. Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. It's not a desirable position that Jennifer Carpenter is in now. Kat Dennings's well known for her strong and relentless GnP. She's beaten a lot of girls to a bloody pulp in this position. Kat Dennings positions herself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows. One, two, three! Jenni's being punished here! Eva Habermann tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over. Close round. It could go to either fighter. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Kat Dennings follows Jennifer Carpenter... Ow! She gets counter punched in a big way! Kat needs to stop playing Jenni's game or she'll get knocked out! What the hell is she thinking? Incredible high kick from Jennifer Carpenter! Kat deflects and sidesteps. Such grace! I love it! Kat Dennings moves forward looking for some action. Kat shows some wrestling skills as she puts her opponent in a double overhook! Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Kat Dennings tries to break Jennifer Carpenter's resistance with a few punches and tries to push her against her own corner. Kat doesn't connect with those punches. She'll have to improve her position before causing any real damage. Jenni is trying to counter now... Jennifer Carpenter tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Kat Dennings is determined to work from the clinch. She's pummeled through and managed to retain her position. Jennifer Carpenter tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Kat Dennings is determined to work from the clinch. She's pummeled through and managed to retain her position. The clock says 0:50 in the 2 round Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Jennifer Carpenter tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Kat Dennings is determined to work from the clinch. She's pummeled through and managed to retain her position. We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. Jennifer Carpenter doesn't want to clinch as she ducks under Kat Dennings's embrace and tries to move away. Nice move from Jennifer Carpenter who puts some distance between herself and Kat Dennings. Jennifer Carpenter decides to launch some tentative punches... Nothing from this exchange. Jenni moves back and takes a deep breath, her breasts rise and fall as sweat runs down her cleavage. The clock says 1:15 in the 2 round Kat Dennings tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Jenni moves backwards and circles around Kat to avoid the clinch. Jennifer Carpenter goes in with a looping right hand while Kat Dennings jumps back and jabs. Jenni seems staggered and Kat runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Kat Dennings throws a punch. It's deflected. Nice D from Jenni. Kat clumsily fails here and it's time for Jenni to fight back... Jennifer Carpenter tries a middle kick. Her leg shooting out... Kat blocks with her arm! Wow, that was loud and must have hurt! Incredible high kick from Jennifer Carpenter! What an impact. Kat is dazed and worried! A very hard blow to Kat Dennings's mid-section. That hit her with full force and has winded her. She seems hurt, I can see her eyes watering. Yes, she's on the verge of crying. This fight is still up for grabs at this point. Both girls are so evenly matched. Jennifer Carpenter tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Nicely done. Jenni's clinching with Kat and their tits are mashed against each other. I'd like to be between that tit sandwich! We're trading sweat here, folks. These two ladies are locked together in a clinch. Jennifer Carpenter and Kat Dennings are cliched up against the cage. Jenni steps for a throw... Smack! Kat gets thrown to the mat...but gets right back up! Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. The two fighters are holding each other close. Both Kat and Jenni are taking a moment to slow things down. The referee intervenes to break the clinch. She's seen enough of this hugging and wants them to get back to fighting. Kat Dennings leans forwards and tries to grapple with Jennifer Carpenter. Kat shows her clinching skills and grabs hold of Jenni. The two women now clinching and looking very hot. Jennifer Carpenter pushes away Kat Dennings, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Kat Dennings doesn't want to break the clinch. She's still grappling with Jennifer Carpenter. It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. Jennifer Carpenter tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Kat Dennings is determined to work from the clinch. She's pummeled through and managed to retain her position. Kat Dennings pushes away Jennifer Carpenter, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Jennifer Carpenter stumbles backwards and Kat Dennings circles to get the center of the cage. Kat and Jenni circle around the cage. Both women staring daggers at each other. Kat Dennings fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut! Jenni blocks that. Too easy! Kat steps backwards away from Jenni. She seems to be cooling down the fight a bit. You can she how sweaty she is, I just hope she has the fitness to continue. The clock says 3:20 in the 2 round Jennifer Carpenter fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut. Kat blocks that. She made that look easy. Never underestimate this girls survival instinct. Kat is trying to counter now... Kat Dennings is not showing a great technique with that low kick... It only just finds Jenni's thigh. Jennifer Carpenter throws a lazy punch towards Kat Dennings's belly. What the...Jenni's punch has drifted below the belt and she's clawing at Kat's crotch! Did the referee see that? Looks like Eva Habermann has seen that! Eva Habermann halts the fight to give Kat time to recover. Kat takes a moment to catch her breath and fix her outfit. OK, she seems to be ready to fight again. The fight resumes with both fighters standing. The clock says 3:40 in the 2 round Incredible haymaker from Jennifer Carpenter! It misses by a mile. Shocking attempt really. Jennifer Carpenter jumps over Kat and tries to grapple. Jenni pushes Kat against the cage in a plum position! Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Jennifer Carpenter grabs one of Kat Dennings's arms and tries a hip throw. Owww...Kat lands hard on her back with bone shattering force. Jenni is standing while Kat is on the ground on her back. Jennifer Carpenter moves backwards and waves her arms about, gesturing for Kat Dennings to stand up. "Come on you bitch. We're not done yet!" Kat staggers back to her feet again. The 5' 4" fighter looks ready to go again. A furious flurry of punches from Jennifer Carpenter! Wow! Those just missed Kat. Kat tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Kat Dennings is holding Jenni's right leg. Jenni should never have got herself in this spot, Kat is trying to take her down. Jenni loses her balance and goes to the ground. Kat Dennings is in side mount over Jennifer Carpenter. The effort shows as Jenni tries to get back to her feet. She seems a bit shaken, but Jenni is upright again...American fans will be cheering. Jenni's on her feet again. She runs her fingers through her long brown hair and gathers herself. The clock says 4:25 in the 2 round Jenni is standing while Kat is on the ground on her back. Jenni steps backwards and lowers her arms while breathing heavily, her firm B cup chest rising and falling. She looks exhausted, but also really hot. Jennifer Carpenter looks down at Kat Dennings, she has a nasty look in her eyes...Oh my! Jenni raises her foot and stomps towards Kat's crotch! Kat rolls away...just in time as Jenni's foot stamps down on the canvas. That was a narrow escape! Jenni is standing while Kat is on the ground on her back. The effort shows as Kat tries to get back to her feet. She seems a bit shaken, but Kat is upright again...American fans will be cheering. OK folks, Kat is back on her feet and ready to continue fighting. The Alpha Angels combatant will not be wanting to hit the canvas again. Jennifer Carpenter tries to grapple. She puts Kat in a double underhook! Kat Dennings pushes away Jennifer Carpenter, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Jennifer Carpenter doesn't want to break the clinch. She's still grappling with Kat Dennings. The fighters are clinching. This is as close together as their bodies can get. Jennifer Carpenter tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Jennifer Carpenter circles out and slips free of Kat Dennings's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. Referee Eva Habermann stops the action and is having to yell at the fighters to get back to their corners. The round is over. I would be surprised if the judges didn't see that round for Jenni. ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= Jennifer Carpenter tries to grapple. She puts Kat in a double underhook! Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Kat Dennings gets double underhooks and looks for the takedown... Kat blocks Jenni's knee and hits a perfectly executed knee tap! Nice move. Jennifer Carpenter ribs are getting hammered, this looks bad! This kind of damage could stop the fight. Jenni will need to dig deep to fight through this. Kat Dennings is in closed guard over Jenni. Kat Dennings's in closed guard, as Jennifer Carpenter tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Jenni's now in full mount over Kat. Jennifer Carpenter is in full mount over Kat Dennings. Kat Dennings tries to escape from the full mount... Kat struggles and pushes her opponent. She's starting to look a bit anxious, but at least she is putting up a fight. Jenni gets sloppy and Kat Dennings tries to take advantage... Kat Dennings launches a few punches to Jennifer Carpenter's cheek from the guard. Jenni uses her head to cover the punches and presses her skull forward. Jennifer Carpenter is in full mount over Kat Dennings. Kat Dennings tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount! Jenni doesn't want to lose her advantageous position and she struggles to maintain the full mount. Jenni is trying to counter now... Body shots now by Jennifer Carpenter. Solid blows to Kat's abdomen and breasts. Jennifer Carpenter is in full mount over Kat Dennings. Jennifer Carpenter throws the leg over and rolls it over into an armbar! Kat breaks the lock showing some skills... Jennifer Carpenter is in full mount over Kat Dennings. Deep breaths from Kat Dennings who tries a hammer punch to Jennifer Carpenter's chest. That hit Jenni! She moves on the ground in order to protect herself. Jennifer Carpenter ribs are getting hammered, this looks bad! This kind of damage could stop the fight. Jenni will need to dig deep to fight through this. Jennifer Carpenter is in full mount over Kat Dennings. What the hell is Jennifer Carpenter up to? She's moving around on the canvas and positioning herself... Kat moves her head away just in time! Jenni misses with a headbutt and ends up smacking her forehead on the canvas! Jennifer Carpenter is in full mount over Kat Dennings. Jennifer Carpenter attempts to keep her position while looking to perhaps begin a hard pounding session... Kat struggles and frees her leg! The clock says 1:45 in the 3 round Jennifer Carpenter is in half guard over Kat. Jennifer Carpenter is pushing on Kat Dennings's leg as she tries to move to full mount. Nice move by Jenni, who's now in full mount. I'd say Kat is in trouble now. The clock says 1:55 in the 3 round Jennifer Carpenter is in full mount over Kat Dennings. Hang on a second folks, it looks like Kat Dennings is trying to inflict a crotch claw on Jennifer Carpenter. Jenni manages to push aside Kat's hand. It looks like her privates have escaped being clawed. For now. Jennifer Carpenter is in full mount over Kat Dennings. This fight is still up for grabs at this point. Both girls are so evenly matched. Kat Dennings tries to escape from the full mount... Jenni's not caught off guard and moves to side mount. She keeps her superior position, what a brilliant tactician Jenni is. Jennifer Carpenter is in side mount over Kat Dennings. Jennifer Carpenter positions herself for a round of ground and pound and tries to finish the fight with some precise elbows. Kat attempts to cover herself and blocks those elbows. Poorly executed technique from Jenni. Kat looks to counter... Kat Dennings is attempting to trap Jennifer Carpenter in her guard. Jenni keeps control and remains in side mount. Jennifer Carpenter is in side mount over Kat Dennings. On the mat here as Jennifer Carpenter prepares to mount Kat Dennings... Kat takes advantage of Jenni's over commitment and traps her in full guard. Jennifer Carpenter is in open guard over Kat. Kat Dennings measures the resilience of Jennifer Carpenter's ribs with a couple of big punches from the guard. Those hits are finding Jenni's side. There'll be bruising there in the morning. Jennifer Carpenter is in open guard over Kat. Kat Dennings switches to high guard and then tries to sink a triangle! Jenni struggles and her head turns red from the choke, but she manages to slip her head of the lock! Kat gets sloppy and Jennifer Carpenter tries to take advantage... The effort shows as Jenni tries to get back to her feet. "Where do you think you're going, Jenni?" Oh, there's a nasty shove from Kat and Jenni stays on the mat. The clock says 3:05 in the 3 round Jennifer Carpenter is in open guard over Kat. Kat Dennings isolates Jennifer Carpenter's arm in a kimura attempt! Jenni blocks the hold and uses the opportunity to pass Kat's guard. Eva Habermann has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters, "Come on ladies. This is a fight not a slumber party!" Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Jenni and Kat glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Both fighters are missing terribly. The crowd don't like this! Kat steps back and signals for a time out. What? She can't do that! Jenni gestures to Eva Habermann, she wants to the fight to continue. Superb haymaker by Jennifer Carpenter... Kat manages to move aside. Very, very lucky escape there. Jenni clumsily fails here and it's time for Kat to fight back... Kat Dennings launches a flurry of punches... She only manages to land glancing blows. Erk...someone call for a make up artist! Jenni's Left eye is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Jenni has a nasty cut on her Left eye. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Kat Dennings fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Jenni didn't see that coming and has been put on the ground! Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. Kat Dennings's in open guard over Jennifer Carpenter...she fakes a move and then tries a kneebar! Jenni rolls on the ground trying to get free and after a few kicks of her own she escapes. Eva Habermann is signalling for the fight to stop. She needs both ladies vertical and ready to fight. They are taking their sweet time about it, but we're now finally ready to resume the match. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Sagrada Família (Barcelona, Spain) are cheering for the girls. The clock says 4:05 in the 3 round Jennifer Carpenter goes in with a looping right hand while Kat Dennings jumps back and jabs. Jenni seems staggered and Kat runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Kat studies her opponent looking for a hole in her defense. The clock says 4:25 in the 3 round Jennifer Carpenter throws a looping left hand... Kat moves aside and dodges. Jenni gets sloppy and Kat Dennings tries to take advantage... Kat Dennings grabs Jenni by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! The fighters are struggling...Jenni is going to get free...No! Great takedown by Kat! That's strength and skill. Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. Jennifer Carpenter launches a few punches to Kat Dennings's cheek from the guard. Kat uses her head to cover the punches and presses her skull forward. Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. Good looking punches from Kat Dennings on the ground. Those punches could take their toll on Jenni. She's feeling those for sure. It's going to be hard for Jenni to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Mouth is swelling up big time. Kat Dennings is in open guard over Jenni. Kat Dennings tries to pass to half guard... Jenni can't prevent her Kat from passing. Kat now looks to work from half guard. The referee has to get between the two fighters to separate them as the buzzer sounds. Eva Habermann better be careful or she may get in the way of a punch or kick! That was an even round for the most part. Too close to call. ========================================= Round 4 ========================================= Brilliant combination from Kat Dennings... Those hits are landing and she's forcing Jenni to try and defend better. Jennifer Carpenter attempts a sweep single... Jenni catches Kat's far ankle and trips her to the mat! Slick takedown by Jenni. Jennifer Carpenter is in closed guard over Kat. Jennifer Carpenter tries to improve her position on the ground as she sits on her knees and tries to break the closed guard. Kat leans in and grabs Jenni's arms as she brings her to the ground again. Jenni gets sloppy and Kat Dennings tries to take advantage... The Alpha Angels fighter, Kat Dennings, is going for a submission move here. She has Jennifer Carpenter on her back and is grabbing at her legs...could this be? Yes, Kat's trying for the dreaded legspread submission. Jenni is kicking her legs like a woman possessed! She's struggling...she's still struggling...Yes! Jenni has freed herself from Kat's legspread submission. Jennifer Carpenter is in closed guard over Kat. Jennifer Carpenter tries to pass Kat Dennings's guard... Jenni manages to get her toned leg free and moves to half guard. Jennifer Carpenter is in half guard over Kat. Kat Dennings launches a few punches to Jennifer Carpenter's cheek from the guard. Those punches sure look annoying. Jenni tries to cover her face, but the hits are landing. Jennifer Carpenter is in half guard over Kat. Jennifer Carpenter tries to free her leg...she's trying to get away from Kat Dennings. Kat doesn't allow any movement here. Kat seems happy to cool the fight on the ground. Kat tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Submission attempt here from Kat Dennings. She has her opponent where she wants her and is trying to lock in a bodyscissor. If this works then Jennifer Carpenter is in serious trouble. Jenni's attempting to separate her attacker's legs at her ankles, she's trying to neutralize the bodyscissor. Success! Now that kids is how you escape a serious submission move. Jennifer Carpenter is in half guard over Kat. Jennifer Carpenter tries to free her leg. Kat moves fast and both fighters exchange some weak punches while climbing to their feet. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Kat and Jenni glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. Kat Dennings is holding Jennifer Carpenter's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Jenni down... Crash! Jenni loses balance and goes to the ground. She could be in trouble. The damage has been done and Jennifer Carpenter has hyper-extended her left arm. I doubt she will be able to throw too many punches with that arm now. Kat Dennings is in side mount over Jennifer Carpenter. Jennifer Carpenter tries to show some of her ground skills. Kat uses her strength to keep Jenni at a disadvantage. That's a nice show of power. Kat is trying to counter now... Kat Dennings gets a good position on the ground... What an incredible flurry! Kat's just wailing away at Jennifer Carpenter! The referee's saying she's going to stop this if Jenni doesn't defend herself! Kat Dennings is in side mount over Jennifer Carpenter. Jennifer Carpenter is attempting to trap Kat Dennings in her guard. Kat keeps control and remains in side mount. Kat Dennings is in side mount over Jennifer Carpenter. Jennifer Carpenter tries to show some of her ground skills. Kat uses her strength to keep Jenni at a disadvantage. That's a nice show of power. Kat Dennings is in side mount over Jennifer Carpenter. Jennifer Carpenter and Kat Dennings are on the canvas...Jenni is lifting her head up...looks like she might be attempting a headbutt... Lucky break for Kat. Jenni didn't connect with as much force as she wanted to. Poorly executed technique from Jenni. Kat looks to counter... Kat Dennings tries to move to full mount! Jenni won't allow her to take this position easily. She works hard to prevent being taken. Kat Dennings is in side mount over Jennifer Carpenter. Kat breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. Kat Dennings is in side mount over Jennifer Carpenter. Kat Dennings isolates Jennifer Carpenter's right arm looking for an armbar... Jenni manages to sit up and pull her arm out of danger! Kat has lost her dominant position. Kat gets sloppy and Jennifer Carpenter tries to take advantage... The effort shows as Jenni tries to get back to her feet. "Where do you think you're going, Jenni?" Oh, there's a nasty shove from Kat and Jenni stays on the mat. The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground. The crowd appreciate her getting these girls back to their feet. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Jenni and Kat glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. An inside leg kick from Kat Dennings. It lands on Jenni's leg with a loud smack. The clock says 2:55 in the 4 round Jennifer Carpenter is holding Kat Dennings's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Kat down... Kat shows great balance while pushing away Jenni. Kat Dennings wants this win. She unleashes a mighty kick. Brutal high kick to Jenni! The crowd are screaming "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" It's going to be hard for Jenni to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Right eye is swelling up big time. Jenni has a nasty cut on her Right eye. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Kat's connecting with a few punches. Jennifer Carpenter moves to attack! Jenni misses a knee. Kat will be thanking her lucky stars! Kat is trying to counter now... Kat Dennings is holding Jennifer Carpenter's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Jenni down... Crash! Jenni loses balance and goes to the ground. She could be in trouble. Kat Dennings is in side mount over Jennifer Carpenter. Jennifer Carpenter is attempting to trap Kat Dennings in her guard. Jenni manages to switch to half guard. Kat Dennings is in half guard over Jenni. Jennifer Carpenter tries to move on the ground and shows Kat Dennings a crack in her guard! "Gotcha now, Jenni." Oh! A big elbow attempt from Kat. Bang! Jenni's forehead receives a strong elbow that rocks her head against the mat! Eva Habermann knows she may be calling off the fight soon! The clock says 4:05 in the 4 round Kat Dennings is in half guard over Jenni. Kat breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. Kat Dennings is in half guard over Jenni. Jennifer Carpenter's corner men are yelling for her to escape from the ground. Kat Dennings can totally finish a fight on the ground with some good pounding given half the chance. Jenni has got to find a way out now! Good looking punches from Kat Dennings on the ground. Those punches could take their toll on Jenni. She's feeling those for sure. Kat Dennings is in half guard over Jenni. Kat Dennings throws a few hammer fists to the face of Jennifer Carpenter. Solid shots! Those are really going to rattle Jenni's teeth! Kat Dennings is in half guard over Jenni. Kat Dennings hooks Jennifer Carpenter's left leg and sits back for a kneebar! Yeow, that brings tears to my eyes! That Kneebar looks as good as Kat's ass...and my word can Kat apply pressure doing this submission. OMG! Crippling lock! Kat extends her hips and it's deep. Very deep. Jenni taps! Smart move, Jenni could have been seriously injured by that punishing lock. And here is your winner...Kat Dennings! Marking her victory by Submission (Kneebar) at 4:45 Round 4! Well done! Statistics: Jennifer Carpenter Punches 9/32 (28%) Kicks 4/8 (50%) Clinch strikes 1/3 (33%) Takedowns 1/2 (50%) GnP strikes 2/9 (22%) Submissions 2/2 (100%) Clinch Attempts 1/1 (100%) Damage caused 1108,79 Clinch Damage 43,67 Ground Damage 21,33 Time on the ground 514 s Statistics: Kat Dennings Punches 27/46 (59%) Kicks 4/5 (80%) Clinch strikes 1/8 (12%) Takedowns 8/8 (100%) GnP strikes 27/31 (87%) Submissions 7/7 (100%) Clinch Attempts 1/3 (33%) Damage caused 3137,97 Clinch Damage 2,42 Ground Damage 1900,63 Time on the ground 503 s Jennifer Carpenter loses -11,96 ranking points after the fight. Kat Dennings wins 18,17 ranking points after the fight. There's no doubt that Jenni is not only a hot babe, but she can fight at the top of any league. She's a prime example of what this competition is all about. (323 points) A highlight reel performance by Kat from beginning to end! We want this woman at every UCC event! The crowd love watching her work in the cage. (496 points) Haydens Powergirls and Alpha Angels should pay Jenni and Kat extra just for the excitement they provide to the fans! Super fit bodies, amazing skills and looks that can kill. These girls have it all. 'Nuff said.