Sapir Elgrabli's the favourite fighter of the crowd here at the Tennant Creek (Northern Territory, Australia). You couldn't even count the number of signs with her name on them. Sapir flexes her body for the crowd as they start a "Let's go Sapir!" chant. Danielle Herrington raises her fists in her corner and the crowd respond. At a towering 5' 10" in height and weighing 143 lbs, she certainly seems confident. Sapir Elgrabli raises her fists in her corner and the crowd respond. At 5' 5" in height and weighing 132 lbs, she certainly seems confident. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. And there you go! I would put my money on Danielle today. Sapir Elgrabli comes with a 2 fight losing streak. The referee of the bout is Lena Gercke. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Danielle Herrington and Sapir Elgrabli eye each other up as the fight starts. Sapir's teasing Danielle by blowing some kisses in her direction. She's either confident or horny. Danielle Herrington dodges a strike and counters with a crushing hook! That almost lifts Sapir from the ground! The power behind that is so dangerous and so electric, Danielle is a genius in the cage. Danielle has inflicted a deep cut on Sapir's Nose. There's some blood coming from that wound. A bunch of leg kicks from Sapir Elgrabli. All those kicks are blocked by Danielle. Nice punches from Sapir Elgrabli. Even nicer blocks from Danielle. Sapir has a high cardio and that helps her give these great performances. All that fitness training is paying off. An overhand right from Sapir Elgrabli that looks like it's capable of destroying a brick wall! Danielle moves forward and closes the distance while blocking the punch. Sapir misses a step and Danielle sees an opportunity to counter her... Danielle Herrington charges at Sapir Elgrabli throwing flurries left and right. Not many punches are hitting, but the ones that do land are huge shots! Sapir is rocked! Sapir Elgrabli throws a punch. It's deflected. Nice D from Danielle. The clock says 0:55 in the 1 round Sapir Elgrabli lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighters legs are amazing to watch! Danielle Herrington blocks the kick. Nice defending. Sapir Elgrabli attempts to cut off Danielle Herrington with punches. Danielle avoids getting cornered. Poorly executed technique from Sapir. Danielle looks to counter... Sapir Elgrabli paws at Danielle Herrington. Danielle answers with solid punches and a taunt, "That all you got, stupid cow?" Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Sapir's Chin. Sapir Elgrabli moves forward and launches a low kick. Danielle blocks that without missing a beat. Pulverizing punch to Sapir Elgrabli's head from Danielle Herrington! Ouch, that had to hurt! Here comes a punch to the guts from Danielle Herrington. Sapir Elgrabli looks to defend... Sapir's eyes just opened wide as Danielle has deliberately gone for a crotch claw. Her hand is between Sapir's thighs and she's digging her fingers in. What a dirty tactic! Lena Gercke didn't see that! Give her some glasses! A low kick by Sapir Elgrabli as she makes an effort to maintain her distance. Sapir has missed with that move. That was far from landing. Poorly executed technique from Sapir. Danielle looks to counter... Danielle Herrington fakes a move and launches a kick right towards Sapir Elgrabli's chest! Sapir blocks that and pushes her opponent. The look in Sapir's eyes is pure poison! The clock says 1:45 in the 1 round Danielle steps back and signals for a time out. What? She can't do that! Sapir gestures to Lena Gercke, she wants to the fight to continue. The clock says 1:55 in the 1 round Sapir Elgrabli throws an uppercut. Danielle slips way from it. Nicely avoided. Danielle is trying to counter now... Danielle Herrington grabs Sapir by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! The fighters are struggling...Sapir is going to get free...No! Great takedown by Danielle! That's strength and skill. The clock says 2:05 in the 1 round Danielle Herrington is in open guard over Sapir. Danielle Herrington could be in trouble here as Sapir Elgrabli's trying to close her guard around her. Danielle uses her strength and skill to stop Sapir. Danielle Herrington is in open guard over Sapir. Sapir Elgrabli tries to close her guard around Danielle Herrington. Sapir's not able to do it, there's a definite look of worry on her face. Danielle Herrington is in open guard over Sapir. Danielle Herrington could be in trouble here as Sapir Elgrabli's trying to close her guard around her. Danielle uses her strength and skill to stop Sapir. The clock says 2:30 in the 1 round Danielle Herrington is in open guard over Sapir. Sapir Elgrabli is on the ground on top of Danielle Herrington. She has her fingers all over Danielle's face. Danielle shakes her head and continues fighting on the ground. Danielle Herrington is in open guard over Sapir. Sapir Elgrabli is trying to close her guard around Danielle Herrington. "Uhhh Danielle...ughh...get off me..." Danielle defends herself well and stops Sapir. "No fucking way, Sapir...(grunt)" Danielle Herrington is in open guard over Sapir. Sapir Elgrabli launches a few weak punches. Danielle blocks them effectively. Sapir needs to get more steam behind those hits. Danielle is trying to counter now... Danielle Herrington tries to pass to half guard... Sapir can't prevent her Danielle from passing. Danielle now looks to work from half guard. Danielle Herrington is in half guard over Sapir. Sapir Elgrabli attempts to move to full guard. Danielle Herrington keeps good control and remains in half guard. Danielle Herrington is in half guard over Sapir. Sapir Elgrabli tries to close the guard. Nothing happening from this effort. Poorly executed technique from Sapir. Danielle looks to counter... Body shots now by Danielle Herrington. Sapir covers up. Danielle Herrington is in half guard over Sapir. Danielle is getting frustrated here, "Come on, slut. Get back up and fight me!" Danielle is trying to counter now... Danielle Herrington looks to free her leg... There's some skill there from Danielle as she jumps out of Sapir's guard. She moves quickly to full mount! Danielle Herrington is in side mount over Sapir Elgrabli. Danielle Herrington looks to pass to mount... Danielle slides her knee across and achieves the mount position! This is a tough spot for Sapir. Danielle Herrington is in full mount over Sapir Elgrabli. Sapir Elgrabli tries to roll to her side and trap Danielle Herrington in her guard... Danielle keeps good control and remains in full mount. Referee Lena Gercke is gesturing for both fighters to get back to their feet. She has seen enough inactivity. Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Tennant Creek (Northern Territory, Australia) are cheering for the girls. Sapir Elgrabli moves aside and launches a furious low kick! Danielle checks the kick. Sapir Elgrabli moves aside and launches a furious low kick! Danielle checks the kick. Sapir misses a step and Danielle sees an opportunity to counter her... Lightning fast low kick from Danielle Herrington! She can really move when she wants to. Loud pop! I'm sure that hurts! Yes, Sapir's in some pain now. Here comes a punch to the guts from Danielle Herrington. Sapir Elgrabli looks to defend... Sapir's eyes just opened wide as Danielle has deliberately gone for a crotch claw. Her hand is between Sapir's thighs and she's digging her fingers in. What a dirty tactic! Is she blind? Lena Gercke didn't see that foul. Sapir Elgrabli throws a lazy kick... Danielle dodges and fires an uppercut that almost puts her in to orbit! Sapir is going to be nailed every time if she plays that game. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Sapir's Right cheek. Brilliant combination from Sapir Elgrabli... Danielle's shows some dodging skills by avoiding those punches. The clock says 4:40 in the 1 round Sapir Elgrabli is a bloody mess! Danielle Herrington has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Sapir is even thinking of fighting on. Sapir Elgrabli looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Danielle Herrington's punches. Sapir is on the receiving end of a great combo by Danielle. Danielle has inflicted a deep cut on Sapir's Mouth. There's some blood coming from that wound. Danielle has some bruises after a few exchanges with her opponent. I guess there's nothing like a few war wounds to impress the girls in the locker room. Sapir pushes Danielle and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. Lena Gercke tells the fighters to go to their corners as the round is over. You have to give that round to Danielle. She looks over at her opponent and calls out, "What you going to do now? You got nothing I can't deal with!" ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Sapir Elgrabli's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Sapir Elgrabli launches a hook towards the body of Danielle Herrington. Danielle moves aside looking for a counter...nice footwork. Sapir Elgrabli lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighters legs are amazing to watch! Danielle Herrington blocks the kick. Nice defending. Sapir gets sloppy and Danielle Herrington tries to take advantage... Danielle Herrington throws a hook. That hits its mark. BAM! "Take that, Sapir! You sack of meat!" The clock says 0:25 in the 2 round You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Sapir Elgrabli can end the fight with her ground and pound and she looks ready to pound Danielle Herrington into mincemeat. Sapir Elgrabli launches a hook to the body. Danielle moves aside looking for a counter...she's always looking to make something from nothing. You can see Sapir Elgrabli's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her brunette hair. Sapir has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Good movement from Sapir Elgrabli...she's looking like a professional out there. Danielle is bobbing and weaving. Poorly executed technique from Sapir. Danielle looks to counter... Sapir Elgrabli throws a combo... Danielle ducks under and catches her with a counter! Sapir swings again! And she's countered once more! Sapir is looking bad here! Sapir's Chin is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. Sapir has been opened up by Danielle...the Beauty Kills fighter is bleeding heavily. That's an ugly looking wound. Sapir should never have stepped into the cage with Danielle. She's outclassed here. This is embarrassing for the Beauty Kills. Sapir Elgrabli's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Danielle Herrington smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. A punch from Sapir Elgrabli... It gets blocked by Danielle. The clock says 0:55 in the 2 round Danielle Herrington and Sapir Elgrabli engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are missing terribly. This is not what people paid to see! Danielle Herrington launches a stiff jab, it's aimed directly at Sapir Elgrabli's face! That barely hits Sapir's face but it seems like one finger has poked her eye! Does the referee see that? Lena Gercke has seen that! Sapir is in trouble here, she looks up at referee Lena Gercke. Lena Gercke is giving her a moment to steady herself. And now we can continue. The clock says 1:15 in the 2 round Sapir Elgrabli attempts a sweep single... Danielle was ready and shrugs off the takedown attempt. Danielle is trying to counter now... Danielle Herrington launches a solid middle kick. Oh no! It wrenches Sapir right under the breasts! Pushing her back and just about knocking her boobs right out of that top! Ow! A thumping hit to Sapir Elgrabli's chest! Her huge double D cup breasts took the full impact of that one, they'll be bruised and black by morning. That punishment by Danielle has left Sapir staggered! Danielle should try push forward now and finish this! Danielle flexes her body and readies herself. She still looks fresh out there, still plenty of action to be seen from Danielle tonight. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Danielle's connecting with a few punches. That punishment by Danielle has left Sapir staggered! Danielle should try push forward now and finish this! Sapir Elgrabli continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Lena Gercke is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. It looks as if Danielle Herrington is out to embarrass her opponent! The Death By Bikini girl is making a grab for Sapir Elgrabli's outfit and is going to attempt to give her a wedgie! "Ow...ow....ow...ow...", Sapir is squealing! Danielle has a firm grip on her clothes and is pulling them upwards! School yard bullying here folks, that's a hell of a wedgie! Sapir seems a bit groggy...her movements aren't very coordinated now. She isn't the girl she was when she started this fight. Sapir Elgrabli's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Danielle Herrington runs in to capitalize and launches a barrage of punches over a dazed Sapir Elgrabli who almost cannot stand! One massive hit after another, Danielle is punishing Sapir! Holy shit, Lena Gercke should be doing something soon before Sapir is seriously hurt. Sapir has a nasty cut on her Nose. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Sapir seems a bit groggy...her movements aren't very coordinated now. She isn't the girl she was when she started this fight. Sapir Elgrabli's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Danielle Herrington looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Sapir Elgrabli's punches. Sapir is on the receiving end of a great combo by Danielle. The clock says 2:10 in the 2 round Sapir Elgrabli continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Lena Gercke is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Danielle pushes Sapir and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. The clock says 2:20 in the 2 round Sapir Elgrabli tries to take the action to her favourite field as she tries to grapple. Danielle swings and Sapir has to retreat. Nice avoiding that grapple, Danielle. Solid kick to the leg from Sapir Elgrabli. Danielle checks it and positions herself. Sapir misses a step and Danielle sees an opportunity to counter her... Danielle Herrington throws a looping left hand... That lands on Sapir's chin and stops her in her tracks! Erk...someone call for a make up artist! Sapir's Right eye is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Sapir's Right eye. Danielle has Sapir staggered, she's only just staying on her feet. Her brunette hair is plastered to her face and her huge double D cup tits are shaking as she tries to catch her breath. Sapir Elgrabli looks rattled like a vacant blonde. Danielle Herrington sees her opportunity to finish the fight and launches an aggressive flurry of punches! Sapir is taking a brutal beating and falls to the mat! The ref could stop this fight at any moment. Holy Shit! Goodnight Sapir! What a massive KO from Danielle! The crowd here have erupted! A KO (Punches) win at 2:53 Round 2 for Danielle Herrington. Excellent work. Statistics: Danielle Herrington Punches 32/44 (73%) Kicks 2/3 (67%) Clinch strikes 3/3 (100%) Takedowns 1/1 (100%) GnP strikes 0/2 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 4686,44 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 94 s Statistics: Sapir Elgrabli Punches 3/31 (10%) Kicks 0/10 (0%) Clinch strikes 0/1 (0%) Takedowns 0/1 (0%) GnP strikes 0/3 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 0 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 94 s Danielle Herrington wins 19,42 ranking points after the fight. Sapir Elgrabli loses -7,28 ranking points after the fight. There's no doubt that Danielle is not only a hot babe, but she can fight at the top of any league. She's a prime example of what this competition is all about. (587 points) That was a decent performance from Sapir Elgrabli tonight. In my eyes, she read the fight well and wasn't afraid of engaging. Hopefully she can level out her aggression and do something about her hair, if she can manage that, then it's possible she'll go far in the UCC. (88 points) This is the fight I'd show people if I wanted to create new fans! How could anyone not want to watch Danielle and Sapir slap the living daylights out of each other? Amazing. Just amazing!