It's obvious that the fans here favor Lady Amelia tonight. She stands in the cage and runs her fingers through her hair. She smiles out at the crowd and waves to them. Amelia Windsor bounces up and down on the spot. Her natural A cup breasts rising and falling and her hair flicking around. She looks like she's ready to rock and roll tonight. Shira Shputzik glares at her opponent from the opposite corner. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. According to the betting statistics I've seen, Lady Amelia is the fighter that'll win tonight. Shira Shputzik comes with a 3 fight winning streak. The referee of the bout is Autumn Reeser. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Round one, fight! Let's hope these two tear each other apart! Good looking front kick from Amelia Windsor... It connects and Shira stumbles backwards... Shira Shputzik is holding Amelia Windsor's left leg. She's got a tight grip and is trying to take Lady Amelia down... Crash! Lady Amelia loses balance and goes to the ground. She could be in trouble. Shira Shputzik is in a side mount over Amelia Windsor. The two fighters are on the canvas. The crowd watches as Shira Shputzik looks to mount Amelia Windsor... Lady Amelia takes advantage of Shira's over commitment and traps her in full guard. The clock says 0:45 in the 1 round Shira Shputzik is in closed guard over Lady Amelia. Shira Shputzik is in closed guard, as Amelia Windsor tries to roll on the ground. Nice reversal! Lady Amelia's now in full mount over Shira. Amelia Windsor is in full mount position over Shira Shputzik. Amelia Windsor tries to keep her position. That look in her eye, I think she wants to begin a good pounding session... Lady Amelia controls the situation despite Shira's efforts of escaping from the full mount. The clock says 1:05 in the 1 round Amelia Windsor is in full mount position over Shira Shputzik. Shira Shputzik tries to roll to her side and trap Amelia Windsor in her guard... Shira gets her hip out and moves to full guard. Amelia Windsor is in full mount position over Shira Shputzik. Shira Shputzik tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount! Lady Amelia doesn't want to lose her advantageous position and she struggles to maintain the full mount. Lady Amelia tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Amelia Windsor goes for an armbar! Shira breaks the lock and pushes away Lady Amelia, who rolls over her back and gets to standing position. Autumn Reeser halts the fight to ensure both fighters are standing. The fight resumes with both fighters vertical and Autumn Reeser giving the signal to engage. Both women get to their feet and catch their collective breath. Lady Amelia is wiping the sweat from her eyes as Shira runs her fingers through her brunette hair. The clock says 1:25 in the 1 round Shira Shputzik's mind is definitely in this fight. She sees an opening and delivers a big right hand... Lady Amelia moves aside and dodges. Great skills shown there by Lady Amelia. Shira Shputzik launches a low kick. It gets blocked quickly. Lady Amelia stopped that assault with ease. Shira Shputzik lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Lady Amelia receives a hard blow on her right leg! Solid kick to the leg from Shira Shputzik. Lady Amelia checks it and positions herself. Shira gets sloppy and Amelia Windsor tries to take advantage... Amelia Windsor fires a series of low kicks. My God! Lady Amelia is punishing Shira's legs repeatedly! Those kicks are like lightning. Shira Shputzik is opening up on Amelia Windsor and raining down combinations! Lady Amelia doesn't look worried as she defends with absolute class. Shira Shputzik moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Lady Amelia pushes Shira and keeps the fight at striking range. Amelia Windsor fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Shira didn't see that coming and has been put on the ground! Amelia Windsor is in open guard over Shira. Amelia Windsor could be in trouble here as Shira Shputzik's trying to close her guard around her. Lady Amelia uses her strength and skill to stop Shira. Amelia Windsor is in open guard over Shira. Amelia Windsor tries to pass to half guard... Shira can't prevent her Lady Amelia from passing. Lady Amelia now looks to work from half guard. Amelia Windsor is in half guard over Shira. Shira Shputzik tries to close the guard. Nothing happened from this effort. Amelia Windsor is in half guard over Shira. Shira Shputzik is on the ground on top of Amelia Windsor. She has her fingers all over Lady Amelia's face. Lady Amelia shakes her head and continues fighting on the ground. Amelia Windsor is in half guard over Shira. Shira Shputzik attempts to move to full guard. Amelia Windsor keeps good control and remains in half guard. Amelia Windsor is in half guard over Shira. Lady Amelia breathes deeply while on the ground. She's gulping down huge mouthfuls of oxygen. Amelia Windsor is in half guard over Shira. Shira Shputzik attempts to move to full guard. Amelia Windsor keeps good control and remains in half guard. Amelia Windsor is in half guard over Shira. Shira Shputzik tries to close the guard. Nothing happened from this effort. Lady Amelia tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Amelia Windsor is trying to pass Shira Shputzik's guard... Lady Amelia passes momentarily, but Shira sees an opening and traps her in full guard. Autumn Reeser has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters, "Come on ladies. This is a fight not a slumber party!" Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The fans at the Guaita Fortress (San Marino) are cheering for the girls. Amelia Windsor paws at Shira Shputzik. Shira swings ineffectively and backs away. Shira misses a step and Lady Amelia sees an opportunity to counter her... Amelia Windsor launches a hook towards the body of Shira Shputzik. Ouch! Shira stops that one with her tits! Every woman in the audience grimaced with that blow. An overhand right from Shira Shputzik that looks like it's capable of destroying a brick wall! Lady Amelia moves forward and closes the distance while blocking the punch. A bone shattering straight right hand from Shira Shputzik! Lady Amelia ducks under...sweat flicking from her hair. Lady Amelia tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Amelia Windsor lets rip with a fast low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Shira receives a hard blow on her right leg! One of Shira's beautiful legs has been hyper-extended. It looks like her leg is the victim. Shira Shputzik and Amelia Windsor engage in a wild exchange of punches! Shira is getting the best of the exchange. She's landing a few blows. Shira Shputzik moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Lady Amelia pushes Shira and keeps the fight at striking range. Shira Shputzik tries a high kick! High risk move! Lady Amelia blocks. Wow, that could have finished this match. Lady Amelia tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Amelia Windsor launches a low kick. Damn! That smacked right onto Shira's knee! Shira pushes Lady Amelia and moves away from her. She seems to be recovering her breath, her breasts rise and fall as she sucks in the air. The clock says 4:50 in the 1 round Shira Shputzik fakes a move and launches a kick right towards Amelia Windsor's chest! Lady Amelia blocks that and pushes her opponent. The look in Lady Amelia's eyes is pure poison! Middle kick from Amelia Windsor. Bam! Shira receives a solid kick right below her breasts. Oh My! A crushing shot to Shira Shputzik's body! That one seemed to double her over and push the wind out of her. Shira is holding her side and she looks very uncomfortable. Autumn Reeser separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! I don't think either fighter got the better of their opponent that round. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Shira Shputzik leans forwards and tries to grapple with Amelia Windsor. Lady Amelia wants to maintain the distance and ducks that one. Shira misses a step and Lady Amelia sees an opportunity to counter her... Quick hook by Amelia Windsor. Good shot! Shira has every reason to be worried if Lady Amelia keeps landing those on her. Some nice shots from Amelia Windsor. But they miss their mark. Poor execution from Lady Amelia, or pure luck from Shira? Shira Shputzik moves forward looking for some action. Lady Amelia doesn't want to engage and back pedals. Here comes Shira Shputzik with a vicious middle kick! Lady Amelia dodges that one moving backwards. Very lucky escape, that was a match ending kick. Shira Shputzik moves forward looking for some action. Lady Amelia doesn't want to engage and back pedals. Amelia Windsor is holding Shira's right leg. Shira should never have got herself in this spot, Lady Amelia is trying to take her down. Shira loses her balance and goes to the ground. Amelia Windsor is in a side mount over Shira Shputzik. Shira Shputzik has a shot at trapping Amelia Windsor in her guard. Lady Amelia keeps control and remains in side mount. Amelia Windsor is in a side mount over Shira Shputzik. Shira Shputzik has a shot at trapping Amelia Windsor in her guard. Lady Amelia keeps control and remains in side mount. Amelia Windsor is in a side mount over Shira Shputzik. This match is so even. There's every chance it could go the distance. Amelia Windsor looks to pass to mount... Lady Amelia slides her knee across and achieves the mount position! This is a tough spot for Shira. Amelia Windsor is in full mount position over Shira Shputzik. Shira Shputzik tries to roll on the ground. Lady Amelia knows how to keep her advantage on the ground. Shira clumsily fails here and it's time for Lady Amelia to fight back... Amelia Windsor tries to keep her position. That look in her eye, I think she wants to begin a good pounding session... Lady Amelia controls the situation despite Shira's efforts of escaping from the full mount. Amelia Windsor is in full mount position over Shira Shputzik. Shira Shputzik tries to roll to her side and get to half guard... Lady Amelia rolls Shira to her stomach and takes her back! Oh boy, Shira's breasts are being pushed into the ground! Lady Amelia is in rear mount over Shira. Amelia Windsor tries to get a hook in! Things get worse for Shira! Lady Amelia has one hook in and keeps working! Lady Amelia is in rear mount over Shira with one hook in. Shira Shputzik's trying to escape from the rear mount. Shira tries to use some of her tricky moves, but Amelia Windsor's smart enough to counter her. The clock says 2:35 in the 2 round Lady Amelia is in rear mount over Shira with one hook in. Shira Shputzik has to try and use some of her skills to escape safely from this position... Shira's unable to find a way to escape from this. Poorly executed technique from Shira. Lady Amelia looks to counter... Amelia Windsor isolates an arm, she's looking for an armbar from the back...Shira Shputzik could be in trouble here. Shira locks her hands and forces her weight on top of Lady Amelia until she can pull her arm free! Lady Amelia has lost her dominant position. Shira Shputzik is in closed guard over Lady Amelia. Shira Shputzik tries to escape from the closed guard... Lady Amelia waits for a moment and then tries to roll! Too late for Shira! She's reversed and now Lady Amelia is on half guard! The referee decides to stand up the fighters since there was not much action on the ground. The crowd appreciate her getting these girls back to their feet. Both fighters want to continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision. Lady Amelia and Shira glare at each other as they prepare to continue the fight. A bunch of leg kicks from Amelia Windsor. Those kicks are bothering her opponent. Not much power behind them, more of an annoyance really. The clock says 3:05 in the 2 round Shira Shputzik fakes a punch and shoots a takedown! Lady Amelia staggers, but remains on her feet. She's quick and nimble like a cat! A pussy, a pussy cat! Lady Amelia is trying to counter now... A body kick attempt by Amelia Windsor... It just grazes Lady Amelia. Looks like that didn't even phase her. Shira Shputzik ribs are getting hammered, this looks bad! This kind of damage could stop the fight. Shira will need to dig deep to fight through this. A right hand from Amelia Windsor... It gets deflected. Shira Shputzik fakes a punch and launches herself over Amelia Windsor. Lady Amelia counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals. Shira Shputzik fakes a move and launches a kick right towards Amelia Windsor's chest! Lady Amelia blocks that and pushes her opponent. The look in Lady Amelia's eyes is pure poison! Shira Shputzik fakes a punch and launches herself over Amelia Windsor. Lady Amelia counters with a few fake punches and then backpedals. The clock says 3:45 in the 2 round Shira Shputzik tries to grapple. She puts Lady Amelia in a double underhook! Wow...can you imagine being between these two fighters? Both girls are really locked into this clinch. Shira Shputzik pushes off of Amelia Windsor and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots! Lady Amelia holds her opponent tight while she tries to cool down the action. Shira gets sloppy and Amelia Windsor tries to take advantage... Amelia Windsor pushes off of Shira Shputzik and starts launching a flurry of hooks and body shots! Shira stumbles backwards but Lady Amelia chases her and continues the rain of blows! It's breast to breast action here. Both fighters are holding each other close. One, two, three! Shira Shputzik doesn't stop launching those knees in the clinch! Lady Amelia blocks and then pushes away Shira! The clock says 4:05 in the 2 round Amelia Windsor and Shira Shputzik engage in a wild exchange of punches! Both fighters are missing terribly. This is not what people paid to see! Amelia Windsor goes in with a looping right hand while Shira Shputzik jumps back and jabs. Shira seems staggered and Lady Amelia runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Shira's Chin. The clock says 4:25 in the 2 round Shira Shputzik tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Lady Amelia moves backwards and circles around Shira to avoid the clinch. Shira Shputzik goes in with a looping right hand while Amelia Windsor jumps back and jabs. Shira seems staggered and Lady Amelia runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Lady Amelia has inflicted a deep cut on Shira's Right eye. There's some blood coming from that wound. Superb haymaker by Shira Shputzik... Lady Amelia manages to move aside. Very, very lucky escape there. Shira gets sloppy and Amelia Windsor tries to take advantage... Nice punches from Amelia Windsor. Shira staggers backwards, she's in trouble. Lady Amelia wants to finish this and continues launching bombs! Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Shira's Left cheek. You can see Shira Shputzik's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her brunette hair. Shira has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Shira Shputzik tries some clinching in order to control the fight. Lady Amelia moves backwards and circles around Shira to avoid the clinch. Autumn Reeser separates the fighters as the round concludes. The fighters are yelling abuse and gesturing to each other as the head to their corners. The next round is going to be hot! Lady Amelia has to be confident that she won that round. She runs her fingers through her hair and smiles at the crowd. ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= You can see Shira Shputzik's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her brunette hair. Shira has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Shira Shputzik grabs Lady Amelia by the waist and tries to take the fight to the ground! Lady Amelia is wriggling around...Shira is unable to take her down. Shira Shputzik moves forward, she's looking for some grappling action. Lady Amelia pushes Shira and keeps the fight at striking range. Shira Shputzik moves forward looking for some action. Lady Amelia doesn't want to engage and back pedals. Shira Shputzik is a bloody mess! Amelia Windsor has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Shira is even thinking of fighting on. Good leg kicks from Shira Shputzik. Lady Amelia defends with ease. Lady Amelia is trying to counter now... Amelia Windsor launches a low kick. Damn! That smacked right onto Shira's knee! Shira Shputzik's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Shira Shputzik moves aside and launches a furious low kick! Lady Amelia checks the kick. Lady Amelia is slowing the pace of the fight a bit and she circles around her opponent. Shira Shputzik paws at Amelia Windsor. Lady Amelia answers with solid punches and a taunt, "That all you got, stupid cow?" Shira Shputzik leans forwards and tries to grapple with Amelia Windsor. Lady Amelia wants to maintain the distance and ducks that one. Lady Amelia is trying to counter now... Amelia Windsor is showing excellent timing. She blasts Shira Shputzik with a right hand. Great hook by Lady Amelia! Shira is caught off balance and slips to the ground in pain! Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Shira's Chin. The clock says 1:25 in the 3 round Lady Amelia is standing while Shira is on the ground on her back. Shira Shputzik could be taken advantage of here. She's on her back and Amelia Windsor makes her move...leaping into the air and trying for a brutal looking legdrop. Sweet Jesus! 121 pounds of weight behind that legdrop! Lady Amelia has squashed Shira. That's gotta hurt like a bitch! Ow! A thumping hit to Shira Shputzik's chest! Her full D cup breasts took the full impact of that one, they'll be bruised and black by morning. Lady Amelia is standing while Shira is on the ground on her back. You can see Shira Shputzik's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her brunette hair. Shira has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Amelia Windsor launches a kick to Shira Shputzik's thigh... BANG! A loud pop that'll leave a bruise! Shira is in serious pain! The clock says 1:45 in the 3 round Lady Amelia is standing while Shira is on the ground on her back. Shira Shputzik's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Amelia Windsor smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. The effort shows as Shira tries to get back to her feet. "Where do you think you're going, Shira?" Oh, there's a nasty shove from Lady Amelia and Shira stays on the mat. Lady Amelia is standing while Shira is on the ground on her back. Shira is trying to get back onto her feet. Oh! There's a push from Lady Amelia and Shira is still on the canvas. The clock says 2:10 in the 3 round Lady Amelia is standing while Shira is on the ground on her back. The effort shows as Shira tries to get back to her feet. "Where do you think you're going, Shira?" Oh, there's a nasty shove from Lady Amelia and Shira stays on the mat. Lady Amelia is standing while Shira is on the ground on her back. Amelia Windsor gives Shira Shputzik enough space to stand back up. "Come on you Israeli bitch, get up! I want to knock you down again!" Shira's on her feet again. She runs her fingers through her brunette hair and gathers herself. Shira Shputzik is a bloody mess! Amelia Windsor has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Shira is even thinking of fighting on. Shira Shputzik wants to take the advantage of this fight and she tries to clinch with Amelia Windsor. "Fuck off, Shira", Lady Amelia pushes Shira back to avoid the clinch. Amelia Windsor tries a nice one-two combination. She scores! Oh, impressive indeed! Shira has a nasty cut on her Right cheek. Blood's seeping from that wound. This might be enough for the referee to end the fight. Shira Shputzik fires a series of low kicks. All those kicks fail to land. Very poor technique there from Shira. Amelia Windsor decides to launch some tentative punches... Lady Amelia takes the best of a brief punching exchange. Shira Shputzik is a bloody mess! Amelia Windsor has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Shira is even thinking of fighting on. Shira Shputzik throws a combo... Lady Amelia ducks under and catches her with a counter! Shira swings again! And she's countered once more! Shira is looking bad here! There's a vicious laceration on Shira's Left eye. It looks as if it's hurt her. I doubt she can continue. Shira Shputzik's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Shira Shputzik launches a stiff jab, right towards Amelia Windsor's face! Lady Amelia ducks that one. Shira clumsily fails here and it's time for Lady Amelia to fight back... Amelia Windsor moves to attack! Devastating move! Lady Amelia delivers a knee that wrecks Shira! Oh my God, that must have hurt. It's going to be hard for Shira to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Left cheek is swelling up big time. That punishment by Lady Amelia has left Shira staggered! Lady Amelia should try to push forward now and finish this! Shira Shputzik is a bloody mess! Amelia Windsor has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Shira is even thinking of fighting on. It looks as if Amelia Windsor is out to embarrass her opponent! The Royal Fighting Society girl is making a grab for Shira Shputzik's outfit and is going to attempt to give her a wedgie! "Ow...ow....ow...ow...", Shira is squealing! Lady Amelia has a firm grip on her clothes and is pulling them upwards! School yard bullying here folks, that's a hell of a wedgie! Shira seems a bit groggy...her movements aren't very coordinated now. She isn't the girl she was when she started this fight. Shira Shputzik jumps over Lady Amelia and tries to grapple. Lady Amelia sees that coming and ducks under Shira. She moves aside and avoids the grapple. The clock says 3:55 in the 3 round It's not a desirable position that Amelia Windsor is in now. Shira Shputzik's well known for her strong and relentless GnP. She's beaten a lot of girls to a bloody pulp in this position. Shira Shputzik's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Shira Shputzik tries to take the action to her favorite field as she tries to grapple. Lady Amelia swings and Shira has to retreat. Nice avoiding that grapple, Lady Amelia. Shira Shputzik's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Lightning fast low kick from Shira Shputzik! She can really move when she wants to. Lady Amelia blocks that kick with her leg. Shira misses a step and Lady Amelia sees an opportunity to counter her... Incredible haymaker from Amelia Windsor! You can see Shira Shputzik's head being snapped backwards! Her brunette hair is flying everywhere! That looks like it hurts! Shira's Mouth isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. Lady Amelia has inflicted a deep cut on Shira's Mouth. There's some blood coming from that wound. Shira should never have stepped into the cage with Lady Amelia. She's outclassed here. This is embarrassing for the Beauty Kills. Shira Shputzik's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Amelia Windsor throws a hook. That hits its mark. BAM! "Take that, Shira! You sack of meat!" Shira Shputzik's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Here comes Amelia Windsor with a vicious middle kick! That lands hard on Shira's incredibly full tits! Shira Shputzik ribs are getting hammered, this looks bad! This kind of damage could stop the fight. Shira will need to dig deep to fight through this. Lady Amelia has Shira staggered, she's only just staying on her feet. Her brunette hair is plastered to her face and her full D cup tits are shaking as she tries to catch her breath. Shira Shputzik is a bloody mess! Amelia Windsor has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Shira is even thinking of fighting on. Shira Shputzik goes in with a looping right hand while Amelia Windsor jumps back and jabs. Shira seems staggered and Lady Amelia runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Shira Shputzik ribs are getting hammered, this looks bad! This kind of damage could stop the fight. Shira will need to dig deep to fight through this. Shira Shputzik's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her brunette hair. Some counter punches against Amelia Windsor from Shira Shputzik now... Ohhh so close! That almost hit Lady Amelia as she moves away. Shira Shputzik moves forward looking for some action. Lady Amelia struggles a bit before breaking Shira's attempt of grappling. "Not today, you dirty bitch.", Lady Amelia gives Shira the finger as she moves away from her. The buzzer sounds, marking the end of the round. Referee Autumn Reeser tells the fighters to go to their corners. Lady Amelia has to be confident that she won that round. She runs her fingers through her hair and smiles at the crowd. ========================================= Round 4 ========================================= The clock says 0:10 in the 4 round Shira Shputzik jumps over Lady Amelia and tries to grapple. Lady Amelia sees that coming and ducks under Shira. She moves aside and avoids the grapple. Amelia Windsor is playing with Shira Shputzik. I don't know if it's because of Shira's lack of fighting spirit or just lack of skill. Shira Shputzik continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Autumn Reeser is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Shira Shputzik jumps over Lady Amelia and tries to grapple. Lady Amelia sees that coming and ducks under Shira. She moves aside and avoids the grapple. You can see Shira Shputzik's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her brunette hair. Shira has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Shira Shputzik goes in with a looping right hand while Amelia Windsor jumps back and jabs. Shira seems staggered and Lady Amelia runs in to capitalize with a bunch of jabs and crosses. Lady Amelia has opened Shira up! It looks like blood is starting to flow from Shira's Chin. Is this the end of the road for Shira? The Beauty Kills fighter looks like she's run out of gas. Shira Shputzik launches a hook to the body. Lady Amelia moves aside looking for a counter...she's always looking to make something from nothing. Poorly executed technique from Shira. Lady Amelia looks to counter... Amelia Windsor tries a high kick! High risk move! Shira was covering for a middle kick and that one almost knocked off her pretty little head! That brutal impact left Shira laid out on the mat! The crowd has erupted! "Lady Amelia! Lady Amelia! Lady Amelia!" It's going to be hard for Shira to look at herself in a mirror tomorrow. Her Left cheek is swelling up big time. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Shira's Left cheek. And here is your winner...Amelia Windsor! Marking her victory by KO (High kick) at 0:44 Round 4! Well done! Statistics: Amelia Windsor Punches 39/63 (62%) Kicks 17/17 (100%) Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%) Takedowns 2/2 (100%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 2/2 (100%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 6163,21 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 236 s Statistics: Shira Shputzik Punches 6/27 (22%) Kicks 1/15 (7%) Clinch strikes 0/11 (0%) Takedowns 1/3 (33%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/5 (0%) Damage caused 70,71 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 305 s Amelia Windsor wins 23,05 ranking points after the fight. Shira Shputzik loses -14,41 ranking points after the fight. A dominating performance by Lady Amelia who took her best game against Shira. I have no doubt Lady Amelia will be gracing the cover of Total Knock Out in the near future. (780 points) Shira Shputzik has had some absorbing moments tonight. She contributed to the enjoyment of most of the people here at the Guaita Fortress (San Marino). I'm hoping she can up the tempo in her next fight, then she should start to draw in even more fans. (189 points) What a fight! I love my job! This is what it's all about! Hot chicks smashing the crap out of each other in a cage. In a freaking cage! It's girls like Lady Amelia and Shira that make the ticket price worth every cent.