It's obvious that the fans here favor Wiktoria tonight. She stands in the cage and runs her fingers through her hair. She smiles out at the crowd and waves to them. Alex Morgan looks very relaxed as she repositions her natural A cup breasts in her outfit. She's clearly confident she can win this match. Wiktoria Omyla is beating herself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking herself in the face, body and legs to get ready for her scrap. This is the first time these two have meet inside the cage. And there you go! I would put my money on Alex today. The referee of the bout is Toccara Jones. ========================================= Round 1 ========================================= Alex Morgan's natural A cup breasts are up against Wiktoria Omyla's alluring C's! Round one's starting and I'm pumped to watch these girls fight it out! Alex Morgan moves forward looking for some action. Alex shows some wrestling skills as she puts her opponent in a double overhook! Wiktoria Omyla pushes away Alex Morgan, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Alex Morgan doesn't want to break the clinch. She's still grappling with Wiktoria Omyla. Close in action here. Both fighters are tied up in a clinch. Alex Morgan's throwing a flurry of punches and she's taunting Wiktoria Omyla! "Come on, bitch. You want some of this?" Wiktoria just can't get away! Oh My God! Wiktoria Omyla tries to shrug her way out of the clinch. Wiktoria Omyla circles out and slips free of Alex Morgan's grip. Nice job of getting out of that position. Alex Morgan launches a rapid series of punches... She's taking Wiktoria from one end of the cage to the other. That's awesome! The crowd are going nuts! Alex Morgan throws a low kick with her toned leg. Hang on! She switches targets and lands a superb body kick! Wow! What a move! A very hard blow to Wiktoria Omyla's mid-section. That hit her with full force and has winded her. She seems hurt, I can see her eyes watering. Yes, she's on the verge of crying. Wiktoria Omyla moves aside and launches a furious low kick! Alex checks the kick. Alex Morgan throws a looping right hand... That lands on Wiktoria's chin! That stops Wiktoria in her tracks! Wiktoria has been opened up by Alex...the Cobra Kai fighter is bleeding heavily. That's an ugly looking wound. Alex Morgan launches a solid middle kick. Oh no! It wrenches Wiktoria right under the breasts! Pushing her back and just about knocking her boobs right out of that top! Alex Morgan launches a couple of jabs and then a big hook! Wiktoria blocks the jabs, but the last punch hits hard on her cheek! She stumbles and falls to the mat! This is the time for Alex to press her advantage! Alex is standing while Wiktoria is on the ground on her back. Alex Morgan raises her leg...Oh No! Wiktoria covers herself and blocks the stomp. Alex gets sloppy and Wiktoria Omyla tries to take advantage... Wiktoria is trying to get back onto her feet. Oh! There's a push from Alex and Wiktoria is still on the canvas. Alex is standing while Wiktoria is on the ground on her back. Alex looks to be in very good shape. Her body looks amazing, it's obvious she's been training hard for this event. Wiktoria Omyla is on her back..Alex Morgan is measuring her for an elbow drop... What the--Wiktoria just blocked that elbow drop. This Polish native is showing some fantastic defensive skills. Time for Wiktoria to get upright again. She's breathing heavily, her utterly alluring breasts heaving as she readies herself. The clock says 1:45 in the 1 round Alex Morgan moves forward and launches a low kick. Wiktoria blocks that without missing a beat. Alex gets sloppy and Wiktoria Omyla tries to take advantage... A bone shattering straight left hand from Wiktoria Omyla! Alex ducks under...that one was too close! The clock says 1:50 in the 1 round The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Alex connects with a few punches. Brutal combination from Alex Morgan! Wiktoria's in a bad way, her legs look wobbly! She's seeing stars right now. Wiktoria's Chin is bruised after the punishment she's received! She may just have to kiss that cover shoot goodbye. This isn't good for Wiktoria! The Polish fighter is in pain and spilling a lot of blood. Alex Morgan launches a stiff jab, right towards Wiktoria Omyla's face! That barely hits Wiktoria's face but it seems like one finger has poked her eye! Does the referee see that? Toccara Jones didn't see that! Give her some glasses! Alex Morgan fakes a move and launches a kick right towards Wiktoria Omyla's chest! Slam! That almost popped Wiktoria's breasts right out of her top! Her breasts will be bruised and sore tomorrow. The clock says 2:35 in the 1 round Wiktoria Omyla paws at Alex Morgan. Alex swings ineffectively and backs away. Solid kick to the leg from Alex Morgan. Oh man! That visibly pains Wiktoria. Tears may be welling in her eyes! High kick from Alex Morgan! Her legs look amazing! She misses narrowly! Poorly executed technique from Alex. Wiktoria looks to counter... Wiktoria Omyla avoids a dangerous strike from Alex Morgan... Wiktoria fends her off with feel-out punches. Alex Morgan just won't stop and continues to rain punches! Wiktoria quickly defends. Just in time! Wiktoria Omyla attempts to get inside Alex Morgan... Alex fires a low kick and it hits. That'll teach Wiktoria! Solid low kick from Wiktoria Omyla. For sure that had to hurt! Full credit to Alex if she can keep going after receiving that. The clock says 3:25 in the 1 round Alex Morgan launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Wiktoria blocks, showing some great skill. Wiktoria Omyla tries a middle kick. Her leg shooting out... Alex blocks with her arm! Wow, that was loud and must have hurt! Alex Morgan fakes a move and launches a kick right towards Wiktoria Omyla's chest! Wiktoria blocks that and pushes her opponent. The look in Wiktoria's eyes is pure poison! Alex gets sloppy and Wiktoria Omyla tries to take advantage... Wiktoria Omyla throws a looping left hand... That lands on Alex's chin and stops her in her tracks! Alex Morgan's mind is definitely in this fight. She sees an opening and delivers a big right hand... Wow! Wiktoria's going to have a headache after that one. Alex Morgan feints and then moves forward to hit with a hook. What a crushing shot! Thank God I'm not the one inside that cage! Wiktoria Omyla attempts to get inside Alex Morgan... Alex misses with a low kick. Wiktoria Omyla attempts a shoot! Wiktoria checks herself and stops before running into Alex's kick. Lucky girl! Alex gets sloppy and Wiktoria Omyla tries to take advantage... A body kick attempt by Wiktoria Omyla... Nicely blocked by Alex. Alex Morgan tries to grapple. She puts Wiktoria in a double underhook! Wiktoria Omyla pushes away Alex Morgan, she's trying to keep the fight at striking range. Alex Morgan doesn't want to break the clinch. She's still grappling with Wiktoria Omyla. Both girls are tied in a clinch. Their bodies pressed against each other. Oh shit...things are getting brutal. Alex Morgan has her hands full of Wiktoria Omyla's hair and is about to pull down hard. Oh! That makes even my eyes water! Wiktoria can't take much more of this pain, her hair is going to be torn out by the roots. That looks like it hurts! Wiktoria's Forehead isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. Alex has opened Wiktoria up! It looks like blood is starting to flow from Wiktoria's Forehead. Toccara Jones separates the fighters as the round concludes. Oh! The two girls are shouting abuse at each other! Toccara Jones is forcibly having to push them apart as she sends them to their corners. I would be surprised if the judges didn't see that round for Alex. ========================================= Round 2 ========================================= Wiktoria Omyla throws a combo... Alex ducks under and catches her with a counter! Wiktoria swings again! And she's countered once more! Wiktoria is looking bad here! That looks like it hurts! Wiktoria's Right cheek isn't looking the best. She's taken some damage there. Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Wiktoria's Right cheek. Wiktoria Omyla's bleeding heavily. She wants to fight on regardless, but Alex Morgan smells blood in the water and like a shark she will be looking to end this quickly. Alex Morgan and Wiktoria Omyla engage in a wild exchange of punches! Alex is getting the best of the exchange. She's landing a few blows. A high kick from Alex Morgan, her smooth leg shooting out. It glances off Wiktoria. That looked impressive, but really failed to connect. BANG! That shot was right onto Wiktoria Omyla's utterly alluring tits! It looks like she's hurt bad. There's tears in her eyes and she's trying to cover up her breasts with her arms. The clock says 0:40 in the 2 round It's not a desirable position that Alex Morgan is in now. Wiktoria Omyla's well known for her strong and relentless GnP. She's beaten a lot of girls to a bloody pulp in this position. Middle kick from Wiktoria Omyla. The kick just misses Alex's breasts. She'll be thanking her lucky stars that missed... Wiktoria clumsily fails here and it's time for Alex to fight back... Alex Morgan launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Wiktoria receives a hard blow on her left leg! Wiktoria Omyla is swinging for the fences! Alex back pedals and creates some space. The clock says 1:00 in the 2 round Wiktoria Omyla's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. The two ladies exchange punches wildly. Both are landing hits, but without much steam behind the shots. Wiktoria Omyla's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Some counter punches against Alex Morgan from Wiktoria Omyla now... Ohhh so close! That almost hit Alex as she moves away. Alex tries to get some advantage after her opponent misses a move... Alex Morgan swings... Slap! A hard impact to Wiktoria's face! Her eyes rolled back in their sockets with that one. Erk...someone call for a makeup artist! Wiktoria's Chin is going to need some help! I can see some bruising coming up. Alex has opened Wiktoria up! It looks like blood is starting to flow from Wiktoria's Chin. The clock says 1:25 in the 2 round Wiktoria Omyla's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Alex Morgan looks for angles as she throws a few jabs that are countered by Wiktoria Omyla's punches. Wiktoria is on the receiving end of a great combo by Alex. Wiktoria Omyla's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. A solid combination from Wiktoria Omyla. Wiktoria mostly hits air. Solid jabs from Wiktoria Omyla. Alex defends, keeping herself safe from that attack. Wiktoria gets sloppy and Alex Morgan tries to take advantage... Alex Morgan launches a solid middle kick. Oh no! It wrenches Wiktoria right under the breasts! Pushing her back and just about knocking her boobs right out of that top! The clock says 2:00 in the 2 round Wiktoria Omyla throws an uppercut. Alex slips way from it. Nicely avoided. Wiktoria Omyla attempts a shoot! Alex hops back and delivers a powerful kick to her head! That looks to have dazzled Wiktoria, she's in a world of hurt now! Yeow! It looks like Wiktoria's Forehead is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Alex Morgan decides to launch some tentative punches... Alex takes the best of a brief punching exchange. You can see Wiktoria Omyla's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Wiktoria has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Alex Morgan fakes a move and launches a nice uppercut. Crack! It lands on Wiktoria's chin. What a bell ringer! The clock says 2:50 in the 2 round Wiktoria Omyla's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Wiktoria Omyla follows Alex Morgan... Ow! She gets counter punched in a big way! Wiktoria needs to stop playing Alex's game or she'll get knocked out! What the hell is she thinking? You can see Wiktoria Omyla's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Wiktoria has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Alex Morgan chases Wiktoria Omyla and launches a few perfect strikes... Here we go! Wiktoria steps backwards when those punches connect with her face. Yeow! It looks like Wiktoria's Right cheek is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. Wiktoria Omyla is a bloody mess! Alex Morgan has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Wiktoria is even thinking of fighting on. Alex Morgan shoots for a double leg takedown! She hits it! Wiktoria is taken off her feet...oh! but she manages to pull Alex into her guard. Alex Morgan is in closed guard over Wiktoria. Alex Morgan tries to escape from the closed guard. Alex succeeds and she's now in open guard. She takes a second to breathe, her chest rising and falling. That was hard work for Alex. The clock says 3:30 in the 2 round Alex Morgan is in open guard over Wiktoria. Alex Morgan tries to move to full mount... ...and she succeeds! Nice work. I think everyone here knows how difficult that was. The clock says 3:35 in the 2 round Alex Morgan is in full mount position over Wiktoria Omyla. You can see Wiktoria Omyla's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Wiktoria has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Alex Morgan attempts to keep her position while looking to perhaps begin a hard pounding session... Alex controls the situation despite Wiktoria's efforts of escaping from the full mount. The clock says 3:40 in the 2 round Alex Morgan is in full mount position over Wiktoria Omyla. Good looking punches from Alex Morgan on the ground. Those punches could take their toll on Wiktoria. She's feeling those for sure. The clock says 3:50 in the 2 round Alex Morgan is in full mount position over Wiktoria Omyla. Wiktoria Omyla continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Toccara Jones is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Alex Morgan attempts to keep her position while looking to perhaps begin a hard pounding session... Alex controls the situation despite Wiktoria's efforts of escaping from the full mount. The clock says 3:55 in the 2 round Alex Morgan is in full mount position over Wiktoria Omyla. Wiktoria Omyla tries to move on the ground and escape from the full mount! She successfully moves to half guard! Alex Morgan is in half guard over Wiktoria. Wiktoria Omyla's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Alex Morgan looks like she's trying to pass Wiktoria Omyla's guard... Alex manages to get her toned leg free and moves to side mount. Alex Morgan is in a side mount over Wiktoria Omyla. Wiktoria Omyla continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Toccara Jones is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. We're on the canvas as Alex Morgan tries to mount Wiktoria Omyla... Alex slides her knee across and gets to mount. Alex Morgan is in full mount position over Wiktoria Omyla. Wiktoria Omyla continues to bleed from that cut. It could be affecting her vision. Referee Toccara Jones is watching that bleeding out of the corner of her eye, she may be looking at stopping this match soon. Wiktoria Omyla tries to roll to her side and trap Alex Morgan in her guard... Alex rolls her over and takes her back! Alex is pressing Wiktoria's face down on the canvas, pushing her body down...I bet Wiktoria's wishing she had a padded bra on to protect her breasts. Alex is in rear mount over Wiktoria. You can see Wiktoria Omyla's blood making stains in the mat. She flicks her head back, there's blood in her hair. Wiktoria has a worried and pained look on her face, everyone watching here can tell she's in trouble. Wiktoria Omyla has given herself away to Alex Morgan, who's trying to get one hook in! Alex has one hook in! The clock says 4:45 in the 2 round Alex is in rear mount over Wiktoria with one hook in. Alex Morgan and Wiktoria Omyla are really having fun out there tonight. What? Hey! Don't tickle me! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Alex is in rear mount over Wiktoria with two hooks in. Alex Morgan tentatively looks for a way to finish her opponent! This is a nightmare for Wiktoria Omyla! Alex has one of her arms over Wiktoria's shoulder and is ready for a RNC! Toccara Jones separates the fighters as the round concludes. Oh! The two girls are shouting abuse at each other! Toccara Jones is forcibly having to push them apart as she sends them to their corners. The round is for Alex, who walks calmly to her corner while adjusting her outfit. It seems that the cutman has some work to do with Wiktoria Omyla. ========================================= Round 3 ========================================= Wiktoria Omyla is a bloody mess! Alex Morgan has really pulped her up. I'm amazed Wiktoria is even thinking of fighting on. Incredible haymaker from Alex Morgan! You can see Wiktoria Omyla's head being snapped backwards! Her hair is flying everywhere! Oh My! That is a nasty cut on Wiktoria's Right eye. Wiktoria seems a bit groggy...her movements aren't very coordinated now. She isn't the girl she was when she started this fight. The clock says 0:20 in the 3 round Wiktoria Omyla's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Alex Morgan launches a furious low kick! This fighter's legs are amazing to watch! Wiktoria receives a hard blow on her left leg! Wiktoria has hyper-extended her leg! Such a common injury in this day and age. Alex has punished Wiktoria, the Polish fighter is struggling to stay in the fight. Wiktoria Omyla's face is covered in blood. She may be having problems seeing as she wipes the blood out of her eyes and then runs her bloodied fingers through her hair. Incredible haymaker from Alex Morgan! You can see Wiktoria Omyla's head being snapped backwards! Her hair is flying everywhere! Oh! Down goes Wiktoria! Alex knocked her stupid! The medics pour in! Alex really wanted to win this fight and has done it in an impressive manner. She has destroyed Wiktoria. Yeow! It looks like Wiktoria's Forehead is beginning to swell. But it doesn't seem to be concerning her at the moment. She's going to keep fighting. This isn't good for Wiktoria! The Polish fighter is in pain and spilling a lot of blood. Alex Morgan has won this fight! It's victory by KO (Haymaker) at 0:40 Round 3! Nice work! Statistics: Alex Morgan Punches 43/59 (73%) Kicks 11/20 (55%) Clinch strikes 8/11 (73%) Takedowns 1/1 (100%) GnP strikes 3/3 (100%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 6477,25 Clinch Damage 201,67 Ground Damage 91,67 Time on the ground 103 s Statistics: Wiktoria Omyla Punches 4/21 (19%) Kicks 2/5 (40%) Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%) Takedowns 0/0 (0%) GnP strikes 0/0 (0%) Submissions 0/0 (0%) Clinch Attempts 0/0 (0%) Damage caused 263,5 Clinch Damage 0 Ground Damage 0 Time on the ground 117 s Alex Morgan wins 21,00 ranking points after the fight. Wiktoria Omyla loses -13,12 ranking points after the fight. A highlight reel performance by Alex from beginning to end! We want this woman at every UCC event! The crowd love watching her work in the cage. (897 points) Wiktoria Omyla has had some absorbing moments tonight. She contributed to the enjoyment of most of the people here at the Gutenberg Castle (Balzers, Liechtenstein). I'm hoping she can up the tempo in her next fight, then she should start to draw in even more fans. (82 points) Cobra Kai and Queens Of The Cage should pay Wiktoria and Alex extra just for the excitement they provide to the fans! Super fit bodies, amazing skills and looks that can kill. These girls have it all. 'Nuff said.